A Plea For Tunes

Dec 15, 2009 18:38

As many of you know, I will be flying to visit my parents shortly (Thursday night, getting in Friday morning, to be exact). What does this mean? Well a lot of things, but above all, I will be stressed to hell and back. I will especially have trouble at night, where every. little. sound. wakes me and makes me paranoid. I love my parents dearly, but they are high maintenance and all disabled. They get worse by the year. Sleeping under the same roof as them is not something I look forward to, even if seeing them is. To try to keep myself sane, my only recourse is to play music. Tonight (and maybe tomorrow if I have time) I plan to revamp my entire ipod contents. Please, my dear friends, link me to downloads, send me music by email, or just recommend songs that you think will keep me sane during this trying period. Knowing that my friends chose this music for me will be doubly reassuring, as I will have very little internet access during those 10 days.

I love you all! <3
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