Politics make strained bedfellows...

Nov 12, 2016 11:13

You ever-kind friends here welcomed "subkatie" as my new girlfriend last August. It falls to me now to say, sadly, that the relationship has ended. I won't go into the reasons, but cannot resist telling you that POLITICS played a part ( Read more... )

lesbian kiss, honesty on-line, 3-girl night, decisive moment, subbies

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Comments 8

pony_rocks November 12 2016, 19:35:02 UTC
Uuuh... sorry about that, Justine. That is indeed heart-wrenching. *hugs*


"When a lovely flame dies, smoke gets in your eyes" -- 40's pop song devifemme November 13 2016, 14:05:58 UTC
Dear Anna, I've appreciated your kind "shoulder to cry on" at several moments in the past month. Not that I was actually crying -- it was an affair conducted more rationally than that. Not that it wasn't passionate...

And having a "post-mortem" moment here on LJ is appropriate; Katie quite literally joined LJ in courting me. And, as it grew intense last August, I introduced her to you lovely friends.

But it WAS the most amazing "epistolary romance" I've ever experienced. In fact, it rivals a beautiful relationship some 30 years ago, involving actual "epistles" sent via international mail, me in Rio and her in New York.

As you know from when I introduced her here, it grew from her eloquently articulated desire for me to sexually dominate her. But it was an intense love affair from the start.

And, yesterday, "a lovely flame" died...


ggary November 12 2016, 22:17:42 UTC
I make it a point never to get involved in political discussion whenever family members are present. Just not worth it. What with Brexit in this country and Trumpit in yours everything seems like a cacophony of raised voices and angry faces. Politics shouldn't be out of bounds among friends, but it's not worth losing said friendships over. Politics are a part of life, but friendships are what make life worth living.


devifemme November 13 2016, 13:55:02 UTC
Thank you, Gary. As I wrote, there were difficulties beyond the political -- but it was the proverbial "kiss of death."

As for your astute thought about avoiding such discussion with "family members" (and lovers presumably count), she and I never talked about the campaign until election eve on Monday. In a way, I suppose our affair -- starting in August, just after the conventions -- was a kind of refuge FROM the political mess.


anonymous November 15 2016, 20:53:23 UTC
I think Trump will be behind a lot of breakups. My boyfriend, well he's now my ex-boyfriend, surprised me by deciding to vote for Trump at the last minute. Still I guess it's best that he showed his true colors now rather than further down the line.



Sad for your loss ext_3897677 November 17 2016, 16:07:35 UTC
I am deeply sorry to learn of your loss. And yes, the end of a relationship can be equated to the passing of a loved one. In fact, likely worse. I suspect know that they are still around to interact, but not with you would be greater than the loss of a loved one through death. Be strong and find your happiness inside. You will be fine.


Re: Sad for your loss devifemme November 17 2016, 22:34:14 UTC
Dear Trish: You are one of my very favorite people on Tumblr. It's just SO sweet of you to come over to LJ and see this side of me. Thank you...

BTW there's ANOTHER girl here, posting anonymously, that her boyfriend fucked up her trust in him, voting for Trump!!

Kisses, Justine


Re: Sad for your loss ext_3897677 November 17 2016, 22:46:52 UTC
Thanks for the invitation. I look forward to learning more about you. As well as sharing more about me perhaps with you,


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