I Think I See A Trend

Nov 18, 2009 15:16

That trend, of course, would be my horrible absences from LJ followed by sporadic posting, usually with a purpose. Today is no different. I come to you, my dear LJ readers, to inform you about a contest I think you would like to enter (and, if you do enter, I hope that you use my link, so that I will also get a higher chance of winning!).

Heard of the Kindles, those lovely little electronic books from Amazon? Have you wanted one? Well, this might be your chance! Why don't you go enter the Great Kindle Contest? The number of Kindles being offered is up in the air at present, but if you happen to buy anything (anything at all) on amazon, buy through this person's link. It won't cost you any more, but she'll make money which will in turn be spent on... more Kindles to give away!

But anyway, you don't have to spend money or do anything special for this, really. It's a standard contest. Sign up for their mailing list, get an entry. Tweet, get an entry. Fan on Facebook, get an entry. That kind of stuff. Won't you enter?


Sign up for the newsletter on the top right of the page that comes up (with reference # and all so I get credit), and you'll be entered. Easy as pie!

To break my trend, however, I think I'm going to be seeing a massive friend cut soon. If nothing else, I need to preen out dead journals and communities. I can't even read my flist anymore. I just don't know what's going on. Maybe if I clear things up, I'll be more capable of returning like I'd like to (see, for me, not you guys, it's not that I feel guilty!). I don't know, though. We'll see how it goes. I would say "comment if you'd like to stay" but I honestly don't know how many people read anymore, so even if you don't comment I might keep you. *laughs* Though your odds are better if you comment, I suppose.

friend cut, pimp

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