Artists Sign Up 2009

Jun 26, 2009 15:04

Thank you for considering joining the fest.

Please be aware that the Art part of the fest will be in the latter half of November 2009, so please be sure you are available at that time. Artists will have from the 16th November through to the 12th December to complete their work; if this is too short a time frame, please let us know so we can juggle the timetable.

Artists will be given summaries to pick from (exactly how we will decide who gets what will be determined when we know more about numbers), and then when the pairing of author to artist has been made the artist will be given the draft. Authors will also be asked to pick several scenes they think would be best for illustrating to give the artists a hint if they want to, but artists will be given the option to pick any scene(s) they like. Artists will be given their author's details once the selection process is over and they will be allowed to correspond if they wish, but do not have to.

Please comment below with the following:
  1. I have read the FAQ and I would like to be an artist in the fest. I am [sure/fairly sure/not very sure but hope] I am available for the November period of the fest (delete as appropriate).
  2. I am willing to do art for the following fandom(s)/pairing(s)/rating(s): ___________
  3. I will most likely be submitting art in the following format: collage, vid, comic strip, wallscroll, drawing, manip, etc. (delete or add as appropriate)
  4. My LJ name is: ____. My e-mail is: ______.
  5. Then join deutschmusikbb. This is a requirement of taking part in the Big Bang so that you will see all reminders and updates on your flist.

admin: 2009 artist signup

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