Can I Get A Napkin, Please?

Mar 25, 2008 11:23

Okay, inspired by a converation on Gmail chat with a friend about a video someone linked in another friend's 1,000 comment post... I just have to post about this. I know I haven't posted many of my writing prompts, and I promise I will get to them, but this just had to be posted right now.

Can I Get A Napkin, Please? You should really watch the ( Read more... )

costumes, d*con, cosplay

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Comments 51

mobobocita March 25 2008, 16:02:32 UTC
I think A) You could organize it B) there are enough contacts out there in Cosplay to make it rock and C) YOU SHOULD TOTALLY DO THIS. Especially since I'm trying to organize coming this year!!!!


dependonyou March 25 2008, 16:33:43 UTC
::just might try::

Yea, there are plenty of people out there to make it rock, and thankfully, we could be in whatever costumes we darn well please, since it's a con of mixed interests. XD The "big costumer"/"key figure" will likely be the hardest person to sway to our cause. Then again, I honestly don't know whom to have as said key figure, either... Recruiting should be fun.

I sure as heck hope you can make it, though it would be even more awesome sauce if you could make it if/when I do this.


mobobocita March 25 2008, 18:01:29 UTC
*grin* I'm doing my best, it's about money and time.

Really about TIME. *sigh*

But I'm trying to.

I don't know, who is the biggest cosplayer there normally? I mean, in my Flist is TC, we could ask her....she'd love it.


dependonyou March 25 2008, 18:13:39 UTC
TC? Who is this again?

Well, Joel knows YaYa and Elisa-chan... but 1) I don't know if he could convince them/they'd be willing and 2) I don't know if I could convince him to convince them.

I have another friend that does elaborate costumes but... well... >.> I'm not really sure I'd want to ask her. Meh...


lokechild March 25 2008, 16:08:33 UTC
DO EEET!!! DO EEEET!!!!!!!!


dependonyou March 25 2008, 16:33:55 UTC
We'll see. XD


per_solo March 25 2008, 16:18:13 UTC
I agree. Do it.

Make a list of the specific location (IE: Hyatt Lobby? Or is there an even better spot there?), how many people you need to "seed" the idea, as it were.

Any cost outlay to you?

Permission with venue is big deal.

E-mail....create a list of people who you think could either jump into doing this, OR who would bounce ideas around on the best way to get it done.

Yes. This can be done, I find it more amusing as DragonCon is on my "If I can figure out a way to do it this year, I want to". I think I'm still a ways away from San Diego Comic Con. :-)

Quickie question: What ARE the step-by-steps in this? From your perspective on how to make it happen?


dependonyou March 25 2008, 16:51:42 UTC
Aha, someone who makes me think about it. I like that. Makes it seem more real/reasonable. XD

Make a list of the specific location (IE: Hyatt Lobby? Or is there an even better spot there?), how many people you need to "seed" the idea, as it were.

Honestly, as much as the Hyatt lobby has always been a "hot spot" for trouble, it's a plus/minus to having it there kind of thing. On the one hand, it will have more security, higher exposure, and ops will keep a focused eye on the area to make sure it doesn't become over congested. On the other, it's a highly congested area that they will likely not want to get even more exposure and attention brought to it. It's already a trouble spot for trafficing, and I don't forsee it getting made better because of our impromptu musical. Though reasonably the best location all around, and easiset for them to control, it's unlikely that they'll allow it. (Added bonus that I already have song/coreography ideas for said location that would be blown out of the water in any other location ( ... )


dependonyou March 25 2008, 16:51:57 UTC
Step by steps? Well, a lot of that has been detailed above, mostly in my own ramblings. First would really be an idea of how large a scale (how many people) we would want this to be. Then would likely be the scripting--write the song, or at least get an idea of it, as well as where/how people are moving through the crowd--including probably diagrams/maps of the floorplan. Probably approval after that, so they have a full idea of what we plan to do before they reject/approve. After that, casting... private rehersals... and if we can get the hotel's permission, possibly an on-site rehersal a few weeks beforehand.

If we get to use mics, a lot of that will change, but only after approval. After all, the money would have to come from somewhere, and I sure as hell don't have it.


mermaiden March 25 2008, 16:35:47 UTC

I saw that video last weekend, I think - it is made of so much win. XD


dependonyou March 25 2008, 16:52:21 UTC
::points up:: Well, I'm certainly in the "brainstorming" stages if you want to help. ::laughs:: It is made of so much win.


brianamj March 25 2008, 16:36:57 UTC
Sounds like a great idea. I'd suggest contacting the people at Improv Everywhere for tips, and to see if they have a local group that you can meet up with for help. :-)


dependonyou March 25 2008, 16:53:01 UTC
Oh man, I didn't even think of trying to get Improv Everywhere in on this. That's an amazing idea. Though I just know they're gunna steal my thunder. ^_~


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