how to make the sun rise

Jun 16, 2009 15:21

There is a young man standing just outside the Mansion-- a knight, if you will. His armor is green, ornate without being counter productive in battle, a bit tarnished; obviously, he's recently left a battle.

He looks confused.

He could have sworn boiling oil was about to be poured on him.

Really. These things should be a bit more... permanent. ( Read more... )

lucivar, galadriel, introduction, phedre

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Comments 635

halfrottenonion June 17 2009, 19:57:13 UTC
Davos recognizes the man as soon as he sees him. He had watched him ride at many an tourney.

He is also not someone Davos wants to meet at all and so his hand slips onto the handle of his sword.

"I have no wish to fight you, ser," he shouts in greeting and while he is no craven, he hopes very much that Loras thinks the same.


knightofpansies June 17 2009, 20:11:31 UTC
Sadly, Loras is a seventeen-year-old boy whose sword is often quicker than his brain, at times.

Most of the time?

Okay, all of the time.

Hopefully this won't end messily, that would be... well, messy. Loras puts his hand on his sword hilt and calls back, "Should you have wish to fight me, Ser?" He doesn't quite recognize Davos-- he has been watched at many a tourney, but watches little save his opponents at said festivals.


halfrottenonion June 17 2009, 20:17:17 UTC
"Some would say so," Davos replies with a calmness he doesn't really feel. "But still I do not."

"There is no war here. Do you wish to start one?"

Okay so that was an empty threat but Loras can not know how many men Davos has with him.


knightofpansies June 17 2009, 20:22:00 UTC
"I do not wish to start one, though I'd like to end the one I was just," siiigh, "in."

Which is to say, why do you think we need to fight, if there isn't a reason I know and you don't?

As for how many men Davos has-- ha! That's a logical tactical thing. And who needs logic and tactics? Not the Knight of Flowers, that's what!


redviperofdorne June 17 2009, 19:58:30 UTC
Well, well, well.

Oberyn is standing on the porch, watching Loras with one eyebrow raised and looking...almost amused. Almost. Mostly just coolly composed, which is, you know, rich of someone who was dead barely a day ago. "Well. If it isn't Renly's little rose."


knightofpansies June 17 2009, 20:14:45 UTC
Loras is really going to get tired of that nickname, one day. Probably when he's strong enough to kill or imprison anyone who dares to use it. Which may be a while. Though it seems fate has already done for him, in this case.


Calling back, recognizing Oberyn after a moment or two, "And if it is not the Red Viper of Dorne. Greetings, my lord."


redviperofdorne June 17 2009, 20:37:52 UTC
Oberyn likes it, though. He thinks it is a very appropriate nickname. A slight inclination of his head. And giving Loras a bit of a once over because hey, pretty. Tyrells often are, though. "I suppose the first question would be if you're dead or not, as it seems to vary."


knightofpansies June 17 2009, 20:56:48 UTC
Oh come now Oberyn you are not the person to make fun about mansexing. Which is primarily how Loras has seen that nickname used. But anyway.

"I'm not dead, as far as I can recall," Though he may be about to be, but the less said of that? The better. He suppresses a chill. "Though I can't say the same of you. My condolences, M'Lord." Which isn't a snide comment or a jape, but attempting to be polite. Courtly manner has no protocol when talking to the dead.


eldeststark June 17 2009, 19:59:43 UTC
Robb doesn't actually know Loras. Or at least doesn't recognize him on sight. But Grey Wind isn't going after him, so he makes the decision to be polite and takes a few steps down from the porch. "Ser?"


knightofpansies June 17 2009, 20:17:55 UTC
This one bares an odd resemblance to someone Loras has met-- but he can't place them... her. He can't place it, as it were, so he simply bows, lightly, and nods back to the man with the giant wolf... oh, that clears a bit up, it does.

"Yes?" Now, the question of which Stark this indeed is comes to mind. Loras bets it's the kingly one, because that would just be par the course, really.


eldeststark June 17 2009, 20:40:17 UTC
Doesn't it? There aren't many people with giant wolves floating around. "I take it you just arrived," without returning the bow, and hello, obvious, but. "Your name?"


knightofpansies June 17 2009, 20:58:27 UTC
Meanwhile, Loras is trying to remember Robb's name (is this Rickon? No, no, that's the crippled one, right?) when he shrugs, smiling, to nod.

"Ser Loras Tyrell of the Kingsguard. And you?"


dontcallmeser June 17 2009, 20:01:44 UTC
Not!knight Sandor is not!smiling and not being pretty and most certainly not pleased. He really doesn't like all these people he knows. It makes this whole trying something different thing a hell of a lot harder. So that's why he stands, holding the sword he was sharpening loosely at his side, and growls, "Tyrell."


knightofpansies June 17 2009, 20:18:59 UTC
Way to state the obvious, Sandor! Totally!knight is totally!smiling when he bows lightly and says, "Clegane." in his most pleasant and courtly voice.


dontcallmeser June 17 2009, 20:42:28 UTC
Sandor's mouth twitches in an entirely dark and annoyed way. You fucker. He doesn't smile back, though he's tempted to, and his wouldn't be nearly as friendly. "I'm so pleased you remember my name." Briefly. He sheathes his sword smoothly and comes down the rest of the stairs, giving him a wary looking over.

"I thought I heard something about some kind of accident."


knightofpansies June 17 2009, 21:02:37 UTC
Loras continues to smile. He did nothing wrong! He's being perfectly polite!

And enjoying every second of this, hehehehehe. Innocence is such a fun thing to fake.

"As am I. But what of this accident? How terrible. Who was harmed?" Loras has some idea of it, and doesn't really want to hear about it, but, oh. May as well. Such is fate. Sigh swoon dramatically.


eyrienprince June 17 2009, 20:55:28 UTC
Because the typist is bad bad bad.

This particular Mansion denizen is holding what looks like a spear, but with a nastier blade at the end, curved in a way that makes for very efficient killing things. The man holding it is golden eyed and has a pair of dark membranous wings spread around his shoulders. And is watching Loras warily.

Don't be offended, Loras, it's how he looks at everyone. You're only in trouble if he stops having an expression.

:D heee Loras~


knightofpansies June 17 2009, 21:05:35 UTC
Luuuucy, you're home! :D

Loras sees your crazy spear, and raises you one sword. Smiling pleasantly behind it, he ducks his head in a bow.

"My lord? Do I have grievance with you and..." Err. Loras' smile slips, but only for a moment, regaining it after mumbling, "...your wings?"


eyrienprince June 17 2009, 21:08:56 UTC
Lucivar says if you call him Lucy one more time he will own you.

He has no real control over this, though, and examines Loras, decides (probably insultingly) that he's no threat, and vanishes his weapon, looking almost amused. Almost. Still a little too dangerous to be really amused.

"Not yet you don't. I'll keep an eye out for them." Lazily, with one of those arrogant grins of his.


knightofpansies June 17 2009, 21:55:42 UTC
Probably insultingly, definitely incorrectly. Loras is called Knight of the Flowers for his dress habits, not because he lacks skill-- indeed, if he wasn't... well, himself, he'd have an epiphet about his skill in battle, melees and tourneys. He is a member of the kingsguard, strong and proud.

And arrogant as all the seven hells combined, as it were.

"Yet? I hope you don't plan on quarrels between us; it's an ill way to meet a stranger." Joking, joking, always. He bows, smiling. "Ser Loras Tyrell. And you?"


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