cameo theme { re-stamp }

Jun 30, 2010 00:21

Name: Anna
Age: 24
Stamped as: Zidane ( regular ) Bartz ( mirror ) daggers ( weapon ) jetch's sword ( weapon mirro ) tidus ( match ) tidus/firion ( match mirro ) chocobo ( summon ) Barbariccia ( summon mirro ) quistis ( cameo mirro ) yuffie ( cameo personality)

? ABOUT YOU... ?
Please describe your personality:
I'm extremely impulsive and often act without thinking first. I let my emotions out easily, and I think that sometimes I can be brutally honest. My friends always say that I should shut my mouth up, because I normally talk too much. Honestly I don't want to hurt people but I do hold back to spare others' feelings, it would not be fair to lie and lies normally lead to problems, this is a lesson I've learned from life . Not that I never lie, though, I'm human.I'm hot headed and I get mad easily. I care very much about people, especially my friends and they're like a part of my family for me. They have been there for me in good times and bad and I know I can trust them completely.

Some of your likes:Reading, writing, photography, tea, tennis,videogames, animals, sleeping, coffee, manga, anime, books
and some of your dislikes: Discrimination,being stressed, intolerance,close-minded people, waiting, spiders,embarrassing situations, bugs, headaches,rude people
Five negative traits of yours:

1. Brutally honest: I always say what I think when I think it, sometimes I can really be brutally honest.

2. Sarcastic: I am sarcastic, especially when I am angry and especially around my friends. I know sometimes I overly sarcastic and I make jokes when I probably shouldn't.

3. Impulsive: Extremely impulsive as I am I always act and then think. I really rush into things without thinking and get into trouble for it

4. Stubborn: Sometimes I can be sooo stubborn! Probably because I don't like being open to the possibility that I could be wrong and I'm not very good at changing my mind. Honestly, I hardly change my mind about something

5. Pessimistic: I try to be optimistic, but I always think that If something can go wrong it will go wrong and at the most inopportune time ( at the worst possible time!)and my natural cynicism always seems to make an appearance.

Five positive traits of yours:

1. Honest: I always say what I think when I think it. I will tell you directly when I disagree with you, I can't really understand why people talk behind others back instead of saying it in their faces

2. Intelligent: I consider myself intelligent because I'm able to think critically,I can think with my own brain instead regurgitating the thoughts of others. I don't pretend to be a genius but I enjoy learning new things

3. Loyal: I'm a very loyal person and I would never betray my friends/my family. I don't trust people easily because I have been betrayed many times in the past and my trust has been broken many, many times. It is difficult to gain my trust, and i don't forgive easily, but once I trust a person I stand by them even when the whole world goes against them

4. Passionate: I am passionate , I put a lot of energy into the issues I believe in!

5. Curious : I'm curious, and I always get up and investigate. I love to see new things, learn something new and i actually seek out new challenges everyday. I think that without challenges life would be boring.

What is the first impression that you give to others? Probably that I'm friendly and talkative. I know, sometimes I talk too much, and that's probably not a good thing, but I really can't help it. When people met me they'd often say that I'm fun to be around and down to earth.

Give 6 adjectives people close to you use to describe you:
Lazy: Ok, this is something that only my closest friends know about me. People normally think I'm not, I don't know why, but It is pretty sad how lazy I can be.
Honest: I know I'm too honest and my friends know as well, they always tell me to shut up and think before speaking.I know I can be brutally honest with people, and I hope nobody would take offense or get upset about something I say, I just can't shut myself up most of the time.
Caring: That's true, I care a lot about others.I can be too kind sometimes,which isn't a bad thing, right?
Stubborn: I know, I'm stubborn and hardly change my mind about anything.It's hard for me to admit that I'm wrong.
I get nervous easily Exams get me nervous, no matter how simple they are and no matter how much I study, I'm always nervous.
Fair Well, this is not one of the first adjectives I would use to describe myself, but it's true.I'm fair with everyone,no matter who they are, and I believe in giving people a fair chance before judging them, also I like to be treated the way I treat people.

Is there any character you strongly oppose to being voted as?: Wakka is annoying and very close-minded and I don't like his attitude, especially towards the albhed ( and especially at the begining of FF X ) and Yuffie because this is a re-stamp XD ( but I think I have a lot ot things in common with her!)

? THIS or THAT ?
Are you...(feel free to give a little explanation)
Optimistic or Pessimistic: I prefer to say realistic, because I have been through so much in my life, but I have to admit that I'm probably more pessimistic. I really try to be optimistic, but I always see the worse side of things.
Cautious or Impulsive: Impatient, I always act and then think, I rush into things without thinking and get into trouble for it, but I really can't help it, it's oneof my basic characteristics.I don´t really stop to think before acting.
Calm or Hyper: I guess it depends on the situation, because I can be both.
Mature or Immature:Immature, especially with my friends, but I can be mature when the situation calls for it
Safe or Brave: I don't know, I would like to say brave, but I think I'm somewhere in between and it really depends on the situation.
Outgoing or shy/reserved: Outgoing.I have good communication skills and I love making new friends.
Hardworking or Laid-Back To be quite honest I can be hardworking when I want to be and when i'm in the mood, but normally I'm laid-back
Confident or Insecure/Doubtful: I can be confident sometimes, but I'm insecure most of the time. I honestly envy people who always know Just what they want and are confindent about everything.
Light-hearted or serious: Light-hearted. I take things seriously when needs be, but I don't like taking everything too seriously.

You're in the middle of a battle, your friend/partner who is also a front liner is deeply wounded and can't fight anymore. It's not a very important battle but it will definitely influence the whole story. What do you do? My friend comes first and is definitely more important that this battle so I would try to take my friend somewhere safe. I don't care about this battle, even if this is a very important one no battle can be more important than the ones I care about.

Someone just ordered you to take an important yet risky mission where there is no guarantee you will succeed. You're told you're going to be the support and you'll be sent out with 2 more fighters. You had been given a chance to decline, but there are great benefits if you do succeed. Would you accept or decline it? I would just do what I feel like doing , so I would probably accept this mission, because of the "great benefits" of course, but also because it seems interesting and challenging and this could be a good experience, or at least I hope it will be.

Speaking of important missions... How would you react if you failed in an extremely important mission? I would be a bit sad of course and I would feel guilty, but what's done is done and there's nothing I can do to change the past, so is better to move on and try to do better next time.

What motivates you to fight and save the world? Because I think is the right thing to do and because I think saving the world might be fun I had nothing else to do so I guess I can fight and save the world in my free time or because I have a hero complex?My friends always say that I have a hero complex, I don't know if is true or not o_o

Are you the type to settle down or to remain on the move? Remain on the move, I love travelling and I would definitely prefer to travel than to settle down in one place. There are so many places I would like to visit! But if I find a place I really like, I'll consider the idea of settling down in this place

You've obviously been chosen by one of the gods for a reason, but how do you feel about this? Are you honored? feel as if your freedom has been taken away? wish you could throw them off a cliff?: Honored of course, because is an adventure and can be pretty cool.

Someone you don't recognize is in mortal danger. They could die if you don't help, but they might be on the opposite side of the conflict... what do you decide? oh well, I don't know. Impulsive as I am I would probably try to help them even if this stranger can be one of my enemies

Pick the ones that apply to you

[ ] Death
[ ] Destruction
[ ] Family
[x ] Friendship
[x ] Fun
[x ] Honour
[x ] Hope
[ ] Knowledge
[ ] Power
[ ] Romance/Lust
[ ] Love

Applications you've voted on:

voters: You can find available options and descriptions here!

cameo: palom

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