Fic: The Personal Touch, NC-17, Dean/Castiel

Jun 26, 2011 20:59

An AU that takes place during Season Four. Thanks to sisterofdream and ifreet for support and sharp suggestions!

The Personal TouchDean works hard, okay? He's on the road a lot-or, well, always. He spends most of his time either hunting down leads or deliberately putting himself in physical danger. The nearest thing he has to friends are a cantankerous old scrap ( Read more... )

fic: spn, dean/castiel, fic

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Comments 54

I am blown away! blu_3_haze June 30 2011, 00:07:11 UTC
That was really awesome! You nailed Dean and Cas totally.. both in the way they sound and the way they actually act, especially Cas when he was "new" and that head tilt ..GUH!

This was unexpected and I can't tell you how great that is.. I am such a fan of Destiel!

I would LOVE to know what happened next though, especially since Dean didn't get what he thought he was getting...


Re: I am blown away! dessert_first July 1 2011, 01:18:56 UTC
What lovely feedback, thank you! I'm so happy to hear the characterizations and voices worked for you. Yay!

I don't know if there will be more, but I must admit I'm as curious as you are, so who knows? :)


AWWW silverjewelkit June 30 2011, 02:08:50 UTC
"You are exactly right."

Dawwwwwwwww <3, I had to go back in the story to see if I'd missed something Dean had said that Cas could possibly have been responding to, but then I realized he meant that he was RIGHT, exactly like he was supposed to be.

I absolutely loved the story and it wasn't awkward like most fanfictions with similar themes (namely, slash sex). Your Dean was perfectly in character, as was you Cas and I will probably be reading it again later XD.


Re: AWWW dessert_first July 1 2011, 01:35:39 UTC
but then I realized he meant that he was RIGHT, exactly like he was supposed to be

You got it! Especially since Castiel himself put Dean's body back together again when he rescued him from hell, he's sort of in awe of that imperfect perfection of humanity, seen up close. I thought Misha gave Castiel's character a lot of sense of wonder and fascination with Dean and humanity at large, early on.

I absolutely loved the story

Thank you so much! That's wonderful to hear, and especially that you plan to read it again. :)

(Reposted because the italics ran away from me.)


Re: AWWW silverjewelkit July 1 2011, 07:47:26 UTC

You are very welcome! I suck at html code, so don't apologize about the italics lol. I have read this three times already, I can't get over it!


lilyleia78 July 14 2011, 01:47:08 UTC
dessert_first December 13 2011, 00:41:28 UTC
How did I not see this??? I'm so sorry! Thanks so much for the rec, and for taking the time to let me know. I'm really happy you liked the story. :)


vasiliki July 21 2011, 11:38:47 UTC
Hilarious, and intimate! I loved it, and I want more, so I'm going to read your other D/C fics now! :D


dessert_first July 23 2011, 11:41:49 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. It certainly didn't go where I thought it would when I started writing it, but I can't say I'm sorry. :)


peroxidepest17 July 27 2011, 00:37:33 UTC
This is me SQUEEING at you! <3


dessert_first October 14 2011, 10:55:33 UTC
Awww, I didn't see your squee! I'm sorry!

Thank you very much, though. I'm glad you found this squee-worthy. :)


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