Ex-Gauge [3%] - Action

Jul 20, 2009 11:54

[Another scream, another kidnapping and another groan from Nero. He rolled onto his back on the bed, threw an arm over his face and swore vehemently.]

...Malnosso slumber party and I didn't even get an invitation. Least you could do is let me fucking sleep.

[It was a lost cause. Even when the journal grew quiet it just gave him more time to think ( Read more... )

there's a demon loose, trees meet your maker, mallynappings are bad for the complexion, stress relief

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[Action] lady_kalina_ann July 21 2009, 20:43:42 UTC
[Here, have a Lady who just so happens to have her own weapons as she's out for some training of her own.]

Didn't think I'd be bumping into you here.


[Action] devil_reborn July 22 2009, 02:31:11 UTC
[He flicked a pebble into the air, barely letting it reach altitude before he shot it out of the sky with Blue Rose. He picked another off the ground, made sure it was the right size and let it fly.]

Best cure for insomnia I know of.

[He brought the next one down, giving Lady a sideways look.] Unless you wanna make me some warm milk?


[Action] lady_kalina_ann July 22 2009, 03:12:28 UTC
[Lady rolled her eyes, setting Kalina ann down.]

Would you like a story too?


[Action] devil_reborn July 22 2009, 03:29:15 UTC
[Nero glanced at Kalina Ann, his blood quickening. He really did love the smell of gunpowder in the morning.]

Of course, it's a package deal. Don't be cheap Lady.

[He pointed at Kalina Ann with his gun, smirk sliding into place.]

...Unless you can do me one better?


[Action] lady_kalina_ann July 22 2009, 03:46:40 UTC
[Lady raises an amused eyebrow to his smirk. So the kid wanted to play? Sure. Why not. She had some time to kill and it wasn't like she came out here for a walk. She could use the work out.]

...I'll do you one better if you think you can keep up.

[Lady quickly kicked Kalina ann, making the weapon tilt into her hands. She launched a missile in Nero's direction, the explosion echoing through the forest as a cloud of smoke settled in.]

[ooc: I can't tell who's the bigger slut here.]


[Action] devil_reborn July 22 2009, 04:23:37 UTC
[Nero had always been a fan of the unpredictable and he didn't like to disappoint. He sprinted toward the missile, his momentum carrying him over the projectile so he landed on his back in a roll. He quickly got his feet under him and used the explosion from behind to propel him toward Lady quickly, hand at Red Queens hilt. He revved the sword once and pulled it out of it's holster, ready to strike.]

Flashy...but I hope that wasn't all of it.

[ooc: It's cut equally down the middle. There are no winners here, remember that.]


[Action] lady_kalina_ann July 22 2009, 11:10:59 UTC
[Lady dodged, kicking her legs up as she used Kalina ann to steady herself as she cartwheeled away. Once on her feet again she picked up her missile launcher and struck the weapon against Nero's sword.]

Trust me, I'm just getting started.

[ooc: No winners at all...not even the couch.]


[Action] devil_reborn July 22 2009, 19:10:22 UTC
[Nero revved his sword a second time, bringing it down against Kalina Ann and finding Lady's grip on it steady and the metal of the launcher steadier. Instead he changed the direction of his swing, bringing the sword up from under, the tip scratching the dirt as he tried to knock Kalina Ann out of Lady's hands.]

Nice to know those weapons aren't just for you to pose on.

[ooc: Lol...Curious George is no longer curious...(shakes head in shame)]


[Action] lady_kalina_ann July 22 2009, 23:01:43 UTC
[Lady pushed against the sword. When she saw Nero brining the sword up from under them, she aimed Kalina ann towards a large oak tree and shot the large hunting knife that doubled as a grappling hook when embedded into a hard surface. She was pulled away, letting her weapon close the distance between her and the tree. She landed on a branch, slinging Kalian ann on her back and getting out a grenade and a smoke bomb.]


[Action] devil_reborn July 23 2009, 04:36:42 UTC
[Nero was left cutting through air, his coat billowing in the wind of Lady's abrupt departure. He watched as she landed on the branch, hands reaching for her grenades and cursed. He was in a wide open space, a strategic suicide because of just how perfect it was for that kind of attack.

He pulled out Blue Rose and fired a couple of shots to distract her, running into the surrounding trees to make himself a harder target.]


[Action] lady_kalina_ann July 23 2009, 10:46:49 UTC
[Lady managed to dodged the shots quickly as she flipped onto a lower branch. In the process she managed to take the pin out of the grenade and throw it out into the open space before her feet touched the branch. She saw that after the explosion Nero wasn't there, but she knew he wasn't that hard to find what with a dim glowing arm and all. She put her other bomb away and got out her pistol and Uzi, ready to shoot at the slightest sound.]


[Action] devil_reborn July 23 2009, 23:52:31 UTC
[Nero had barely cleared the edge of the woods before an explosion shook the area behind him, leaving a thick cloud in it's wake. He didn't waste a step, rushing at a tree and using the echoing noise of the explosion to conceal his ascent, placing a foot on the trunk of one tree and pushing off toward the trunk of another, steadily climbing until he landed safely on a branch.

By then echoes had died down to an unnatural silence and he chanced a glance, observing Lady's rigid stance and knowing she was waiting for him to make the first move. And who was he to deny a pretty woman? He gazed down at his demonic arm, feeling it pulse with excitement and smiled in feral understanding. He pushed himself away from the trunk hiding him and took quick aim, extending his devil bringer over the gap between them.]


MORTAL COMBAT! lady_kalina_ann July 24 2009, 00:27:26 UTC
[Lady cursed as the large ghostly hand grabbed her locking her arms together as it brought her down towards him.]


I LOL'd for, like, twenty minutes, I shit you not. devil_reborn July 24 2009, 03:58:33 UTC
[Nero moved his hand toward himself and the ghostly apparition mimicked his movements, bringing Lady close enough for him to enjoy her struggling. He tapped his chin in thought, giving her a confused look but the smirk was blatantly apparent.]

I'm kinda confused...is this me keeping up or you slowing down?


My job here is done. lady_kalina_ann July 24 2009, 04:16:37 UTC
[Despite her arms being pinned at her sides, she could feel the grip of the ghost hand slightly get weaker. It seemed that the kid wouldn't be able to hold on to her forever. She feigned a struggle and grunted a bit.]

I don't know, why don't you hold me a bit closer and find out.

[ooc: Are we going to do hand to hand combat yet? I wants to work up a sweat. Oh, is Nero using his arm again?]


devil_reborn July 24 2009, 04:55:53 UTC
[Nero hid the wince of pain, his demonic arm throbbing. Looked like the devil bringer had a timer and Nero was almost at it's limit. He knew the second Lady recognized it as well, her movements loosening his hold and gaining her leverage. Guess there was no more time for snark, he had to pull off his grand finale now before the window closed completely.]

It that's a pickup line don't bother. I got a girl...thanks for the offer though.

[With the last of his strength Nero crashed her body into the trunk of the tree, hanging steady when the vibrations shook it to it's roots.]

[ooc: Oh hell yeah hand to hand. Let's make it a showdown, no weapons, to see who the better man is. My money's on Lady...(ignores Nero's glare)]


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