
Jan 01, 2016 15:15

Two things happened yesterday ( Read more... )

work, rl

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Comments 10

anonymous January 1 2016, 23:51:50 UTC

Well, both things do, but the second is much worse, obviously. Yes, it's good to get away from such an awful company, but it would have been nice if you'd had some kind of indication this might happen, so you could prepare for it. I do hope you find something else, with great benefits, for a better employer!

I saw Star Wars today, finally! If you want someone to talk to about SW, or anything else, you've got my number.

Take good care of yourself, so you can at least kick that cold in the teeth.


desertport January 3 2016, 05:16:25 UTC
I don't know if it would have been better or worse to have seen this coming, but I do kind of wish it hadn't come right after putting in a full day of work for them.

Your call really helped, btw! <3


tsuki_no_bara January 2 2016, 00:55:09 UTC
well, that sucks. :( hopefully you'll find something that's more challenging and better for you. i also hope you feel better.


desertport January 3 2016, 05:19:45 UTC
Thanks! I think the cold is getting better, and there's gotta be something out there that's right for me.


wendy January 2 2016, 13:43:08 UTC
Oh honey, I have been there and I know exactly how hard this is. But keep going, the perfect thing will make itself known.

Sending you all my love and support.


desertport January 3 2016, 05:21:01 UTC
*HUG* Thank you! There is life after layoff, I know it, just gotta figure out how to go about it.


kalliel January 2 2016, 15:50:09 UTC
Wow, that's a double-whammy to start the new year off with. I am not pleased with your employer at all right now! But you know what, you're right. There are better, truer things in store for you. Something with a better work environment and something that makes better use of your wide range of skills and talents.

Seeing Star Wars again is absolutely the way to go, I think. <33 Praise be for it offering that galaxy up for comfort.

Love you, babe. <33333


desertport January 3 2016, 05:40:23 UTC
There are better, truer things in store for you.

This. Thank you for putting it like that. I think it will be my guiding principle in the upcoming job search.

Love you too! Hope this year holds only the best for you. ♥ ♥ ♥


halfshellvenus January 4 2016, 07:03:13 UTC
Laid off? Noooooooooooooooooooo!

I want the new year to include a job for you that you enjoy and that lasts-- because this has to be so stressful and tiresome. *sadness*


desertport January 5 2016, 17:55:22 UTC
I knooooooow! It's SO tiresome. I really thought I had landed somewhere nice. But there must be someplace better out there, and I want to find it now.

*hugs* Your support means so much! <3


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