Ex-Gauge [3%] - Action

Jul 20, 2009 11:54

[Another scream, another kidnapping and another groan from Nero. He rolled onto his back on the bed, threw an arm over his face and swore vehemently.]

...Malnosso slumber party and I didn't even get an invitation. Least you could do is let me fucking sleep.

[It was a lost cause. Even when the journal grew quiet it just gave him more time to think ( Read more... )

there's a demon loose, trees meet your maker, mallynappings are bad for the complexion, stress relief

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Comments 111

[Action] badass_in_red July 20 2009, 22:17:37 UTC
[It's not stalking if he doesn't hide, and by no means is Dante hiding as he kinda sorta follows Nero and watches from afar. Come to think of it, Dante hasn't actually spoken to Nero since he got here, either, so when's a better time than when he's out of sleep?]


[Action] Dude, I thought the Dante in this place was dead. What up brah? devil_reborn July 21 2009, 00:54:47 UTC
[Maybe never? Believe me, I think Nero would live. He didn't need the energy pulsing through his demon arm to tell him someone was following him. He'd felt it as soon as he entered the woods and was already fingering Blue Rose in preparation for an attack. Except the guy never really did anything except follow and Nero quickly grew bored of playing peek a boo. He had a short fuse this morning, so sue him.

He turned coat a flapping and pointed his gun in the direction of his stalker.]

I'm flattered but not interested. You got ten seconds...one...


[Action] Wasn't my best month with activity, I'll say that. badass_in_red July 21 2009, 09:25:39 UTC
[Well, Dante's gonna be out in the open here, and kind of waving. It might not be waving, so much as just moving his arms dramatically, but either way, he's walking towards Nero instead of away. And then there's that smirk plastered on his face.]



[Action] I hear you. devil_reborn July 21 2009, 14:57:28 UTC
[He only knows a few people that would walk toward a gun with a smirk plastered on. And only one of them didn't get it shot off their face.]

You're shitting me...old man, is that you?

[Now, proper etiquette dictates lowering one's weapon when recognizing an ally. Nero...took off the safety. Please, Nero? Proper? Since fucking when?]

Huh. Guess this place doesn't respect the young or the elderly...


[Action] a_childish_lord July 21 2009, 00:00:28 UTC
[Rae will be watching your training for a...safe distance with a little dragon in his arms.

Even though he's been here for over a year, he's still not used to people using weapons...]


[Action] devil_reborn July 21 2009, 00:50:50 UTC
[Nero revved Red Queen for another combo, striking the tree trunk with continuous bursts of power in an effort to keep it midair for as long as possible. He brought down his sword in an ark, severing the trunk into two pieces and interchanging his sword for Blue Rose, firing a round of bullets to keep one piece midair with the momentum while he devastated the other with an aerial combo. Three slashes and it shattered into pieces of bark and sawdust.

The next piece he allowed to fall where it wished which was conveniently, near Raenef. Nero noticed blue hair among the green foliage and leaned on his sword, shaking his head.]

...You know, you're starting to give a guy the wrong impression kid.


[Action] a_childish_lord July 21 2009, 00:54:12 UTC
[Raenef would look impressed, if he hadn't almost got hit with some random flying wood...Now the only look he's gonna receive is a pout attempted glare]

...I was just watching...


[Action] devil_reborn July 21 2009, 01:04:41 UTC
[Nero noticed the attempted glare and hid his chuckle behind a cough. Did the kid not know he was the most nonthreatening thing in Luceti? Aside from possibly Vivi but that's neither here nor there...]

Yeah, you do that a lot. Might not be such a good idea when you're about to get your skull cracked open by flying debris.

[Nero kicked at the tree trunk lying at Raenef's feet for emphasis.]


invidia_keeper July 21 2009, 06:11:34 UTC
[Naoya is standing in the background leaning up against a tree, curiously watching Nero. He makes no effort to hide himself, but it did seem a little odd that he would be there.

He keeps a safe distance.]

