Name: Laura
Age: +99. kk, i'm 18
【 ABOUT YOU... 】
Please describe your personality: I'm an
INTJ = analitical, private, logical, independent and as it says. INTP fits me pretty well. I'm also a Reliable Realist but i can;t find the page with description because i fail so bad, haha. I'm collected and calm most of the time. I'm not afraid to be myself at all but my behavior is often controlled, i guess that's just the way i am because it seems i can't stop doing so. I've been called very understanding and patient before but my patience doesn't last forever, once you will get me mad, you'll go through hell :] Why? Simply, once i get all angry and mad i'm aggressive I'm hoping it will be gone soon but i have a lot of patient to almost everyone except family because they drive me nuts in one sec. Stupid and annoying people AND questions drives me mad faster than it should. Mostly because i give them useless answers and everyone is mad at me, dunno why? |D I'm very sarcastic, straight-forward and very honest. I have a strong (imo at least) sense of justice and honour. I'm very loyal to my friends especially to ones that deserve it. I'm rather quiet, I don't like to talk, I also hate when people push me to do things, if i say i don't want to meet it means i don't want to and they keep asking every 5 minutes, sometimes. I'm pretty much laid-back but I can be really hard-working when it comes to things i want to do or I enjoy doing. I get pretty negative when I need to do sometimes I don't like and it takes me ages to get it done, if at all -- depends how important it is. I'm cold, especially to people I don't know, I'm also reserved and very much introverted. I always listen and never talk about myself or rather my problems. I act reserved, even with my friends but they can always relay on me...i mean, almost always. There are times i can;t do anything. I can be serious and sometimes dorky. I think I have a healthy mix of both, so yeah, not overly so i think??. I don't bother about small problems and i try to face each problem myself. I also don't make a huge problems out of nothing. Online i do some useless stuff but irl i'm rather a "no-nonsense" type of person, that's probably why a lot of people simply annoy me. I'm loyal to my friends, but i'm not naive. If someone did a small, wrong thing to me, they loses the trust i had for them, if i did, aha. I'm also honest, I say what is needed to be say, not what people want to hear. I also think I'm pretty helpful? At least i like and try to help when I can. I'm kinda short-tempered when it comes to people who rant about nothing all the time. I've heard i should more less modest and i can be pretty selfless when it comes to my friends.(haha i think i mentioned the loyal part twice but i cpoied someof it rom different application |D).
Some of your likes: video games, music, anime, manga, learning new things about countries and cultures, art. Learning new things overall XD. Animanga and vgames stores lmao. Languages, water, wind, graphics, dancing, drawing, exercising when i'm not too lazy. Walks in the middle of the rain or night, rain, storms lolz. Cold weather and probably some more. Oh yes, and tasty polish food!
and some of your dislikes: I dislike way too many things, sadly... or maybe it's not such a bad thing?.
People who thinks they know me better. People who don't want to have a conversation with someone because they think they're too mature for the other person. People who treat others as useless "things". Stupid and annoying people, not that i treat myself as someone super intelligent but uh... some people are just below any norms :| When someone think he/she always right because everyone makes mistakes anyway. People who judge without trying to understand others or to know them more. Also insects, i hate fake (2 faced) people, i hate liars, selfish people, over-confident people and the clingy ones. People who thinks they're so good in everything and criticize everyone while they're not so good at it, loud noises and crowds. People who respect only themselves~
Five negative traits of yours:
introverted -- i keep everything inside and only for myself. I rant about some things that bothers me a lot on my journal but i never speak about what really bothers me.
controlled -- as i said, my behavior is usually very controlled as are my emotions unless i'm pissed
mischievious -- Do i need to explain it? I just find it fun and that's the way i am. idek.
logical -- while i love fact i'm being pretty logical, sometimes i over do it, i suppose? Sometimes i play simple games without caring about it but if i really want to win in a game where logic is not needed, i overdo it.
reserved -- I don't know you yet? I won't probably get to know you anymore, then. At least in real life. I hate meeting new people, especially when they're friends of my friends. I tend to be sarcastic, when people say something stupid i either stay quiet or am sarcastic. I don't want them to be mad at my friends later on.
