master list, disc_fest_2012

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  • ART: "Selected Recipes from Nanny Ogg's Cookbook" (PG)

    bethbethbeth wrote in disc_fest Aug 05, 2012 12:23

    Artist: ampersandals/backspace
    Title: Selected Recipes from Nanny Ogg's Cookbook
    Rating: PG (for Nanny Ogg)
    Art Medium: Illustrator / InDesign
    Includes spoilers for the following books (or All): Uh, Nanny Ogg's Cookbook?
    Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): *contains banananas*.
    Summary: A recipe (or two!) from Nanny Ogg's cookbook.

    Selected Recipes from Nanny Ogg's Cookbook )

    disc_fest_2012, art

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  • DRAMA: "The Prince of Ur" (Hwl, Tomjon, Vitoller, plus...DEATH. PG.)

    bethbethbeth wrote in disc_fest Aug 05, 2012 12:20

    Author: firebird5
    Title: The Prince of Ur
    Characters(s): Hwel, Tomjon, Vitoller, many OCs & a very short cameo by Death
    Rating: PG
    Word Count: 14,556
    Possible warnings and/or enticements - highlight to view (may contain spoilers): *None*
    Summary: Hwel writes a patriotic play - that is, it talks about killing foreigners (who deserve it) - but ( Read more... )

    drama, disc_fest_2012

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  • FIC: "People As Places As People" (Vimes/Vetinari, pre-slash? PG-13)

    bethbethbeth wrote in disc_fest Aug 04, 2012 12:28

    Author: treemice
    Title: People As Places As People
    Characters and/or Pairing(s): Vimes/Vetinari (pre-slash), with cameos by Otto Chriek, Carrot, and William de Worde
    Rating: PG-13
    Word Count: 2,004
    Possible warnings and/or enticements - highlight to view (may contain spoilers): *Warning for swearing, references to violence, and wangsty cynicism a ( Read more... )

    fic, disc_fest_2012

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  • FIC: "A Sinister Dairy Diary" (OC and Various. PG.)

    bethbethbeth wrote in disc_fest Aug 04, 2012 12:26

    Author: brutti_ma_buoni/bruttimabuoni
    Title: A Sinister Dairy Diary
    Rating: PG
    Character(s)/Pairing(s): original character, with cameos from various Ankh types
    Word Count: 1300
    Includes spoilers for the following books (or All): none
    Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): * "None." *.
    Summary: A day in the life of a barrista at a ( Read more... )

    fic, disc_fest_2012

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  • FIC: "Living Large" (Moist Von Lipwig, Adora Belle Dearheart. PG.)

    bethbethbeth wrote in disc_fest Aug 04, 2012 12:21

    Author: SandyQuinn
    Title: Living Large
    Characters and/or Pairing(s): Moist Von Lipwig, Adora Belle Dearheart
    Rating: PG
    Word Count: 908
    Possible warnings and/or enticements - highlight to view (may contain spoilers): *None.*
    Summary: Negotiation. Moist wants to do couple-things. Prompt 82: Moist/Adora Belle, ballet and cigarettes, and exercise, and ( Read more... )

    fic, disc_fest_2012

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  • FIC: "Tea and Octarine" (Rosie Palm/Esk Smith. PG-13)

    bethbethbeth wrote in disc_fest Aug 03, 2012 14:38

    Author: woldy
    Title: Tea and Octarine
    Characters and/or Pairing(s): Rosie Palm/Esk Smith
    Rating: PG-13
    Word Count (if applicable): ~4000 words
    Possible warnings and/or enticements - highlight to view (may contain spoilers): *[time travel, references to prostitution, very brief and indirect references to torture]*
    Summary: Transporting weapons is a ( Read more... )

    fic, disc_fest_2012

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  • FIC: Speed Dating Ankh-Morpork Style" (Sybil/Sam. PG.)

    bethbethbeth wrote in disc_fest Aug 03, 2012 14:35

    Author: ms skylark
    Title: Speed Dating Ankh-Morpork Style
    Rating: T
    Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sybil Ramkin/Sam Vimes
    Word Count: 1,693
    Summary: Sybil decides to do something different in the wake of Vimes' departure. Speed dating? What could possibly go wrong?
    Possible warnings and/or enticements - highlight to view (may contain spoilers): * ( Read more... )

    fic, disc_fest_2012

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  • FIC: "Seasoned to Taste" (Cheery Littlebottom, Sybil Ramkin. G.)

    bethbethbeth wrote in disc_fest Aug 02, 2012 13:28

    Author: opalmatrix
    Title: Seasoned to Taste ( Read more... )

    fic, disc_fest_2012

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  • FIC: "Grace Notes" (A Useful Original Character! G.)

    bethbethbeth wrote in disc_fest Aug 02, 2012 13:25

    Author: primeideal
    Title: Grace Notes
    Characters and/or Pairing(s): OC (gen)
    Rating: G
    Word Count (if applicable): 2000
    Medium (if applicable): n/a
    Possible warnings and/or enticements - highlight to view (may contain spoilers): *Set post-Soul Music.
    Summary: Restoring the balance of history requires tidying up every loose end, no matter how small ( Read more... )

    fic, disc_fest_2012

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