
Sep 20, 2008 07:01

Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Wiccan, Hulkling, Young Avengers, OCs
Notes: Fanfic100 prompt #22-Enemies
Disclaimer: This is me owning nothing.

022: Enemies

The day had been long and Teddy was tired and frustrated. Finding out that he had to go to yet another of Kate’s stupid parties was not helping mattes.

"We promised we would go, Teddy," Billy reminded him. Again.

"Yeah, well, I promised myself a quiet evening with you and lots of sleep," Teddy replied, just a little irritably.

Billy sighed and slipped his arms around Teddy’s thick waist, as far as they would reach. "It’s just a couple of hours, babe," he informed Teddy’s spine. "Then we can come home and do whatever you want."

Teddy echoed his lover’s sigh. "You really want to go to this thing, don’t you?" he asked.

Billy grinned and nuzzled Teddy’s back. "We haven’t seen Eli in forever, and Cassie and Vision are supposed to bring him with them."

"Lucky them, don’t get called to Kate’s stupid posh parties all the damn time."

Billy moved so that Teddy could put on his shirt and jacket.

"Would it help if I told you that you look like a very sexy, blonde James Bond?" he asked.

Teddy preened a little. "Only if I can say you look like Pussy Galore."


They escaped Kate’s house as fast as Teddy could manage, and made it all they way to the front lawn when Cassie suggested they all sit down and catch up on each other.

Teddy mentally cursed her as they were led back inside. It wasn’t hard to figure out Kate had sent her.

And so, they found themselfes at Kate’s kitchen table, three hours later.

Eli’s girlfriend and her brother were completely smashed. Eli was completely and predictably sober. Cassie was half-asleep on Vision’s shoulder. Vision, himself, seemed indifferent. Kate was talking so much, an earthquake could have hit and none of them would have noticed. Billy was edging ever closer to him in an attempt to get away from the male half of Eli’s twins.

Teddy mentally sighed. He had to be trying to make Kate jealous, or he never would have brought either one of them.

"You," Teddy said finally, when the next step for Billy was sitting on his head. "New boy. Back off before I rip your face off and feed it to you. It has been a very long day and my boyfriend quite obviously does not appreciate your advances. Do not make me get blood on Kate's nice, white, tile floor."

Everyone in the room had stopped to watch him.

"Geez, you don’t have to be rude," the man pouted.

"Do not make me tell you again."

There was a dead silence for all of ten seconds.

"So I think I need to go to bed," Kate said, all too cheerfully.

A murmur of agreement went up all ‘round the table.

Eli caught them on their way out the door.

"I’m sorry. I don’t know why she had to bring her brother. He’s intolerable," he said.

"Don’t worry about it," Billy assured him.

Teddy was waiting on the sidewalk. Eli’s girlfriend was shooting the shapechanger dirty looks. Her brother was cowering behind her.

"I’ll see you around. Hopefully without the extra baggage," Eli said, grimacing at his girlfriend and her twin.

"Yeah. Later."

Billy jogged over to his boyfriend and leapt into his arms.

"My hero," he said happily.

Teddy grinned and waited until Billy wasn’t looking to shoot his new-found enemy a rude gesture.


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