Five positive traits of yours:
sarcastic -- I am and i love it, 'kay?
honest -- I've heard people like me for it. I always say what i think and need to be said when i feel like it or when i am asked like it. Sometimes i just stay quiet.
cunning, independent, understanding.
What is the first impression that you give to others? irl? that i am a cold bitch, haha. You probably think the same way after reading what i wrote above :P But i must say that some people said they wanted to know me because even though i seemed cold i also seemed interesting? idk, that's what they say.
give some adjectives people close to you use to describe you: haha I did a meme similar to this and i got: Interesting, honest, valiant, strong-willed, awesome 8DDDD sorry i had to mention that one lmao, strong, sarcastic, straight-forward, thoughtful, creative, unique, funny, magnificent, badass, fierce, lolololololol at 3 last ones XDDDD I had good lolz. One friend described me as passionate when i was making another application. I must thank these guys for saying such nice things :)
Is there any character you strongly oppose to being voted as (if there is,pick only ONE): Exdeath, that............. |D
【 THIS or THAT 】
Are you...(feel free to give a little explanation)
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Realist, pretty much so.
Cautious or Impulsive: Caustious but i'm having clusmy times sometimes :(
Calm or Hyper: rather calm but i have my medium-energy times, mostly when i'm bored.
Mature or Immature: Mature
Safe or Brave:Brave. I may not jump on bungee but if my friend would be in a very dangerous situation, i would do everything to help them without thinking of myself. that's what I call brave.
Outgoing or shy/reserved: Reserved.
Hardworking or Laid-Back both? Maybe it sounds weird but i can be hard-working and laid-back at the same time, somehow.
Confident or Insecure/Doubtful: both? Usually I am confident, but i'm having lots of doubtful thoughts when it comes to certain things/situations etc. etc.
Light-hearted or serious: both again?? Hm although I think I'm a little more serious but not over-ly so, unless someone says something that will piss me off. I don't like stupid jokes when people call you those stupid names like "bitch" or "retard" etc. I've been always like that because it's not right for the person who hears it and for the person that may have a disease etc. Although, I think i'm a little light-hearted when it comes to friends I feel like i'm close to them and are important to me :) Not many of them but there are so~
What is your fighting style? Do you plan ahead? Defend and support your team? An offensive fighter or something else?: offense because i like action and people always say i'm strong (physically and mentally) when i hit them, hell yes. I admit, i don't like being in a spotlight but i can't imagine myself as a support or defense because i would get bored probably. Not to mention that my personality overall would fit a front-liner, i think.
What motivates you to fight? Would it be for the sake of the world, for someone you care about, for a specific desire, for yourself?: friends and to try to make a better future, maybe?
Are you the type to taunt your opponent during a fight, or just get the job done without speaking much?: As i said, i don't like to talk, sometimes i even feel stupid when i talk. I would feel really stupid by taunting(?) my enemy. I would just shut up and get it done. Although, I will taunt him only and i mean only of I would be really losing a battle and i had to confuse my opponent. I would think of something to do but some people would get furious when your opponent taunt you. I do at least, i say "stfu you ^$%&$£%Y&$%^T$ ^$^". It is irritating but i can keep my cool so they would be the ones in trouble 8D.
