Fic: The Personal Touch, NC-17, Dean/Castiel

Jun 26, 2011 20:59

An AU that takes place during Season Four. Thanks to sisterofdream and ifreet for support and sharp suggestions!

The Personal TouchDean works hard, okay? He's on the road a lot-or, well, always. He spends most of his time either hunting down leads or deliberately putting himself in physical danger. The nearest thing he has to friends are a cantankerous old scrap ( Read more... )

fic: spn, dean/castiel, fic

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Comments 54

dachinchilla June 28 2011, 05:26:56 UTC
I just. Stars. In my eyes. This was amazing.

So you've got this intriguing set-up that goes balls-out hilarious (I laughed out loud at the mistaken identity, seriously) where I started being excited about when the ball would drop -- and then the story turned hot and tender and fantastically intimate and I didn't want the ball to drop at all. All within this short span of something that is technically a PWP except where it's also a lot of other things as well, OMG I LOVE THIS.


dessert_first June 28 2011, 10:39:40 UTC
Thanks so much! I'm so happy you loved the story, and that it made you laugh out loud.

and then the story turned hot and tender and fantastically intimate and I didn't want the ball to drop at all.

What a wonderful thing to hear.


jem_018 June 28 2011, 15:28:12 UTC
I love this idea. ♥

That was definitely an interesting way of them meeting. :D


dessert_first June 28 2011, 22:34:03 UTC
I'm really glad you liked it! Thanks for letting me know.


cousinmary June 28 2011, 22:35:30 UTC
I read this and then went back to the beginning and read it again it was so good! I loved Dean's thoughts, Cas's confusion, the hotness! Great job :)


dessert_first July 1 2011, 01:08:37 UTC
It's great to hear that it held up to another read! Thanks for letting me know you liked it. :)


triedunture June 29 2011, 02:57:36 UTC
OH MAN talk about awkwwwward for Dean. But I guess there are worse things to assume someone is. And Cas was a really decent call-guy :)


dessert_first July 1 2011, 01:10:55 UTC
And Cas was a really decent call-guy :)

Hee! Who knew?


cherazz June 29 2011, 06:28:08 UTC
Omfg that's an interesting twist on season 4! LOVE that Dean thought Cas was a hooker hahahahahha xD I can only imagine that conversation! So deliciously hot...bravo!


dessert_first July 1 2011, 01:15:35 UTC
Thanks! I'm really glad the story made you smile. Think of all the UST it would save them later on!


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