Holiday Art Four: Neville/Charlie

Dec 25, 2015 17:49

It's Friday. That means it's time to play " Make up a story" challenge!

Pairing: Neville/Charlie
Author/Artist: digthewriter
Rating: PG
Created for: My Holiday challenge - look at the art and write a story/drabble/detailed summary. Leave your thoughts and comments. You can also leave a prompt if you'd like.

Holiday gift for fantasyfiend09 for introducing me to blond Neville! ♥ Enjoy

Notes: So, I wasn't originally sure which pairing I wanted to do. Neville/Charlie isn't exactly cross-gen but it's def. one of my favourite pairings to write :)  Thanks to my friends who have supported me this month with this little art-venture and written something for it. It means the world to me that there's at least someone out there who gives a shit ♥ I hope I can return the favour with my unconditional love and support for you!

Also, tell your friends. Have everyone participate. Winner will be picked in a raffle at the end of the month.

HOLIDAY KISS by starduchess 100 WC
A quiet moment BY CAPITU 100 WC
Shut Up and Kiss Me, PG, Word Count: 100 by bleedingangel84
Trepidation, Revelation, Affirmation by llaeyro

rating: g, about: art, about: dig's holiday challenge, pairing: neville/charlie, about: challenges, -art

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