Pruning The Hedges

Dec 02, 2009 16:11

Pruning The Hedges

So one of the main reasons I've had such a hard time coming back to Livejournal, I've realized, is that I have no interest in what's going on. I can't say I don't care about my friends' lives, but it's more of the fact that there's SO MUCH on my list that I can't be bothered to read anymore. There are people there I never talk to anymore, communities I have no interest in, and it's just getting to be too much.

With that in mind, I'm doing a huge friend and community cut. If you unfriended me and are just now getting a message that I unfriended you, well it's because you unfriended me first. Nothing personal, but if you don't care what I have to say, I'm not going to bother taking the time to read your journal.

If I cut you and you still have me friended, feel free to take that as an opportunity to let me out of your life if you so choose. If, however, you want to stay in my life, you're welcome to do that, too. Just leave a message and I may even friend you back. I'm pretty easygoing overall, and really? It may just be that I forgot your username and so didn't know who you were. Who knows? I really, really suck with remembering who is who, and since I haven't been on LiveJournal in a long time, needless to say my mind is all befuddled. Seriously, unfriending felt so good I think I might've gotten a few people I didn't mean to in the purge by mistake... so just let me know.

Those who've stuck around this long? Thanks for hanging with me and keeping with me through thick and thin. Here's to many more years of insanity, eh?

friend cut

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