"Time" - Merlin/Arthur

Jun 09, 2015 21:01

Title: Time
Rating: NC-17
Author: digthewriter
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Word Count(if applicable): 1370
Trope: "Forced Proximity," "virgin!fic / secretly a virgin"
Warnings Sexual content. Modern!AU
NOTES: Part 4 of the 'apocalypse' series - PART ONE: http://digthewriter.livejournal.com/193093.html
PART TWO: http://digthewriter.livejournal.com/193508.html
PART THREE: http://digthewriter.livejournal.com/194570.html

Summary Merlin is on his way to see Uther Pendragon when he gets stopped abruptly.

Instead of walking above ground through the camp, Merlin figured it would have been easier to take the tunnels. His faction was directly connected to the base via tunnels and even if there was going to be security around; Merlin had the all-access pass. It was one of the perks of being so close to Gaius.

He was just about to take the third left down the corridor when he spotted Lance and gave him a quick nod. Lance looked at him for a brief second and it was as if he didn't recognise Merlin, even though Merlin knew that he did, before he just smiled at Merlin and continued walking.

No one, except for some of the security that was still too green, stopped Merlin to see his badge.

A moment later, Merlin felt someone pull on his arm and he got all but dragged into a dark corner of an adjacent corridor.

"What the-"


Merlin felt a hand cover his face as he was pressed against the wall in the dark. No wonder Lance had looked at him funny, Merlin knew exactly who it was and he had probably told Lance, his best friend, all about it.

"Arthur..." Merlin whispered when his mouth was no longer pressed shut. "What are you doing?"

"I heard that my father asked for you to come in so I took the shift with Lance."

"Why is he calling me in?"

"I don't know. That's why, I-"

"Did you tell him what we did?" Merlin was sure that Arthur wouldn't have but who knew. Uther Pendragon had military spies everywhere, one weird look at his son's direction and the person's head might as well get chopped off.

"Of course I didn't tell him," Arthur said. His body still pressed against Merlin's as Merlin's back pressed into the wall.

"Someone will come-"

"No," Arthur said. "Lance and I are guarding the west wing; he's going to keep an eye out for me."

"I wasn't going to tell your dad that we...I mean, you don't have to worry about that. I know it was stupid and rash..."

"What?" Arthur snapped. "I didn't come to find you because I was worried that you'd tell him. I just wanted to let you know that I didn't. So if he's going to bite your head off for some reason, it isn't for that...and..."

Arthur went real quiet and Merlin didn't know what he was going to say. He almost asked and what? but as he opened his mouth to form the words, Arthur's mouth was on his.

It was amazing how they'd manage to find these secluded places and start snogging. Granted, it'd only been two times, but Merlin was starting to think that this was going to be a pattern.

Arthur's grip on Merlin's waist tightened as he rocked their hips together. Merlin didn't want to, he was refraining, even, but he moaned into Arthur's mouth as his erection brushed against Arthur's groin.

Sure, Arthur had confessed to having a bit of a thing for Merlin, and Merlin had reciprocated into it with a quick shag but still - this was just something so much more than he'd imagined. It was becoming into a secretive thing. The very thing he'd told Will that it wouldn't become.

Merlin broke the kiss, panting. "I don't have time for this-"

"I know. I'll be quick," Arthur said and dropped to his knees.

Merlin's eyes widened with surprise but Arthur didn't see them. He was concentrating on unbuckling Merlin's belt and then he all but yanked Merlin's trousers down. Merlin barely had time to utter the words when Arthur took Merlin's cock in his mouth. He sucked and sucked until Merlin was fully hard and then he swirled his tongue around it.

"Fuck..." Merlin whispered and banged his head against the wall.

Arthur grabbed Merlin's wrists as if he was guiding them to his head. Merlin held onto Arthur's locks and slightly tugged, earning himself a moan from Arthur.

Merlin took the cue and set the rhythm as he bucked his hips slightly. Arthur groaned again, in pleasure, and Merlin wondered if he really wanted Merlin to fuck his face like that.

This was ridiculous. This entire day was completely unreal.

Arthur grabbed the base of Merlin's cock as he squeezed firmly and continued to suck him off. Merlin didn't want to make too much noise. Just the sound of Arthur's mouth, sucking and licking, was enough. He bit his lower lip and picked up the rhythm and his cock hit the back of Arthur's throat one more time, he came undone.

"For the love of..." Merlin whined as Arthur continued his licking. He was determined to suck Merlin dry and not that he complained, he just wished he were in his bedroom with Arthur so he could really express his appreciation for what Arthur was doing to him.

When Arthur's mouth released Merlin's limp cock, he moved up with a trail of kisses on Merlin's body until he reached his neck and found a spot to suck.

"God, you're going to be the death of me, Arthur," Merlin said and pulled Arthur into a deep kiss. He could taste himself in Arthur's mouth and it was the most disturbing and the sexiest thing ever.

Before today, Merlin hadn't gone past just snogging a bloke, or getting rubbed up against, and now he'd managed to not only have the hottest man he knows wank him, but also suck him off. There was only one person in the world who knew that Merlin was still a virgin, and it was Will. He wondered if he was ever going to tell Arthur. Maybe if this escalated to more, and it surely was escalating quickly.

"I thought we were going to be fucking to kill the time, but this is becoming rather something that's making us run out of time all the time..." Merlin laughed. He knew that he didn't even make any sense.

Arthur smiled against his lips. "What can I say? Since I found out that you might want me just as much, I reckon I'm just making up for lost time."

Merlin shook his head. "You're too much for me, Pendragon."

"Will you come by and see me later tonight?" Arthur asked, chuckling, but still he sounded serious.

"I can't. I told Will I'd meet up with him after my meeting with your father."

"Right," Arthur said, sounding disappointed. "Did you tell-does he know?"

"He figured it out on his own. I haven't told anyone else. What about you, besides Lance?"

Arthur shook his head. "I suppose Gwen will know now, but no, no one else."

Merlin nodded. Arthur's hands were still on his hips and his breath was hot and uneven. "We have a transportation scheduled tomorrow for the east," he said.

"Yeah," Arthur replied.

"Maybe we can start early," Merlin said, smiling. "I could pop by to get you and-"

"Lance is going to stay the night at Gwen's tonight, so that might just work."

Merlin laughed. "Is that why you wanted me to come tonight?"

"I know, I'm pathetic," Arthur said.

If it weren't so dark where they were, Merlin would have loved to see Arthur's cheeks reddening. "Just a little bit," he teased. "I'll radio you in the morning, and we'll figure it out from there..."

"Sounds good," Arthur said and kissed Merlin again. "I can't wait to have you in my bed." His hand travelled up Merlin's shirt and Merlin loved feeling Arthur's rough hands on him.

All this time they'd spend being cooped up next to each other, if only they'd figured out their mutual attraction. They could have been together for such a long time already. And shagging.

Merlin hated leaving his dark and comfortable corner with Arthur but he knew that he had to go. He couldn't delay his meeting with Uther any longer. If anything, Uther would only get suspicious and send troops to go looking for him. And, getting caught was a lot worse than anything he could imagine.

"I should-"

"Yeah," Arthur said, squeezing Merlin's arm before releasing him. "See you soon, Merlin."

"See you soon, Arthur."

community: merlin_writers, fandom: merlin, pairing: merlin/arthur, rating: nc-17

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