Phase Two

Sep 20, 2008 06:59

Rating: PG
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Wiccan, Hulkling
Notes: Fanfic100 prompt #23-Lovers
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.

023: Lovers

The day they moved in together was the best day of Billy’s life.

The move itself was horrendous (What goes where? What’s mine? What’s yours? What now? What move wasn’t?), but the end result was completely worth it.

They collapsed onto the bed, tired and happy. It was a few moments before Teddy reached for him.

Billy made an inquisitive noise. The shapechanger responded by simply pulling Billy closer to him.

Billy happily curled against his chest.

They’d been lovers for almost seven years now. This just seemed like the next(long overdue, in Billy’s opinion) logical step.

Billy stopped worrying and wondering as the warm, green body pressed closer to him. Spending the night in Teddy’s arms was so nice…


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