Rating: PG-13 for less than gentlemanly language.
Disclaimer: PotC is Disney's. Still.
Photos from johnny-depp.org, disboards.com, magazine.creativecow.net, and
Fonts: Adobe Caslon by Carol Twombly; Agency FB Condensed by Dawid Berlow; Berlin Sans by Lucian Bernhard, David Berlow and Matthew Butterick; Bodoni by Giambattista Bodoni and Morris Fuller Benton; Calibri by Lucas de Groot; Cygnet Round by Artful Bodger; Helena by Paul Lloyd; Marriage Script by ?; Pieces of Eight by Steve Ferrera; Rockwell by Frank Hinman Pierpont; Tekton by David Siegel; Treasure Map Deadhand by GemFont.
All resolutions 100 x 100, less than 40KB.
Free to take and use. I'll be grateful for the credit and a message.
To get the two last ones, you can download them here or on dA. However, to get one (or all) of the others, you need to:
1. click the image;
2. click 'Download' on dA;
3. unzip the .rar you'll get and pick your choice.
Have a nice use!