Slate says lesbians are into Subarus

Jan 25, 2014 23:46

I chanced to see an odd little reference to lezzies owning Subarus, mainly as a result of smart niche advertising by the company. Seems it "... has gained recognition for 'gay-coded' ad campaigns, including one that featured custom license plates like 'XENA-LVR,' 'P-TOWN,' and 'CAMP OUT ( Read more... )

on top, insatiable, car-sex, lesbians

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Comments 26

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devifemme January 26 2014, 14:50:31 UTC
Yeah, I posted it for exactly this reason -- real lesbians make real-world decisions, most of us NOT motivated by what used to be referred to as "Madison Avenue" (think "Mad Men"). Actually, I enjoyed knowing the cars making up The Island's "motor pool" -- BTW is there a bridge to the "mainland," or do you have to wait for -- what else? -- a ferry?

Oh, and the OTHER classic lezzie cliche is UHaul trailers, presumably much beloved as the way "we" reconstitute our households...

(Presumably the SEAT -- Spanish subsidiary of Volkswagen -- is for your European adventures, since they're not imported here. Oh, and I think the Mini is super-cool.)

Hugz, J


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devifemme January 26 2014, 23:08:20 UTC
Oooh, sorry to mix up my two fave lezzie communities! (I'm still quite fascinated by you sweet girls!)

As for the original Mini, Aurora's dad can take comfort that there were some 5 million built (the most production of any Brit car model) -- so I presume the scarcity value is pretty limited.


atanone January 26 2014, 11:00:34 UTC
I hope you mean a car-mentioning Mustang :D sorry,I just couldn't resist,though I know what "to drive" means :)
..btw I'd like to ride a mustang (horse)..


devifemme January 26 2014, 14:39:14 UTC
Actually, to "ride" probably has more value as innuendo than to "drive" -- at least in American slang.

Hugz, J


atanone January 26 2014, 15:33:04 UTC
in Czech as well :) :p


devifemme January 26 2014, 22:56:01 UTC
Good to know. An unrelated foible of American English is that you "drive" a car, but "ride" a motorcycle...


ggary January 26 2014, 16:43:46 UTC
I clicked on the link but got a very scary FORBIDDEN sign appearing. However, I googled around and found the thing that you mentioned. According to one report, Lesbians are four time more likely to drive Subarus than straight women. Who commissioned this particular piece of research is not, I think, mentioned, but I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be the company who handled the targeted niche marketing! Mind you, I'd be fascinated to find out exactly how they gathered this information. None of the car dealerships I've ever been in have asked questions about their customer's sexuality, but maybe Subaru are different....


devifemme January 26 2014, 22:53:06 UTC
Wow -- I see what you mean. It's interesting that the Slate link was in another posting; they don't mind being reblogged -- ONCE!


ggary January 26 2014, 16:49:27 UTC
Just remembered a piece of advice that one of my college tutors gave me about statistics "If you run out of this building, ask the first ten people you meet if they go to college, and find out that eight out of ten of them do, it doesn't mean that 80 % of the population is in college!" Ad agencies please note.


devifemme January 26 2014, 22:50:22 UTC
Nothing good comes from advertising... ask me again after the Super Bowl!


leahyu January 27 2014, 15:03:21 UTC
This kinda reminds me of a post I put out over on #lesbians a few years ago. Right after I came out at work, someone mentioned that they thought the car I drive was a "lesbian car". (The same VW Bug I still bang around in) I asked if that was true, and if not, what did people think of as being "lesbian cars"? I got a variety of responses, but subaru wasn't one of them! (I think most people said pickups)
The times, they are a-changin'...



devifemme January 27 2014, 15:09:00 UTC
I did think that think about Dana in L Word was pretty cool...


leahyu January 28 2014, 00:39:01 UTC


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