Vexing Smiles

Sep 30, 2008 03:34

Rating: PG
Fandom: Marvel Universe
Characters: Thor/Storm
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.
Summary: Thor is vexed.

He is vexed by this woman. She, who is so much like him, is still so much different. Is still mortal, yet has the powers of a god.

He is vexed.

She personifies all that he has learned is foolish, yet holds more wisdom in her small body than some gods he knows.

He watches from a distance, because it is never a good idea for gods to meddle too much with mortals. It is never a good idea to become attached, either, and he has done both in his time here.

He has mingled far too long. Now he does not want to return.

She notices him, sometimes. She must. They share so much, without sharing anything at all. Sometimes she smiles, at no one, over nothing, just to smile.

Sometimes, he pretends they’re for him.


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