Pruning The Hedges

Dec 02, 2009 16:11

Pruning The Hedges ( Read more... )

friend cut

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Comments 26

dusktodawn December 2 2009, 21:21:43 UTC


dependonyou December 3 2009, 15:01:38 UTC
Much with the hearts and the you and the missing.


armaina December 2 2009, 21:30:39 UTC
sometimes we all need to take a cutback on things. Man I know communities can kinda really bog up the 'ol FL. I do hope everything has been going well in your life, we're coming up on CRAZY holiday schedule now haha.


dependonyou December 3 2009, 15:01:12 UTC
Crazy holiday schedule is crazy, for serious! But yea, communities were killing me. Seriously.


classical_wolf December 2 2009, 21:33:21 UTC
I'm just curious that, since I can see this, if I'm still friended. My user info tells me I'm still friended by you, but I'm not sure if you did the cut yet.


dependonyou December 2 2009, 22:09:58 UTC
You are still friended, hun. I already did the cut (before I posted), but this entry is public, so even people who have been cut will be able to read it. If it says you're still friended by LJ, you probably are. ^_~


classical_wolf December 3 2009, 04:27:16 UTC
Thanks :)


lokechild December 2 2009, 21:33:30 UTC
<3 you so much.


dependonyou December 3 2009, 14:58:48 UTC
As I <3 you!


eustacia_vye28 December 2 2009, 21:45:24 UTC
hey, you do what you need to do to stay sane. I've never really understood the drama for friending and defriending, personally. I don't check that stuff, so I never really know when it happens.

I hope things have at least been busy in a good way?


dependonyou December 3 2009, 14:52:52 UTC
I definitely agree. I've never understood the drama. If you don't talk, what's the point of staying friended in name only, seriously? But I never bothered to clear things out, just because I was lazy. Yay for not being lazy!

Yup, definitely in a good way, or at least a nothing-bad-has-happened way.


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