It's never quiet here, is it.


devil_reborn July 22 2009, 02:14:28 UTC
[Nero was starting to become uncomfortably familiar with the feeling of eyes staring. He finished decimating a tree and brought Red Queen down in a vicious swing toward another, severing it from the roots and leaving the trunk to careen backwards and land near his newest audience member.

Nero was all for introductions but first the stranger had to earn them.]

Enjoying the show?...I'm here all week if you want an encore.


invidia_keeper July 22 2009, 04:15:05 UTC

Is this what you do for fun?

[ It certainly was odd that Naoya didn't appear surprised by the decimation of the tree in the slightest, if anything he just grinned.]


devil_reborn July 22 2009, 04:46:00 UTC
[Nero answered in kind, smirking in his devil may care way. Sure, he'd noticed the guy hadn't flinched at having a tree uprooted and nearly crush him but that just made him interesting. Besides, odd and Luceti went hand in hand and he'd begun to question it less than he probably should have. Insomnia didn't help his judgment either.]

This is what I do for sleep. What I do for fun involves a lot more corpses.

What about you? Is peeping what you do for fun?


[Action] lady_kalina_ann July 21 2009, 20:43:42 UTC
[Here, have a Lady who just so happens to have her own weapons as she's out for some training of her own.]

Didn't think I'd be bumping into you here.


[Action] devil_reborn July 22 2009, 02:31:11 UTC
[He flicked a pebble into the air, barely letting it reach altitude before he shot it out of the sky with Blue Rose. He picked another off the ground, made sure it was the right size and let it fly.]

Best cure for insomnia I know of.

[He brought the next one down, giving Lady a sideways look.] Unless you wanna make me some warm milk?


[Action] lady_kalina_ann July 22 2009, 03:12:28 UTC
[Lady rolled her eyes, setting Kalina ann down.]

Would you like a story too?


[Action] devil_reborn July 22 2009, 03:29:15 UTC
[Nero glanced at Kalina Ann, his blood quickening. He really did love the smell of gunpowder in the morning.]

Of course, it's a package deal. Don't be cheap Lady.

[He pointed at Kalina Ann with his gun, smirk sliding into place.]

...Unless you can do me one better?


[Action] Now why didn't I see this post sooner? preciousgeneral July 22 2009, 06:02:07 UTC
[Celes is wanting to do some training herself, since she is seriously rusty, that and she needs to get used to a new sword. There hadn't been much to do before she arrived here, and well not much to do now either. Of course, she's also wanting to learn the layout of this place and found that exploring wouldn't hurt either.]

[While wandering, she hears some sounds and sees someone who seems somewhat familiar and is interested in the swordplay. She remains quiet and just watches him, since seeing another person's technique also doesn't hurt at all.]


[Action] Haha...I'm glad you did at all ;D devil_reborn July 22 2009, 18:38:51 UTC
[Parry, strike, thrust, dodge, repeat. The trees around him had started to thin after a few consecutive hours of bearing the brunt of his aggravation and he'd decided to cut them some slack. Now he was replaying familiar battles, sword in one hand quickly interchanged for a gun in the other, always moving, steps fluid and attacks chaotic.

He paused, wiping the sweat from his brow and began to unzip his coat.]

Hey...if you're just gonna stand there, mind holding my jacket? Grass stains are a bitch to get out.


[Action] Well, she thought Nero interesting preciousgeneral July 22 2009, 20:01:23 UTC
[Poor trees, they never stood a chance.]

[Still, Nero's fighting style is interesting. While guns did exist in her world, they weren't really as commonly used, interesting to see someone use both a sword and a gun.]

[But his noticing her kind of ruins her ability to watch.]

If you want, or you could have a target that actually fights back. But then, bloodstains are hard to get out also.


Don't let him know, it'll give him a big head devil_reborn July 23 2009, 05:15:23 UTC
[Nero gave her a mischievous look, leaning on his sword while he sized her up. She didn't look impressive physically but her presence...that piqued Nero's curiosity. Whether she was the real deal or not, she'd have to prove to him. And she had definitely earned the chance with a line like that.]

I got no one to impress. You?


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