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1/2 mazin_power December 26 2008, 03:33:51 UTC
"YOU HEARD HIM, MECHANORIMON!" Kouji shouted. "BURESTO FIYAAAAAAAH!" With that, Mechanorimon shouted back "TWINKLE BEAAAAAAAAAM!", launching its attack at the rain of blades heading at the Gundam and his parter, but saw it wasn't enough.

"Kouji, they won't make it!" Mechanorimon said.

"Then, we'll DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT!" Kouji shouted, boosting Mechanorimon forward. "I'm not abandoning anyone to these monsters! We're members of the Dai-Gurren Brigade and DAMMIT, we're going to PROVE THAT!" As he pushed on, both his D-Comm and Mechanorimon began glowing.

The three-toed feet sunk in, becoming solid-toed and black, its legs extending and creating upper legs and a black lower torso. Its shoveled and clawed hands became humanoid and black, as did the rest of its forearm, its upper arms turning white and its shoulder pads rounded and black. Its chest upper torso grew, its stomach area turning white and its chest area turning black with two red plates appearing from where its Twinkle Beam Projector used to be. The jet pack disappeared as the head turned more humanoid, almost knight-like, a crown of sorts forming around the cockpit... before slamming down into the snow between Baku and his partner and the attacks.



2/2 mazin_power December 26 2008, 03:41:32 UTC


As the figure burst out from the snowpile it created, it threw up its arms into a muscle flexing pose.


"M...Mazinmon...?" Kouji said, surprised what his partner had transformed into. Though definitely not as tall as what he once rode in, its was big enough to loom over some of the other Digimon "...Mazinger... Z...!"

"You monsters... how dare you attack my friends... how dare you try to usurp power that shouldn't belong in the hands of evil! I will crush your evil ambitions! DAI-GURREN'S CASTLE OF BLACK IRON, MAZINMON! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM?!" Kouji could only blink at his partner's sudden burst of courage. "KOUJI! Let's show them what Mazin Power's all about!"

"R-RIGHT!" Kouji shouted, regaining his composure as Mazinmon raised its arms, taking aim at the SangLoupmon.


With that, the forearms and fists boosted off and rocketed towards the dog Digimon, tearing through anything else in its path before returning.


indarkestknight December 26 2008, 23:43:32 UTC
Meta Knight's eyes burned with anger, and for a moment, he focused his intent on attacking Matadormon... until he realized the severity of the demon's warning, and tried to vanish again...

... A second too late.

He was hit by the Meteor Squall, and sent crashing face first into the snow... in the form of a trophy.


spacekingkittan December 28 2008, 09:18:56 UTC
Kittan swung at one of the SangLoupmon, digi-soul finally solidifying into a curved point.

Starmon blinked, "Uh...whoops." Not about to let one of his leaders lay there defenseless, Starmon ran over and tipped Meta Knight onto his base. He stood in front of the trophy, stance defensive in case one of their enemies came too close.


1/2 istillhaveamin December 29 2008, 00:31:58 UTC
Meta Knight was a trophy. Devimon were dropping all around them. Not for the first time, Nami was feeling considerably out of her depth. How had her students done it?

Thinking quickly, she realized the Raihimon's Shield Rot kreuz she'd acquired on Creation Day, nearly dropping it. Green digisoul flashed around her hands as she lifted it again, using it to force a Devimon back.

In the chaos, she'd lost track of Plotmon again. Said digimon was currently tapping something out as she ran towards a Devimon:

Plotmon, evolve!


2/2 istillhaveamin December 29 2008, 00:35:00 UTC
Leaping forth, Plotmon disappeared in a flash of light then landed on her feet as a cat, signing her name...and a little something extra.

TAILMON! Cat's Eye!

Tailmon locked eyes with the Devimon she was facing down, one paw glowing.


Re: 2/2 gogglechu December 29 2008, 01:33:29 UTC
Pikachu launched itself Quick Attack, using the technique to dodge around the enemies that were landing, before charging up its tail with Digisoul, smashing it into one of the Devimon.

Kyuubimon charged at another one, calling out "Fox Flame Dragon" enveloping her body in flames.


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