devifemme Apr 01, 2020 14:54
comments, capsule-experience, crisis management, editing, cheeky, foop, badnews, blogging
devifemme Jun 18, 2019 23:34
outrageous, sassy, playing rough, illicit, screw-up, mood, shameless, morality, historic, florida, rachel, "controversy", manipulative, courage, daring, tumblr, sin by the seaside, summer, comments, crisis management, vero beach, pissed off, decisive moment, working, need to be bold, sanctimony, too bad!, somber, editing, intrigue, naughty smile, stories, readers' appeal, posing, wacky, damned, guilt, hoist on petard, fucking sad, no good, provocative, win/lose, current events, badnews, livejournal, epitaph, horror show, life in general, law, honesty on-line, ummm, news, fireworks, remarkable story
devifemme Apr 17, 2019 10:23
ambitions, writing, editing, readers' appeal, copycat (not really), icon, muses, nytimes, in this case -- yes, current events, holier than thou, when lights go out, life in general, politics strange bedfellows, news, remarkable story