Dreaming of a White Christmas...

Dec 12, 2009 21:34

And leaving the potential of one far behind. It may seem like I've still not been around on LJ-land, but I assure you that I'm reading (though not much for commenting or posting just yet). Easing myself back into the waters so to speak, and finding it easier this way. I'm definitely enjoying the plunge. I missed reading more than short snippets about people's lives. But anywhoot. I just wanted to shoot out a warning here that starting about Thursday I'm going to be rather absent, both on LJ and on the other mediums (Twitter, Facebook). I'm going to be flying to Florida to visit my family for Christmas. This is totally out of the ordinary and definitely won't become a habit. Neither Joel nor I like being seperated for Christmas, and this will be our first Christmas apart since we first got together. It's rather heartbreaking, but it'll work out, and we're big kids. Next year I plan to convince my parents that it's non-holiday or nothing. It's hard on us to have me take off for a holiday, especially since they ONLY consider Thanksgiving or Christmas as holidays. Plus I just don't like being away from home for the holidays. If we lived closer it'd be fine, but I don't like it. I don't sleep well at their house; I'm nervous and jumpy. Eh, childhood stuff I need to work myself out of, but which will probably never go away fully. Anyway, that's not worth talking about right now.

What do I have to share with you all? Hmm. I've been knitting a lot lately. Whitney's teaching me techniques slowly but surely. I'm using short rows now to make a headband for myself. Hopefully I'll post up some pics (Twitter, Facebook) when it's done. We'll see.

Heidi helped me design and sew up a travel purse for Rhianna. I need to finish it before I leave, though. Bad me is lazy, or well, I dunno. I don't want to do it right now. My weekends are for destressing, and I'm not looking forward to my trip to my parents as much as I'd like because the holidays always make me crazy. I don't know. Urgh. I feel so whiney, but it's not as bad as it sounds. I dunno, you guys know me. The smallest problem blows up to extreme amounts, and the good is rarely mentioned. I vent here to much, but that happens of course. I mean heck, if I'm happy I'm enjoying it. If I'm unhappy for any reason, I need to vent so that I can get back to the happy. Though I hope to share more of the good in coming weeks, just because yea, my life is pretty awesome and I like to let you guys know that so we can all share in each other's triumphs.

Anyway. Hrm. Time to wake Joel from his crazy-schedule-nap and see if we're doing anything else tonight. Hopefully Whitney gets back to me with a time for tomorrow. We're going to see Princess and the Frog as a group! It's going to be awesome. Don't worry, no spoilers, though I will probably gush. ^_~

Night LJ-land! Anything about my life you want me to fill in the gaps for? Ask me and I shall spill.
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