Letter from Hell: Lady Kennedy by
esmerelda_t - Hornblower, PG-14, OFC, Simpson, Archie.
Letter from Hell: Jacques Bergeret writes from prison by
nodbear - Hornblower, G, Captain Bergeret.
Letter from Hell: Evan Nepean Esq, Secretary to The Admiralty by
anteros_lmc - Hornblower, G, Evan Nepean, Simpson, Kennedy, Hornblower, Pellew.
Letter from Hell: Regards by
eglantine_br - Hornblower, PG-13, Hornblower/Kennedy, Simpson.
Letter from Hell: Archie's first epistle to a dead man by
mylodon - Hornblower, PG, Kennedy, Hornblower, Simpson.
Letter from Hell: A Letter from Hell by
sarah_lynn_b - Hornblower, PG, Edward Pellew, Horatio Nelson, Jack Simpson.
A Chance by
anteros_lmc - Hornblower, G, Kennedy, Hornblower.
The Baboon Incident, Part 1 by
nodbear - Hornblower, G, Kennedy, Bracegirdle, Pellew.
The Baboon Incident, Part 2 by
nodbear - Hornblower, G, Archie and Horatio, Edward and Susan just assumed.
Ovid, Smoked Fish, and the Good Sea by
eglantine_br - Hornblower, G, Kennedy, Edrington.
Podfic: The Paper Officer by
quigonejinn, read by
aralias - Hornblower, G, Hornblower/Bush.
Podfic: The Sea-Faring Dream by
quigonejinn, read by
aralias - Hornblower, PG, Hornblower/Bush.
Sharp-dressed Man by
bluegerl - Sharpe, NC-17, Richard Sharpe, Patrick Harper, Lady Anne, Captain Lawford, other Cornwell characters.
Letter from Hell: The Sixth Doctor by
sarah_lynn_b - Hornblower/Doctor Who, PG, The Sixth Doctor.
At Dusk through Narrow Streets by
unicornesque - Les Misérables, PG-13, Enjolras/Éponine.
The Air in My Lungs by
keep_counting - Les Misérables, PG-13, Enjolras, Grantaire, the other Les Amis, onesided Grantaire/Enjolras.
Years Built on Sand by
unicornesque - Les Misérables, PG-13, Enjolras and Éponine.
The Screams All Sound The Same, Chapter 1 by
hidinginmybones - Les Misérables, PG-13, Enjolras/Grantaire, mentioned Marius/Eponine.
The Transmission of Warmth by
carmarthen - Les Misérables, G, Enjolras/Grantaire.
Worse Than the Favored Child by
cassiopaya - PotC, R, Giselle.
Son et Lumière
The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982):
Picture Gallery by
Les Misérables:
Trailers and interview screencaps by
Pirates of the Caribbean:
Icons by
Horatio Hornblower:
Icons by
Horatio Hornblower fanvid:
Fanvid from 1999 by
Les Misérables fanvid:
Between the Bars by
stephantom, Valjean and Javert.
PotC fanart:
Jack Sparrow by
aletheiafelinea, G.
Aubrey-Maturin fanart:
Aubree vs. Audrey by
Horatio Hornblower fanart:
Major Côtard by
Of historical interest
anteros_lmc informs that
Navy Records are now online.
anteros_lmc post about
the 180th anniversary of Sir Edward Pellew, Admiral Lord Exmouth's death.
The Thankfulness Meme : N is for ...corsetrasewing posts
a poll on children's historical clothes patterns.
Miscellany and meta
pollyandr3 posts
a poll about Master & Commander fan art.
PotC Recs Weekly #36.
PotC Recs Weekly #37.
Les Misérables Fandom Friending Meme.
Communities and challenges
blackpearlsails: last week's drabble invitation:
blackpearlsails: this week's drabble invitation:
anteros_lmc posts about
Pineapples and Cravats.
johanirae posts
Pass the Salt!following_sea:
Caption Competition #43 Winner!potc_drabbles: this week's prompt:
Who did this to you?following_sea:
Welcome Aboard!comeholdmyheart:
Challenge 42: Winners and Banners.
Challenge 44: Voting.
Challenge 45: P&P Valentines.
You can't kill a king! Got a link for the next issue?
Please comment and let us know.