Name: Kris.
Age: Nineteen.
Stamped as:
♠ [Regular]: Squall Leonhart.
♠ [Mirror]: Warrior of Light.
♠ [Chaos!Mirror]: Gabranth.
♠ [Weapon]: Gunblade.
♠ [Weapon!Mirror]: Gunblade.
♠ [Cameo!Mirror]: Setzer Gabbiani.
♠ [Summon]: Ultima Weapon.
〖 ABOUT YOU... 〗
Please describe your personality: In short? INTJ describes me very well. I'm also Type 8 in the Enneagram test. I'm reserved - but not shy. I don't hesitate to speak up when I have something to say, but I greatly prefer and enjoy being alone. I'm a calm, stoic person. Emotions are annoying to me; they cause more trouble than they're worth, so I do my best to shut them out. Unfortunately, I have a nasty temper when the right buttons are pushed, so that can be difficult. I'm an extremely driven and ambitious perosn. I have places I want to go and I'll do whatever it takes to get there. I'm insensitive and have little regard for others' feelings. It's not exactly intentional, but I find myself getting annoyed and telling them to suck it up when they get butthurt. Contrary to ~popular belief~ (aka acquaintences, family, and co-workers in real life), I do have a sense of humor; it's very dry and sarcastic, however, so not everyone gets it. Although I have a less than friendly disposition and cynical mindset, I believe strongly in honor. Making decisions according to my values and what I personally believe is right is important to me.
Some of your likes: Jazz, stargazing, hiking, outdoor sports, music, movies, graphic design, video games, Celtic music&stepdancing.
and some of your dislikes: Closemindedness, fake people, laziness, excessive insecurity, stereotypes/cliques, being bothered when I'm concentrating on something.
Five negative traits of yours: Sarcastic, cold, stubborn, critical, insensitive.
Five positive traits of yours: Confident, focused, calm, loyal, blunt.
What is the first impression that you give to others? Either that I'm intimidating or charming. Awfully contradictory if you ask me, and I don't genuinely don't understand either perspectives, but my friends and acquaintences have either told me they were scared to approach/talk to me before they knew me or that they were drawn to my personality. So. I don't know. You tell me, I guess.
Give 6 adjectives people close to you use to describe you: Mean, headstrong, determined, outspoken, protective...
Is there any character you strongly oppose to being voted as?: Celes. It's not that I don't see it, but I want to be surprised (the stamp list is full of characters I don't usually get with the exception of her) and I've been compared to her in the past. If you really can't see anyone else, though, then go ahead.
〖 THIS or THAT 〗
Are you...(feel free to give a little explanation)
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Realistic. Whatever happens, happens. I'll hope for the best and expect the worst.
Cautious or Impulsive: I've described being impulsive a weakness of mine in a few of my applications because I'll follow my gut, go with the flow... While it can produce better results than mulling it over, it's also gotten me into big trouble at times. When it really counts, you can be sure I'll exercise caution, however. So both.
Calm or Hyper: Calm.
Mature or Immature: Mature.
Safe or Brave: Brave.
Outgoing or shy/reserved: Reserved, not shy.
Hardworking or Laid-Back Hardworking.
Confident or Insecure/Doubtful: Confident.
Light-hearted or Serious: Serious.
You're in the middle of a battle, your friend/partner who is also a front liner is deeply wounded and can't fight anymore. It's not an very important battle but it will definitely influence the whole story. What do you do? Good, this question got a little more elaboration than the last time I answered it. Seeing as to how it's not a battle that determines the fate of the world, I'll get to my friend/partner as quickly as I can and get them out of there. If I have any medical resources, I'll use them, but if not... I'll get them somewhere that does.
Someone just ordered you to take an important yet risky mission where there is no guarantee you will succeed. You're told you're going to be the support and you'll be sent out with 2 more fighters. You had been given a chance to decline, but there are great benefits if you do succeed. Would you accept or decline it? Depends on the benefits and what the importance of the mission is. I don't think I mentioned that last time, but there has to be more at stake than just money. I believe in taking risks, but I'm not going to do something just because someone ordered me to.
Speaking of important missions... How would you react if you failed in an extremely important mission? I'd be incredibly hard on myself. Other peoples' mistakes usually aren't a big deal if they own up to it and I find myself telling them not to be too hard on themselves if they feel bad about it. But when I make a mistake myself - and on an extremely important assignment, no less - I fail to follow my own advices and find it hard to forgive & move on. I tend to withdraw, beat myself up, and become slightly obsessive with fixing it or redeeming myself. Small mistakes are easier to brush off because shit happens, but it's the bigger ones that really get to me.
What motivates you to fight and save the world? Honor, my own motivations, and my few but precious loved ones.
Are you the type to settle down or to remain on the move? Remain on the move.
You've obviously been chosen by one of the gods for a reason, but how do you feel about this? Are you honored? Feel as if your freedom has been taken away? Wish you could throw them off a cliff?: I'd want to know why I didn't have a choice and why they chose me. Maybe I don't want to fight for their cause. What if they stand for something I don't believe in? I have issues laying down my loyalties to someone who tries to force it out of me. If it's a god I already respect, then I'd be more apt to feel honored.
Someone you don't recognize is in mortal danger. They could die if you don't help, but they might be on the opposite side of the conflict... what do you decide? I'll help them. They could be on our side and beneficial. If I find out they're an enemy, I'll throw them back to the dogs.
Pick the ones that apply to you
[X] Death (Again, as in: it fascinates me. I'm not gung-ho about causing it, thanks.)
[ ] Destruction
[ ] Family
[X] Friendship
[ ] Fun
[X] Honour
[ ] Hope
[X] Knowledge
[X] Power
[ ] Romance/Lust
[ ] Love
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