German Music Big Bang Challenge

Jun 26, 2009 14:29

Welcome to the
German Music Big Bang Challenge

The idea of this fest is to encourage some longer fics for our fandoms and, if possible, pair them with some art.

Please be aware, this challenge is about German Musicians, but it is an English language fest.

  1. Membership of this comm is moderated and only those who sign up to be artists or writers will be accepted as members.
  2. All watchers of the community are, however, welcome. We are only limiting membership for administrative purposes, not because there are things we don't want you to see. If you would like to keep up with happenings then please do watch the comm. You are also welcome to comment with questions or suggestions.
  3. Thanks to sarahsan for our wonderful header.
  4. Your moderators are: beren_writes, evvva_90, lirren, meridian_star, naruke_chan, sarahsan, thwax and yuvi (some will be concentrating on the cheerleading section, some on the organisational part).
  5. Thanks to svmadelyn and linaerys from the Merlin Big Bang (boxofmagic), whose format we have followed.

To pimp the fest, please use the following code:">The German Music Big Bang Challenge
To produce lots of long fic and pair it with some lovely art.">">
Please come and join in.

  1. What are the fundamentals of a Big Bang?

    A big bang challenge is a challenge where longer fics are encouraged and artists produce artwork to go with these fics. Because of the nature of German Band/ Solo Artist fandoms, we do not expect there to be enough artists to go around (if any of our talented, select few are interested in playing at all :)), so we're just hoping for lots of long fic.

  2. What fandoms are eligible?

    Any fandom about a German musician is welcome for the fest, e.g. Tokio Hotel, Panik, Bushido, Cinema Bizarre, Killerpilze to name but a few. If they are German and they make music they are welcome.

  3. What is a long fic?

    A long fic for this big bang, due to the fact that our fandoms have fewer long fics than some of the fictional fandoms and this is the first time the challenge had run, is anything above 15,000 wds.

    There will be three categories:
    Section 1: 15,000 - 24,999 wds
    Section 2: 25,000 - 34,999 wds
    Section 3: 35,000 - ?? wds (there is no upper limit)

  4. What genre and ratings are eligible?

    Slash, het or gen, G through NC17 - all are welcome.

  5. How will artists be allocated to fics?

    There will undoubtedly not be enough artists to go round, so if we have any at all who wish to play we will be using this system:

    Writers of fics of 35,000 wds and up will be asked to submit a draft and a summary with notes. Artists will then be asked to pick which story they wish to illustrate based solely on the summaries and notes that have had all identifying features removed so their choice is based on the fics not personal friendships.

    Art can be anything from manips through vids to drawings.

  6. How can I sign up?
    First of all you finish reading the FAQ ;) and then:
    If you are a writer you go to this post and follow the instructions there.
    If you are an artist you go to this post and follow the instructions there.
    If you would like to be a beta reader go to this post and follow the instructions there.
    If you are neither, but want to help the authors along then go to this comm and sign up: dmusikbb_cheers. This is our cheerleading comm, designed to help writers find support groups and to talk to other people while the fest is going on.

  7. What if I don't have an LJ?

    We would love to see people from outside LJ playing as well, but we're doing all our organising by LJ so it makes life a little difficult, however there are solutions:
    a) If you already have a journal/blog somewhere else you can join up to LJ using OpenID which will give you an account for friending and commenting, but not have the bother of a new journal as well ( Click here for details)
    b) LJs are free and easy to set up, please consider creating an account to join in the fest. If you need any help to figure out how to do this do not hesitate to comment and ask and we'll do all we can to assist.
    c) Well we don't have a c, but if enough people are having problems we'll see what we can come up with.

  8. What if I sign up for Section 3 and I don't make that number of words?

    No problem, sign up for the section you would like to try to write for and then submit for the one you actually manage. The submissions will be staggered, so as long as you finish your fic in time for the section to which is belongs, there are no worries. There will be writer sign in posts as we go along where you can change your section if you want to.