If you had to face a much stronger opponent, what would your thoughts be? Would you develop a strategy or rush into the battle and hope for the best?: Ohhh it all depends who that someone is. I NEVER have a certain strategy. I think of new strategies on every enemy i need to fight. If i will get someone I think it's easy to fight even if he's much stronger like that tree ExDeath then i would rush into a battle. I won't waste time for such a useless fight. If it's someone strong, like let's say Palamecia or Sephiroth when one hit can take half of your life I would definitely come up with a staregy, or 2 just for the sake of it :]
Do you enjoy conflict or do you seek to end battles as quickly as possible? ummm... usually not. I never start an argue, at least with my friends. I'm very understanding and i always feel they're understanding too and that's my problem. I understand their opinions and even if they say something bad etc. i just let them know they're stupid or something. I won't start a fight. Even if they will start shouting i would just tell them calm to gtfo, thank you. If they would say something really bad about me, i would just ignore them later. I realy don;t think i need to fight with those people.
oh and answering the battle question. I would finish it asap, as long as the oppenent is not arrogant. If he would be arrogant i would show him who rules and play a little, hahaha.
Are you the type to work for another, be the leader, or work solo?: Solo or in 2-people group. I hate big groups, it's always loud and messy and i feel like shooting everyone ;__; 2 people groups are the best in my opinion as long as you have someone you feel good with as your work partner.
You're in the middle of a very important battle, but your friend/partner is deeply wounded. You have a chance of winning if you continue fighting, but their wounds look pretty severe... Do you finish the battle or help your friend and flee/lose?: Bleeeeeeh, i hate myself for putting thid question here. Of course I would do everything to help my friend out but i would be mad if i didn't beat the enemy. If i had a chance, i would "espace" the fight for a second and take a friend to a safe place where enemy can't reach him and help quickly -- then go back and fight since it was an important mission. Friends are important to me but if it was a Chaos-Cosmos battle and i would lose, we would probably die anyway so... ~
Someone just ordered you to take an important but risky mission where there is no guarantee you will succeed. You had been given a chance to decline, but there are great benefits if you do succeed. Would you accept or decline it? I would ask for some details before deciding. If it's something that will be needed to do, I will but if it's something a lot of people can do then i would probably decline. Why should i bother myself with it ? ;/ really... i wouldn't mind dying but to die for money or prize?! never! i just hate money stuff, haah. Too bad we can;t live without it.
You're standing on the street when an old lady comes and asks you to help her. How do you react? Go along with it, ignore her, punch her in the face...?: If I would be in assassin's creed 2, I would punch her in the face, steal her money and throw her into water but in that case... If she was really nice and i would see she can;t do it myself, i would help her but i wouldn;t feel pleased. I hate when old ladies are talking. If it was an arrogant one, I would a) ignore her, b) say i have no time, c) pretend i don't speak the language and i don't understand and pretend i'm a chocobo haha.
You've obviously been chosen by one of the gods for a reason, but how do you feel about this? Are you honored? feel as if your freedom has been taken away? wish you could throw them off a cliff?: pain in the ass. I can't hide i would feel a little accomplished insside but i wouldn't show it. As i said, i don't show my emotions by my behavior or express it with words. online is a different thing, ok?
Someone you don't recognize is in mortal danger. They could die if you don't help, but they might be on the opposite side of the conflict... what do you decide? Umm, i would have a really hard time deciding. If I don;t know that person at all i would try to help. If it's someone i would have to battle OR will kill me while i will be helping him/her then no, obviously. I wouldn't do much for my enemies but life is a life.
Pick the ones that apply to you
[ ] Death
[~] Destruction -- ONLY WHEN I'M IN MISCHIEVIOUS MOOD! |D Usually i don't really get excited about it? BOOM! things are awesome but...descrution isn't something I value. I just value the BOOM! thing. I mean value, but i like it. I probably sound like an idiot now but I just like it :|
[ ] Family
[x] Friendship
[ ] Fun
[x] Honour
[x] Hope
[/] Knowledge -- it is something important for me, definitely. But in this case it's not something as important to me as knowing how life is, how people are and my friends, honour and hope for the better.
[ ] Power
[ ] Romance/Lust
[ ] Love
Applications you've voted on:
➊ ➋ ➌off to vote for a new ones ;) I posted it now because i wrote it before going out, mhm.