Please leave your fic and art prompt(s) in a comment below (note: there are separate prompt posts in
the DW Disc Fest community and the
LJ Disc Fest community, but you only need to leave your prompt(s) in one place)
*You do not have to be a member of this community to leave a prompt.
*You do not have to be planning to participate as a writer or an artist to leave a prompt.
*Feel free to leave one prompt or multiple prompts.
Your prompts can be general or specific, as you choose. Some examples of different types of prompts are as follows
Character/Pairing-centric Prompts:
*Sybill Vimes and Havelock Vetinari as children: were they friends?
*Angua and Captain Carrot as an established couple, visiting relatives.
*Granny Weatherwax and a secret.
Place Prompts
*Anything, as long as it's set in Death's domain
*Daily life in Überwald
*Historical Klatch
Plot Prompts
*A visitor from "Roundworld" appears in Ankh-Morpork.
*When members of the Night Watch start disappearing, William de Worde investigates. What does he discover?
*Somebody attempts to take over control of the city from the Patrician…and it starts to look as if [she/he/it/they] might succeed!
Miscellaneous Prompts
*Ice, an elephant, a pair of boots
*Pre-Raphaelite art (any characters)
*A crossover with either Good Omens or Neverwhere.
Reminder, the Disc Fest schedule (discussed in greater detail in the
previous post) is as follows:
May 7 - Fic and Art Prompt posts are open
May 25 - Prompt-claiming and sign-ups begin.
June 1 - The prompt-claiming and sign-up period ends
July 20 - All Fic and Art submissions are due (see
this post for the Header template)
July 27 - Fest opens!
August 3 - Author/Artist Reveals
Feel free to link this post anywhere you think there might be interest.