  9. I'm not a writer, but I have some ideas for storylines, would you like to hear about them?

    Yes please, we have a prompts post where we would love to hear your ideas. Please be aware that a writer may not pick up your idea, but we'd love to see it anyway :).

  10. I would like to write, but I have no idea for a plot, can you help?

    Yes we can, we have a prompts post where ideas have been submitted. All we ask is if you use a prompt, please give credit in your author's notes to the user the prompt came from.

    Or try de_band_prompts - they have lots of prompt ideas to help get the creative juices flowing. In this case your author's notes should give credit to the prompter and mention the comm.

  11. What is the schedule for the fest?

    • Signups will go from now until 12th July 2009 (2 weeks)
    • Check in #1 31st July 2009
    • Check in #2 31st August 2009
    • Check in #3 30th September 2009
    • Compulsory check in 15th October 2009 (if you don't check in on this one we will assume you will not submit)
    • Section 1 submit 8th November 2009
    • Section 2 submit and drafts due for Section 3 15th November 2009
    • Artists given their assignments 16th November 2009
    • Section 3 submit 30th November 2009
    • Artists submit 12th December 2009

    • 4th Dec Section 1 goes live
    • 11th Dec Section 2 goes live
    • 18th Dec Section 3 goes live

  12. Where will the fics be posted?

    We will be creating an eFiction website where the fics will be hosted. Users will be set up for all authors and once the fics are live you will be given your password and username so that you can log in and reply to any reviews you recieve.

    There will be one post with links and headers for all fics for each section on this comm.

  13. In what format will I have to submit my fic?

    1. Your fic will need to adhere to our coding guidelines which will be posted as another entry. The guidelines will give you a list of acceptable tags and how to set out your fic.
    2. We will accept fic in plain text only, so if you write your fic in Word or another word processing package you will need to save it as "plain text" (.txt).
    3. All fics must be 15,000 words or above, not including headers. If they are less than this we will not be able to accept them.
    4. You may chapter your fic, but it must be submitted as one file only.

  14. What if I miss the deadline?

    Then sorry, you will not be included in the fest. Because of the nature of the fest and how much there will be to organise there will be no extensions.

  15. Can I submit a fic that has already been published?

    No, we want new fic for this fest please. If you have only published one chapter of a fic somewhere and now wish to use it for this fest, that is fine, but you must not post anything more of it until the fest is completed.

  16. Once I have submitted my story, when can I repost it myself?

    You may post links to your fic as soon as it is live, but we request you do not re-post the fic anywhere until Jan 2010.

  17. Can I write a sequel to another fic I have already written?

    You may BUT only if the sequel can be read as an independent story without having to read the first one to understand it.

  18. Can I write a crossover?

    Yes, as long as the German musician(s) is/are main characters, a crossover is fine.

  19. Can I leave the ending open for further stories?

    Of course, yes, but the fic cannot leave the readers hanging. It must have a beginning, middle and an end. Writing a story that leaves hooks for a sequel is one thing, just stopping because you can't be bothered to write any more is different.

  20. I'm not a very good speller, what do I do?

    Get yourself a beta reader. If you do not have one and don't have a friend who is good at spelling and punctuation who can give you a hand indicate on your sign-up that you need a beta reader and we will do our best to pair you with one. Fics with huge numbers of spelling errors and/or grammar errors will be rejected.

  21. Is co-authoring allowed? (thanks schreitokiolove for the question)

    Yes, but all means, just please, sign up together on the writer's sign up post so we know it's going to be one entry.

  22. What is a cheerleader?

    A cheerleader is someone who is neither an artist nor a writer, but who becomes part of a support network for a writer, to help them finish their fic. Despondency often sets in long fics and the cheerleaders are there to help the writers over the bumps.

Have any other questions? Comment here and we will do our best to answer them :)

Writer Sign Up Post.
Artist Sign Up Post
Beta Reader Sign Up Post
For cheerleading go to this comm dmusikbb_cheers.

admin: faq

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