Locked In Together - Merlin/Arthur

Jun 02, 2015 16:37

Title: Locked In Together
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: MATURE
Word Count(if applicable): 900
Written for: merlin_writers Trope: Locked In / TROPES TABLE HERE
Summary: Merlin had always liked Arthur. Then Arthur says something to annoy him.
Warnings: Sexual content
NOTES: This is a continuation of yesterday's " how to not confess your feelings"

It took the events of a world ending for Arthur Pendragon to notice Merlin Emrys.

Arthur had no idea who Merlin was before the disaster struck and they were -- somehow -- on the same transportation team. Their task had been simple. Go from Point A to Point B dropping off supplies for the shelter-check-in points and ammunition for the guard-check-in points.

They didn't talk much during the trip, and Merlin figured that Arthur was just the quiet, brooding type. He was wrong. Arthur was just a stuck-up prat.

On what seemed to have been their hundredth run, they came across an abandoned warehouse. The only thing was, the point wasn't abandoned the week before. There were about ten families staying there and now it looked deserted.

Arthur radio-called in their discovery and were told to "hang tight" until the help arrived. Merlin, unfortunately decided to venture out on his own and left Arthur by the main entrance. When Arthur went looking for him, he found Merlin in a small empty room. The door had stayed opened while Merlin was in there but Arthur didn't prop the door and they were both locked inside as soon as he'd entered the tiny room.

Who knew when "help" was going to arrive, anyway.

They were trapped and it wasn't that Merlin was claustrophobic, but to be stuck in that tight of a space with a man he fancied wasn't exactly relaxing. Then, Arthur looked at him funny and Merlin didn't understand the expression at first.

"What?" he asked Arthur.

"It seems like we have some time to kill," Arthur said, sounding rather confused.

"Yeah. So?" Merlin's brows furrowed. "What did you have in mind."

"When was the last time you had a proper shag?" Arthur asked and Merlin just gawked at him. "I'm going through a bit of a dry spell myself and I thought--"

"It's the end of the world and you want to fuck?" Merlin scowled. "There are families missing and we're stuck here; who knows what is going to come through that door and you--"

How dare he? Merlin thought. Having sex with Arthur was something Merlin had constantly thought about but to be approached like that? It nearly killed every desire in his body. It made him feel cheap, and useless...almost rubbish. Something to be discarded away.

Then Arthur said something different. He almost confessed that he liked Merlin.

"You're a fucking idiot, Arthur," Merlin found himself saying, and then kissing Arthur. Maybe he was going crazy, too. How could he just change his mind in one minute? He was just furious with Arthur and now he was willing to shag him.

But the way Arthur kissed him...it didn't seem like he was lying.

Before Merlin could even lay the ground rules, Arthur's hands were unbuckling Merlin's belt, and then they were under Merlin's shirt, pinching his nipples. It wasn't as if Merlin's body was helping him any. It was reacting towards Arthur's touches. His need for Arthur was winning over Merlin's sense of responsibility and ethics.

Arthur pressed their hips together and his one hand came in between them as he started to stroke his and Merlin's erection together. Merlin moaned into Arthur's mouth when Arthur's hand started moving faster. He was close, so close when he heard footsteps. He took his mouth away from Arthur's and looked at him nervously.

Arthur looked like he'd heard them, too, and his grip became tighter, his strokes harsher. They both came nearly in unison and Arthur reached for something in his jeans pocket. He pulled out a piece of cloth to clean them up.

They were dressed in record time, mere seconds before the doors opened, and Arthur's supervisor, Gaius, walked in through the door. Behind him was Will, Merlin's best friend who only sniffed once and then raised an eyebrow at Merlin.

Merlin shook his head trying to tell Will that this wasn't the time for it.

Gaius took Arthur aside, some military talk, Merlin was sure, when he grabbed Will's arm and left the small room. "Did they figure out what happened to the people that were hiding here?" Merlin asked Will, hoping that it would stop Will from inquiring about the smell of sex in the room.

"They think the families were kidnapped."

"Kidnapped by whom?" Merlin asked.

"They don't know yet," Will said, and before he could ask anything else, Gaius and Arthur joined them.

"We need to get back to the base," Gaius said looking at Will, and then Merlin. "Will is going to take you home, Merlin, and Arthur and I will be riding together." Home just meant non-military camps.

"Oh, okay," Merlin said; he had no authority to argue otherwise. He wasn't sure if he should have looked at Arthur or not so, he just turned around and followed Will out of the main door of the shelter.

"Hey..." Arthur tugged on Merlin's arm when they were outside and Merlin was making his way to Will's transport vehicle.

"Yeah?" Merlin asked as he tried to seem nonchalant.

"I'll come find you after my briefing," Arthur said. Merlin didn't answer, he just looked at Arthur. What was he supposed to say? Smile like a schoolgirl that the boy had promised that he'd call? "Is...is that okay?" Arthur asked, obviously sensing Merlin's hesitation.

"Yeah. Of course. I look forward to it," Merlin said, acknowledging that they had other sets of eyes on them.

"See you, then," Arthur said and followed Gaius towards his own vehicle. READ PART THREE

community: merlin_writers, fandom: merlin, pairing: merlin/arthur, rating: r

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