Pretending Not To Notice

Sep 30, 2008 03:32

Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Marvel Universe
Characters: Cable/Scarlet Witch
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing
Summary: They had a brief fling

Their brief fling hadn’t even lasted a few days. It hadn’t even involved sex, which was normally one of his requirements for brief flings; nor had there been any talk of what would happen when it was over, which fell under hers.

They came together, shared a few kisses over the course of a week, and went back to their own lives.

Cable had his X-Force. Wanda had her Avengers.

And neither of them wanted much more.

He heard later that she had married the Vision. A fleeting not-quite-regret flashed across his mind when he got the news. He sent her a card, and his well wishes.

And made sure she heard when he found Domino.

And so, their separate ways stayed separate and neither worried. At least, that’s what they thought.

She still thought about him sometimes, and at the most inopportune times.

He still thought about her when he saw Cannonball shooting across the sky at top speed, trail turning the color of her cape.

If they met once or twice in a bar, or in passing, neither showed just how much it bothered them. If they spoke on a mission, they left that bone buried. If they started to reach for each other, for what might have been, they quickly pulled back and went back to their own little worlds.

They weren’t fans of the might-have-beens. They were certainly stronger than a tiny crush.

So if, when her kids, or whatever they were, asked for her whereabouts, he pretended he didn’t know.

And when Domino called and wanted to know where he was, she smiled and laughed and told her that she would be on her own.

And if they still found time to steal a few kisses over the course of the years, no one saw, and no one could judge, and they could go back to pretending nothing ever happened.


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