Orlando Sentinal rejects Trumpsky

Jun 18, 2019 23:34

So, yeah, I'm watching a little TV, here in central eastern FL -- and Rachel Maddow is on, saying that the main newspaper of Orlando (80 miles from here), the Sentinal, has gone on record NOT endorsing Donald J.Trumpsky in 2020 ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

Going a bit nuts on tags... devifemme June 19 2019, 04:03:41 UTC
You regular readers will note that I've supplied a fuckload of tags for this item.

Well, what I do when I post something so important is to comb through my 400-item tags list and see what actually applies.

I think it works well with political shit -- but you'll note it also connects on sex, high-fashion and various other subjects. (All depending on what I was posting 5-7 years ago. Note that I've added no new tags since then -- they started charging for them, and that did not please me...)


meisje_viktoria June 19 2019, 05:20:10 UTC
Have they endorsed anyone as of yet?


devifemme June 19 2019, 05:45:17 UTC
No, the editorial-page director said on "Rachel" that they are open to several possibilities: endorse his Democratic opponent once one emerges; or perhaps endorse a Republican if one shows promise (ex-Sen. Weld of Massachusetts has announced, but it's early), or endorse no one if they don't find anyone they like. But DEFINITELY NOT Trumpsky!

A brave stand -- which, as I noted, will cost them subscribers...


meisje_viktoria June 19 2019, 05:46:16 UTC
Sure they will switch over to Trump in due time....


devifemme June 19 2019, 06:01:46 UTC
No, I really don't think so. The edit-page editor really stuck his (and the paper's) neck out, and will get a lot if blowback in this goddamned Trump-leaning state.

Climbing back out of there wil be difficult -- but several other bigger papers in FL could take a lot of heat off the Sentinal if they would follow it -- declaring they, too, won't endorse Trump.

I'd love to see the Palm Beach Post take the lead -- fuck, Mar-a-lago is located THERE, but there's "no love lost" between them and 'the Tangerine Toddler" -- so maybe they would lead.

And the Miami Herald is both liberal AND in an anti-Trump metro area.
And the Lauderdale Sun-Sentinal is likewise.

I think I will write letters to the editor in all three cities!

Hugs. J


Late tonight... devifemme June 19 2019, 06:12:24 UTC
Sorry, the evening has got away from us, babe -- unless you'd like me to "materialize" in your bed right now, "sleeping over".

Not that we'd do much sleeping! But that would be more than okay....alternately, you could magically appear in my bed here -- we could fuck all night, and catch a swim in the ocean tomorrow -- er, later today!

Kisses (the best kind, involving pussies!),


Re: Late tonight... meisje_viktoria June 19 2019, 13:08:13 UTC
It's ok, I started to dose and I went to bed. Sorry if I left in the middle of a political conversation.


And, ta-dah! It's waking-up time, already past 10:00! devifemme June 19 2019, 14:06:08 UTC
But I can't tell if you're still asleep, since this message seems to be at 9:18 -- maybe you sent it hours ago and it got picked up by my cellphone as I first opened it (45 minutes ago), with ths DTG ("date/time group").

Odd not to know that....


Re: And, ta-dah! It's waking-up time, already past 10:00! meisje_viktoria June 19 2019, 15:21:23 UTC
I sent it around 9:15 in the morning.


devifemme June 19 2019, 14:15:15 UTC

Trumpsky is at it again, lying over 15 times in last night's speech.

I can't yet tell if he responded to the Orlando Sentinel's blunt rejection of Trump-ism.

I just found yesterday's report (below) on the Sentinal's non-endorsement -- you'll recall I frst heard it last night on the Rachel Maddow show.



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