Cameo Theme

Jun 28, 2010 00:24

Name: Diana
Age: 21
Stamped as: Cosmos

〖 ABOUT YOU... 〗
Please describe your personality:
Some of your likes: Anime, Manga, Books, Novels, Botanics, Astronomy, Astrology, baking, little children, family,friends, video games, mythology, tv-series, writting and drawing, art in general, fashion design,Graphic Making, Sleeping, Anything from Disney, Celtic Music, Pianos, Violins, Teathers, cute things,sweets, Fruits, gardens, animals, pretty clothes, going out, beaches and nature itself
and some of your dislikes:Rudeness, waking up early, needles, balloons, spicy food, stupid comments,violence in general, being ignored or bossed around, loud and strong noises,
too much cold or too much heat, hospitals, pranks, stalkers, pervertedness, cruelty,horror movies
Five negative traits of yours: Stubborn, Emotional, Introverted,Sarcastic,Naive
Five positive traits of yours: Kind, Strong, Motherly, Playful, Protective
What is the first impression that you give to others? Pretty much that i am a simple girly girl that has a bit of a big mouth to a degree but is sweet and ditzy
Give 6 adjectives people close to you use to describe you: Playful, Sweet, Sparkly, Selfless, Tsundere (ITS NOT AN ADJECTIVE BUT ITS SO USED IN ME D8), Stubborn (as a mule according to mom)
Is there any character you strongly oppose to being voted as?: roflol not really since i think that because of my personality i won't be getting any weird votes

〖 THIS or THAT 〗
Are you...(feel free to give a little explanation)
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Realistic most of the time, although i am someone that jumps a lot through things, i can be optimistic when it's situations like helping others, i think that people need at least to hear someone having a more optimistic view instead of being like them and getting depressed because that does not help at all, for one other side at times i cant help but to let out a bit of my pessimistic side you know? I'm just human so i have that flaw
Cautious or Impulsive: Impulsive in terms of protectiveness, i am not afraid of showing my claws when it comes to that but most of the time i am very cautious, specially about myself ne
Calm or Hyper: Calm, i am not the type of person so show much hyperness unless i am excited about something
Mature or Immature: Mature, life has been really tough with me so i was pretty much forced onto growing up, not that i regret it but yes, although that at times i admit i can have one attack of immaturity or not
Safe or Brave: I am quite brave but i am not a fool, if i see i must play safe then i will
Outgoing or shy/reserved: Shy/Reserved, i can be outgoing at times but most of the time i am pretty shy although i try to change that little by little
Hardworking or Laid-Back Laid-Back to be honest i am not so much of a hardworking girl
Confident or Insecure/Doubtful: Insecure most of the time, i am always doubting my own capacities so yeah *sweatdrop*
Light-hearted or serious: Mostly a light-hearted girl

You're in the middle of a battle, your friend/partner who is also a front liner is deeply wounded and can't fight anymore. It's not an very important battle but it will definitely influence the whole story. What do you do? Ugh i look at my friend and i look at the enemy in front of me, i try to heal my friend but i'd try to withdraw him from battle and keep fighting to protect him/her, unless i am in crap shape i hope i can do some damage, if not i guess that even being important it's not worth losing our lives over
Someone just ordered you to take an important yet risky mission where there is no guarantee you will succeed. You're told you're going to be the support and you'll be sent out with 2 more fighters. You had been given a chance to decline, but there are great benefits if you do succeed. Would you accept or decline it? Ugh i'd accept it in a heartbeat, even if the chances are not high of suceeding i never turn down an opportunity to show my worth
Speaking of important missions... How would you react if you failed in an extremely important mission? I'd feel worth than crap and i'd probably death glare anyone that spoke to me about it but i'd try to move on
What motivates you to fight and save the world? The fact that i have important people to protect, they are the biggest reason to fight
Are you the type to settle down or to remain on the move? I'm the type to settle down for real *giggles* in the reaaaaaally settling down sense of the word
You've obviously been chosen by one of the gods for a reason, but how do you feel about this? Are you honored? feel as if your freedom has been taken away? wish you could throw them off a cliff?: I'd feel a bit awkward, i mean, sure it's great to be chosen for the ones above to protect everyone, i'd feel honored but i'd feel quite strange, if for a side it's great for another it's a smashing responsibility dang
Someone you don't recognize is in mortal danger. They could die if you don't help, but they might be on the opposite side of the conflict... what do you decide? I don't care if they're on the opposite side! I'd help anyway, i don't like seeing other people in suffer so i don't give a damn i'd just help and i'd see what happens next

Pick the ones that apply to you

[ ] Death
[ ] Destruction
[x] Family
[x] Friendship
[ ] Fun
[ ] Honour
[x] Hope
[ ] Knowledge
[ ] Power
[x] Romance/Lust
[x] Love

Applications you've voted on:

voters: You can find available options and descriptions here!

cameo: penelo

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