Can I Get A Napkin, Please?

Mar 25, 2008 11:23

Okay, inspired by a converation on Gmail chat with a friend about a video someone linked in another friend's 1,000 comment post... I just have to post about this. I know I haven't posted many of my writing prompts, and I promise I will get to them, but this just had to be posted right now.

Can I Get A Napkin, Please? You should really watch the ( Read more... )

costumes, d*con, cosplay

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mobobocita March 25 2008, 16:02:32 UTC
I think A) You could organize it B) there are enough contacts out there in Cosplay to make it rock and C) YOU SHOULD TOTALLY DO THIS. Especially since I'm trying to organize coming this year!!!!


dependonyou March 25 2008, 16:33:43 UTC
::just might try::

Yea, there are plenty of people out there to make it rock, and thankfully, we could be in whatever costumes we darn well please, since it's a con of mixed interests. XD The "big costumer"/"key figure" will likely be the hardest person to sway to our cause. Then again, I honestly don't know whom to have as said key figure, either... Recruiting should be fun.

I sure as heck hope you can make it, though it would be even more awesome sauce if you could make it if/when I do this.


mobobocita March 25 2008, 18:01:29 UTC
*grin* I'm doing my best, it's about money and time.

Really about TIME. *sigh*

But I'm trying to.

I don't know, who is the biggest cosplayer there normally? I mean, in my Flist is TC, we could ask her....she'd love it.


dependonyou March 25 2008, 18:13:39 UTC
TC? Who is this again?

Well, Joel knows YaYa and Elisa-chan... but 1) I don't know if he could convince them/they'd be willing and 2) I don't know if I could convince him to convince them.

I have another friend that does elaborate costumes but... well... >.> I'm not really sure I'd want to ask her. Meh...


mobobocita March 25 2008, 20:24:34 UTC
dependonyou March 25 2008, 20:56:41 UTC
>.> You'll forgive me, but I'd rather not try to recruit Tristine if it's all the same. I've never had direct interaction with her, and I know I haven't exactly had indirect interaction/word from her from very good sources, but better to just keep my distance all around. I don't remember all the who slighted who and whatnot, and I'd hate to reopen what might be old wounds to her because I'm an ex friend of the person who caused them so long ago. ::shrugs:: I admit I've blocked some of that stuff, so my memory is fuzzy at best. For all I know, there could be no connection between her and I, but better not to find out.


mobobocita March 25 2008, 21:03:57 UTC

Ok, totally ok with me. *grin* That's funny.


dependonyou March 25 2008, 21:04:59 UTC
It is?


mobobocita March 25 2008, 21:05:25 UTC
Long off journal story


morganskye March 25 2008, 16:52:16 UTC
*tempts you with candy and gropings* Please come!! ^_^

I would totally participate. Hell, if I'll dress up as a Lemming then it's obvious there isn't much I won't do for a good time!


dependonyou March 25 2008, 16:53:35 UTC
Hahaha. Too true! Too true! Speaking of Lemmings and things I should work on organizing! O.O ::flails::


morganskye March 25 2008, 17:19:23 UTC
We need to start spamming posting on various D*C LJ groups about it NOW so that people would have time to get their costumes together.


dependonyou March 25 2008, 17:21:28 UTC
Too right. I think you and I should be head coordinators together, and get it going that way. Are you willing to help me out?


morganskye March 25 2008, 17:23:06 UTC
Of course! Hey, maybe we can get mobobocita to join us in the Run. *wicked grin*


dependonyou March 25 2008, 17:33:42 UTC
Okay, so we need to start compiling a list of places to pimp. Ideas?

Perhaps, but I believe I've tried more than once. I recall something about not being the kind of person who wears costumes.


morganskye March 25 2008, 17:34:30 UTC
Aw, Mobo! Say it isn't so!


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