The Summons - Merlin/Arthur

Jun 09, 2015 20:53

Title: The Summons
Author: digthewriter
Word Count: 500
Created for: merlin_writers tropes bingo. Trope: Secret Relationship / FULL TROPES CHART HERE

Notes: Part three of: HOW TO NOT CONFESS YOUR FEELINGS [Read PART ONE + Read PART TWO] + Unbetaed

Summary: Merlin doesn't know what he wants and Will is harassing him.

Merlin returned to his bunker and Will was right behind him. He knew that there was no way he was going to be able to avoid the conversation forever.

He closed the door and turned to look at Will. "So, are you going to ask?"

"Do I have to?" Will said. He'd never approved of Merlin's romantic interest in Arthur; Will hated Arthur and now that he knew that something was happened between them, he'd only have disapproving comments.

"I know you don't like him-"

"It's not even about him," Will said. "You know who his father is."

"It was a one time thing."

"Really? Was it?" Will sneered. "It's one thing to want him from afar but now that you've had a taste-"

"I'm not you, Will. I can control myself. We aren't going to engage in some sort of an affair - have a secret relationship. I know who his father is and I'm trying to steer clear of-"

There was a knock on the door that interrupted their argument. Merlin was only glad for it.

"Uther Pendragon has sent a summons." The courier handed the piece of paper to Will and walked away.

"He's summoned you?" Merlin asked.

Will opened the note and read it. "No. He's asked for you."


So much for I'm going to steer clear of the Pendragons.

"Why?" Merlin wondered.

"The courier didn't see you. Maybe you can take the night off and I'll vouch for you that you weren't here all night. Just go in the morning."

"I don't think that's going to work," Merlin said. "My orders were to get back here and if I weren't here, then Gaius would only get in trouble..."

"Gaius is Uther's most trusted General, he's not going to get in trouble."

"I should just go and get it over with."

Will couldn't say anything to stop him, Merlin knew that. He hopped in the shower real quick before he headed off to the main base to see Uther Pendragon. Uther was the administrator of the facility and he was the one that guided all the military. His orders were the law and Merlin had no idea what he'd have wanted.

Was there any chance that Arthur might have reported in his briefing that he and Merlin- No, that couldn't be possible. Arthur wasn't that dense.

"Take the radio," Will said before Merlin was heading out the door. "Let me know as soon as it's over. I'll tell you where I am so we can talk about it."

Merlin rolled his eyes and grabbed the radio off Will's hands. "You're not my mother."

"You want me to tell her what you've been up to?" Will challenged. "I'm sure she'll be happy to find out you're sucking Pendragon's cock."

"I didn't..." Merlin sighed. "Never mind," he said and was out the door before he'd have another argument with Will and be delayed. He didn't want to keep Uther Pendragon waiting. READ PART FOUR

community: merlin_writers, fandom: merlin, pairing: merlin/arthur, rating: pg-13

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