Name: Amber ♥
Age: 16
【 ABOUT YOU... 】
Please describe your personality: I'm a
INFP, which basically means I'm easygoing, selfless, guarded, adaptable, patient and loyal. I'm very aware of people's feelings and such. When someone's sad, I'm usually the shoulder that they can cry on; I tend to just listen to other's feelings in that sort of situation. I'm not a nosy person and I don't push something when it's obvious someone doesn't want to talk, part of that being because I read people pretty well. I'm pretty funny at certain times, too. It's only once in a while that I act funny, but when I do it's hilarious!
Now here are some negative points of my personality... I do not like to work. At all. I have this horrible procrastination problem and I'm known to put off very large school projects by getting on the computer or playing some video games. Sometimes I can get fairly bossy, and it annoys a bunch of my family members all the time. I can get annoyed pretty easily. Just a little slip can set me off, even if it's meant to be just a joke. But my biggest problem is how I always have to have approval from other people. Just a little criticism can ruin my entire day, which shows just how insecure I am...
Some of your likes:Music, people, smiling, eating meat, video games, relaxing, watching South Park
and some of your dislikes: People with no sense of humor, backstabbers, rap music, most vegetables
Five negative traits of yours: Kind, smart, optimistic, loyal, and... Happy?
Five positive traits of yours: Lazy, bossy, short-tempered, insecure and gullible.
What is the first impression that you give to others? People usually think I look like a nice person. I honestly don't give off any huge first impression. I'm one of those people you gotta get to know a bit before you develop an opinion.
Give some adjectives people close to you use to describe you: Well... My sister says I'm friendly, lazy, girly, bossy, and naive about people.
Is there any character you strongly oppose to being voted as (if there is,pick only ONE): Uh... For the good guys? Cuz if I know me, I'm totally getting rated as a Cosmos... I think I'm nothing like Squall. I don't have really anything against him, I just don't see me and him having much in common.
【 THIS or THAT 】
Are you...(feel free to give a little explanation)
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Oh I'm so optimistic. It's not even funny! It actually annoys people, sometimes D:
Cautious or Impulsive: I'm more of the type to just rush in with only a little bit of thought, so impulsive.
Calm or Hyper: I'm probably the most calm person in my group of friends ^_^; But if I've had too much sugar...
Mature or Immature: Mature, but when I'm with some friends I don't mind acting a bit on the immature side.
Safe or Brave: I'll say safe, but I feel more brave when I have other people to help me out.
Outgoing or shy/reserved: Around those I don't know I'm fairly shy. But I can be more outgoing when I'm with my friends and family.
Hardworking or Laid-Back Laid-back. I said I was lazy before, and I mean it!
Confident or Insecure/Doubtful: Insecure... It's sad but true...
Light-hearted or serious: Why should you be serious all the time? That's no fun! I'm way more light-hearted!
What is your fighting style? Do you plan ahead? Defend and support your team? An offensive fighter or something else?: Well... I just rush in... When I play Dissidia (I've only played a little bit...) I like to use swordsmen that are quick on their feet. I like quick combos in this game, but in other FF games I ADORE most magic users :)
What motivates you to fight? Would it be for the sake of the world, for someone you care about, for a specific desire, for yourself?: It would be for the sake of those I care about. I basically live for my friends, and I don't know what I would do if I didn't have them to help me out in life. So I'd fight to protect them.
Are you the type to taunt your opponent during a fight, or just get the job done without speaking much?: Taunting really won't help anything. But ya know, if the opponent REALLY sucks... XD
If you had to face a much stronger opponent, what would your thoughts be? Would you develop a strategy or rush into the battle and hope for the best?: I think I'd just hope for the best. Maybe check to see if I have some recovery items or something before dealing with the enemy.
Do you enjoy conflict or do you seek to end battles as quickly as possible? Let's get things done and over with. When things are dragged out, there's more of a possibility of someone I care about getting hurt, ya know?
Are you the type to work for another, be the leader, or work solo?: I can both work for another and be a leader. I just will not work alone...
You're in the middle of a very important battle, but your friend/partner is deeply wounded. You have a chance of winning if you continue fighting, but their wounds look pretty severe... Do you finish the battle or help your friend and flee/lose?: I think based off of the previous questions you can tell I'd think about my friends before anything else. But if this fight could really be important for like... The world and stuff I'd have no choice but to hope they can hang on while our group takes care of the enemy.
Someone just ordered you to take an important but risky mission where there is no guarantee you will succeed. You had been given a chance to decline, but there are great benefits if you do succeed. Would you accept or decline it? Eh, sure. Let's go for it. Instead of thinking about how important this mission is, I'm more likely to be thinking like "Oh we're going on an adventuuure! Adventure adventure adventuuure~!"
You're standing on the street when an old lady comes and asks you to help her. How do you react? Go along with it, ignore her, punch her in the face...?: I'd help her out without any second thoughts. Period the end.
You've obviously been chosen by one of the gods for a reason, but how do you feel about this? Are you honored? feel as if your freedom has been taken away? wish you could throw them off a cliff?:I won't understand why exactly, but I'll feel honored and I'll do anything I can to help.
Someone you don't recognize is in mortal danger. They could die if you don't help, but they might be on the opposite side of the conflict... what do you decide? I'd help... If they're actually a bad guy, then it'll be easier to hurt them since you know... They're already in bad condition. I dunno if I'd be able to kill, though...
Pick the ones that apply to you
[ ] Death
[ ] Destruction
[x] Family
[x] Friendship
[x] Fun
[x] Honour
[x] Hope
[ ] Knowledge
[ ] Power
[ ] Romance/Lust
[x] Love
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