Can I Get A Napkin, Please?

Mar 25, 2008 11:23

Okay, inspired by a converation on Gmail chat with a friend about a video someone linked in another friend's 1,000 comment post... I just have to post about this. I know I haven't posted many of my writing prompts, and I promise I will get to them, but this just had to be posted right now.

Can I Get A Napkin, Please? You should really watch the ( Read more... )

costumes, d*con, cosplay

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dependonyou March 25 2008, 16:51:42 UTC
Aha, someone who makes me think about it. I like that. Makes it seem more real/reasonable. XD

Make a list of the specific location (IE: Hyatt Lobby? Or is there an even better spot there?), how many people you need to "seed" the idea, as it were.

Honestly, as much as the Hyatt lobby has always been a "hot spot" for trouble, it's a plus/minus to having it there kind of thing. On the one hand, it will have more security, higher exposure, and ops will keep a focused eye on the area to make sure it doesn't become over congested. On the other, it's a highly congested area that they will likely not want to get even more exposure and attention brought to it. It's already a trouble spot for trafficing, and I don't forsee it getting made better because of our impromptu musical. Though reasonably the best location all around, and easiset for them to control, it's unlikely that they'll allow it. (Added bonus that I already have song/coreography ideas for said location that would be blown out of the water in any other location.)

Alternate locations are probably fewer and further between, especially if we want the same "push through the crowd to get to someone" atmosphere. There's the three main hotel lobbies, basically. If they set it up as they have in years past, or a combination thereof, other than the Hyatt lobby you'd have the Mariott lobby (actually, the level below the lobby, where the entrance to the dealers' room is--perhaps we could work a kicking harmony with some people taking pictures and others going to the dealers' room?) or the Hilton lobby, past bag check (though the dealers' room might be here, I doubt it, as I believe the Marriot construction is complete and that was a better site. Thus, this will likely be limited to gaming and the like, so it would make for a more difficult time in writing/scripting. However, it will be the least busy location, and possibly the least 'policed' by ops, so that might take a load off of them.). Beyond that, other than "in the street", I really don't think there's a decent venue...

Cost outlay would depend upon whether or not it would be possible to get mics hooked to the hotel speaker system, which is highly doubtful even if they do allow us to do the production. We would be going, most likely, on lung power alone. Thus the only cost outlay likely to be seen is each participant's own costumes, which will be whatever the heck it is they decide to wear that day, with only one costumer requiring an elaborate costume so that they can be the focus of the song.

Permission with the venue is a big deal, and the only real reason I don't think we could get away with this. DragonCon doesn't need another issue in the halls to deal with, which is what we would likely cause. People will stop to stare, and that causes road blocks. Road blocks and traffic jams make the fire marshall not quite so happy...

I honestly don't know if it would be best to get venue permission first, or if it would be best to fully script/coreograph and present it to the D*Con board/staff for approval in that way. I think the latter would be best, but it would be a great waste of time and effort if they refuse us.

The email list is a good idea, both for brainstorming and for casting. Though I don't doubt this thread should be sufficient space for brainstorming if anyone is interested in helping me out.

It can be done, if they allow it. Which is a damn big if. But it's awesome that you're hoping to try to make it. I hope you can, especially if we do this. <3


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