Now introducing: the 50-50 challenge type

Aug 29, 2010 19:38

2 people
2 months
100 icons
What this is:
This is a special 100-icon challenge that differs significantly from the normal one. For this challenge, you find a friend willing to do the same claim topic as you, and the two of you each make 50 icons, for a total of 100. Unlike a normal challenge, you only have 2 months to complete it. For an example, see here.

There are 25 themes, 20 shared pictures, and 5 free choice, broken down like this:
- 15 themes that are the same for both makers
- 10 "matching themes" (e.g. one person gets Hot, the other gets Cold)
- 10 icons made from pictures user 1 has chosen
- 10 icons made from pictures user 2 has chosen
- 5 artist's choice (up to each individual maker)

The table can be filled out in any order, but be sure to, at some point, contact your friend and tell them your 10 cap choices!

Rules pertaining to 50-50 type claims:
- You can participate in up to two 50-50 challenges at any point in time, provided you are not doing a full 100-icon claim.
- If you ARE doing a full 100-icon claim, you can also be part of up to one 50-50 challenge as well.
- Claims of the 50-50 type are kept track of separately from the regular kind, so it's possible for someone to be doing a 50-50 claim for Sleeping Beauty at the same time as someone else is doing a normal claim for Sleeping Beauty.
- 50-50 claims can only be extended by one month maximum.
- Like a normal challenge, icons can be posted in batches. All icon posts to the disney100 community must contain new icons from both participants, unless one participant already finished their 50 icons in an earlier post.
- In this vein, communication with your partner is a must! You should communicate regularly by email / PM / IM updating your partner on your progress.

How to make a claim:
First check to see that your claim isn't listed on the current claims list already. Then fill out this form and post it as a comment to the claim request post.
First username that needs posting access:
Second username that needs posting access:
Challenge type: Buddy 50-50
Claim category: (character, movie, series, pairing, specific group/duo/trio/etc.)
Movie/series/characters for claim:

- This is meant to be a little easier than a normal 100-icon challenge, so if you don't know if you can make 100 icons / have had trouble with 100-icon challenges in the past, give this a try. :)
- You can use this post to find people to do a 50-50 with -- just comment saying something like, "Anyone up for a Hercules claim?" or whatever -- and exchange contact information.
- To keep this post clean, I will be deleting comment threads of 50-50 claims that have already been completed or have expired.
- If you have any questions, you can leave a comment here or over at the FAQ post.

Theme list:

02. Circle
03. Clothes
04. Text
05. Conflict
06. Surprise
07. New
08. Pride
09. Fire/Flame
10. White
11. Loss
12. Connection
13. Hunger/Thirst
14. Colorful
15. Wild

16. Beginnings
17. Distant
18. Rain
19. Rage
20. Everlasting
21. Happy
22. Nature
23. Yellow
24. Hero
25. Many

26-35. Person 1's ten cap choices
36-45. Person 2's ten cap choices
46-50. Person 1's free choice51. Night
52. Circle
53. Clothes
54. Text
55. Conflict
56. Surprise
57. New
58. Pride
59. Fire/Flame
60. White
61. Loss
62. Connection
63. Hunger/Thirst
64. Colorful
65. Wild

66. Ending
67. Close
68. Sun
69. Calm
70. Momentary
71. Sad
72. City
73. Purple
74. Villain
75. One

76-85. Person 1's ten cap choices
86-95. Person 2's ten cap choices
96-100. Person 2's free choice

.challenge type, .themes list

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