how to make the sun rise

Jun 16, 2009 15:21

There is a young man standing just outside the Mansion-- a knight, if you will. His armor is green, ornate without being counter productive in battle, a bit tarnished; obviously, he's recently left a battle.

He looks confused.

He could have sworn boiling oil was about to be poured on him.

Really. These things should be a bit more... permanent. ( Read more... )

lucivar, galadriel, introduction, phedre

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Comments 635

fairy_fingers June 17 2009, 20:57:17 UTC
We usually keep this one away from scary Westerosis - Angélique is still feeling her way around the Mansion. The very young and pretty young embroidery apprentice looks up from her work when she sees Loras, and blushes, a little.

He's very pretty to look at, after all.


knightofpansies June 17 2009, 21:10:52 UTC
Oooh, another Sansa for him to play with, how fun.

Loras smiles as radiantly as possible, bowing deep and extravagant, before putting out a hand. "My lady?"

Loras, you tease.


fairy_fingers June 18 2009, 02:06:28 UTC
Ah, a little bit older than Sansa, Angelique is sixteen, and a little more feisty than Robb's sister, despite appearance.

Angelique almost giggles, and offers her hand, almost hesitantly. "Angelique,if you please, Monsieur. Though Mademoiselle will do. I am alas no lady."


knightofpansies June 18 2009, 02:14:44 UTC
Pfff details. She's a pretty lady to woo, what else does Loras need to know?

Loras takes the hand and bows. He doesn't kiss it-- that would be too much-- but he does smile and continue his charming routine of ...charmingness. Yes.

He pauses for a while, gathering up the necessary vowels to make sure he doesn't slur the pronunciation and embarrass himself. "A pleasure, then, Mademoiselle Angelique." And another extravagant bow, "Ser Loras Tyrell."


belize_queen June 17 2009, 20:59:19 UTC
Impressed, is Belize, the gayest nurse on the 7th floor of Mount Sinai Hospital, in New York. Or at the Mansion, since Gavin hasn't been around, lately.

He's totally checking out Loras. In absolutely every possible way. It's hard not to, let's face it.


knightofpansies June 17 2009, 21:13:27 UTC
Loras is used to this, though he isn't sure how he can be checked out when wearing full body armor, but hey, some folk are just that talented.

Loras smiles pleasant and courtly, smooth as anything, turning to Belize before bowing small as befitting a man of his presumed caliber. "May I help you, my lord?" A second's thought, "And if not, would it be possible for you to help me?"


belize_queen June 18 2009, 02:24:32 UTC
He still has a cute face to check out? Nurse Arriaga isn't the type of person to look under capes, what are you suggesting. Tsk tsk tsk.

My Lord. Well, that's definitely a first, and it makes Belize chuckle, a little. "You look a little more in need of help than I am, but I'm sure we can compromise." Hm. This medieval courtly business is so odd. Belize stands, and bows, as he would on stage.

"Norman Arriaga, or Belize, to my friends. Don't think I've seen you around, before. Have I?"

No. I would have noticed.


knightofpansies June 18 2009, 02:32:01 UTC
Oh sure he wasn't. Well if he were, he would not be the first okay :I

Loras smiles sweetly, ignoring the 'looking in need of help' comment (he still remembers the boiling oil rushing down, and the fear, before, suddenly, he was here), and breezily rushes onward.

"My lord Arriaga, then." He dips his chin, as is polite. "I admit, I'm rather new to this strange place; I would appreciate a compromise."


lorien_gal June 17 2009, 21:01:29 UTC
Because you always need more elves in your life, espescially when you've never met any, here comes Galadriel, back from her green house. She is humming to herself but looking quite serious, as she is wont to.

She will pause, and chuckle a little. This Edain boy reminds her of a puppy.

It's a good thing.


knightofpansies June 17 2009, 21:16:09 UTC
Oh you crazy elves. Just when Loras thought the Tyrells were the prettiest D:

Loras would also object to being called a puppy. Really, the flower comparisons are more accurate. And stare, because this lady is rather strikingly pretty, if not in the ways Loras would like to posses for himself. Women are nice, but so are paintings; Loras can appreciate art without wanting to become a painter himself.

"My lady, if I could ask for a moment of your time?"


lorien_gal June 18 2009, 02:56:58 UTC
Sorry, Loras. The Tyrells have nothing on the Noldor. Really. Ha. But you're really pretty, we assure you.

"You may have two," she replies, pleasantly, in that musical way elves have of speaking, though she is still very decorous. She tilts her head, and looks at him with those clairvoyant eyes of hers. "You have just come, aye?"


knightofpansies June 18 2009, 03:03:03 UTC
This is all rather unsettling. She is so poised, and a lot of Loras' demeanor was being the poised one.

He'll have to reconfigure.

But for now, he smiles pleasantly, no longer trying to charm this woman into his favor. She seems interested in him enough that they may both get what they want without manipulation. Because Loras wants a good laugh (or really anything to distract him from where he just was) and some information. Who knows what she wants, but if it's entertainment, Loras can probably provide it.

"So generous, M'lady. I have indeed just arrived. If I could trouble you for information about this strange place...?"


thenotsofair June 18 2009, 21:27:52 UTC
Mostly because he can't just meet the sane and peaceful and normal elves. Have a Feanorian, who is none of the above, and brooding, again. He does it a lot. However, upon seeing the armor, he is on his feet because ohshitwhere'sthefight.

And then registers. Oh. Right.

"You're not where you were."


knightofpansies June 18 2009, 23:14:37 UTC
Loras wants to lol. Loras does not want to die. Loras does not lol.

"I had noticed, my lord. Could you tell me where I actually am?"


thenotsofair June 18 2009, 23:26:10 UTC
A slight grimace. "With difficulty. It's called 'the Mansion' and doesn't seem to be anywhere anyone knows, so far as I can tell."


knightofpansies June 19 2009, 01:46:21 UTC
"And that would be the extent of what is known of it?" A beat. Loras looks downward, about as pensive as he gets without getting actually, uh... pensive, "How unfortunate."


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