dv and kv, Home and Autobot HQ, Visiting

Mar 17, 2010 22:19

Kriti: *pounces on Jazz, giving him her best cute look*

Jazz:  Whoa!  We're nearly ready, bittyKriti.  Just hold your actuators!  :D

bittyBee:  Thrrpt.  Thrrrpt tprrt pthhht thrrpt.

Kriti: *clicks to Bumble*

bittyBee:  Thrrpth thrrpt thrrpt!

Jazz:  *gets some last minute pointers from Kia as he finishes packing up different flavors of energon snack cubes to bring along, then stoops and kisses Blackie before looking around with a grin*

Kriti: *reaching to tickle Bumble's foot now*

bittyBee:  *squeal and swing a dolly!*

Jazz:  Hey now, Bumblebit!  *picks her up, gives her a kiss on the helm and stuffs her in his storage along with goodies*

Kriti: *Clicking to her friend, is all but bouncing in place*

Jazz:  Okay.  You ready, bittybit?

Kriti: *nodnod, BIG GRIN*

Jazz:  *bops a couple dance steps, and then bows slightly and holds his hand out to her, his grin bright*

Kia:  I shall keep my inter reality comlink open in case you need me, Miss.

Kriti: *darts over to Kia and gives the older femme a quick hug before moving to pounce on Jazz again*

Kia:  *laughing softly as Jazz takes Kriti's hand and PINpoints them both to the young femme's reality of origin*

Kriti: *looking around as soon as they arrive, and clicking up a storm*

Jazz:  *grins and lets her go, then gets bittyBee out before the tiny femme can reach her full volume*  Hey, now, Bumblebee.

bittyBee:  *blink blink blink*  *whoa, new place*

Kriti: *Beeline for the rec room, doesn't quite make it there due to getting tackleglomped by a black and purple Seeklet*

Skywarp: *headtilting* Who're you? *is also addressing Jazz and bittyBee*

Jazz:  *gives one of his rollicking chuckles and a little burst of dance music*  Me?  I'm Jazz.  'n this is Bumblebee.

Kriti: 'M Kriti.

Skywarp: ... *biiiig optics, then he's teleporting away with a gleeful squeal*

Kriti: *Confused, clicks to Jazz*

Jazz:  They know your name, babygirl.  *grins at her and holds onto the wriggly bitty, who wants to get down and see where that other bitty went so she can clobber him*

Dead End: *tackleglomping Kriti now, along with a few of the other resident bitties, including Blitzwing, Dirge, Ramjet, Thrust, and Reflector*

Kriti: *Surprised squeak, is buried in bitties!*

Jazz:  Easy, guys.  Don't mob the little lady.  *sets bittyBee down so he can try to lift some of the sparklets from his young friend*

bittyBee:  *beetles over, dollbaby in tow.  Balls up tiny fist and smacks Thrust a good one*

Thrust: *Startles, takes a swing at bittyBee*

Dead End: *Squeaking and talking to Kriti, acks when he's lifted off of the bigger youngster*

bittyBee:  *OH IT'S ON!*  *battle bitty!*  *...With one hand stuck gripping her doll*

Thrust: *will tackle bittyBee now, wants to tussle!*

Jazz:  Oh sweet potatoes.  *looking at the starting bittybattle*

Dirge: *Beeps at sibling*

Ramjet: *Beeps and clings to Kriti*

Silverbolt: ... Well, at least nobody's chewing on anyone's head yet...

Jazz:  Ahhhhh!  *startled look for Silverbolt and automatically holds the bitty he's holding close*

Silverbolt: *watching the kidpile from just outside the rec room, a small smile on his face*

Dead End: *Clicking to Jazz, wants down plz*

bittyBee:  *BITECHOO*

Thrust: *Squeal! BITESYERHEAD*

Silverbolt: ... *facepalm* Spoke too soon, again... *comming someone now*

Jazz:  *nearly drops Dead End as he grabs for Bumblebee and Thrust*  Hey!  Slag... I mean sweet... GOOD NIGHT.  Stoppit!

bittyBee:  *MAD*

Silverbolt: *coming to help separate the batttling bitties* At least it's not Megatron doing the biting.


kv Jazz: *hurrying toward the ruckus, playing 'Thriller' on his radio again*

Jazz:  *gets bit and yelps*  Daaang!  *hand on Thrust's face*  Bumble, ya dropped yer baby!

bittyBee:  *light of battle in her optics*

Thrust: *FINE. will bite the silver guy instead!*

Jazz:  .>_<.  *nearly explodes in his effort not to cuss*

bittyBee:  *whaling on Thrust!*

kv Jazz: *coming to your rescue now, other Jazz!*

Kriti: *Scolding clicks as she works her way out of the kidpile on the floor*

Thrust: *trying to whale on bittyBee, quickly finds himself dangling from kv Jazz's hand by his scruffbar, protests this. LOUDLY*

bittyBee:  *takes a swing, finds him out of reach, and goes after the next nearest small bot*

Jazz:  *grabs her and holds her as she kicks and screams at the top of her vocalizer*  Bumble, quit it, now!

kv Jazz: *in a similar boat, has a beeping and kicky Seeklet* *is clearly used to this, as he simply waits patiently for the little mech to run out of steam*

Kriti: *scolding clicks at Bumble and Thrust*

Jazz:  If you bust your squeaker again I ain't lettin' Percy fix it!

Silverbolt: *is being a sparklet jungle gym, apparently. Has Blitzwing, Skywarp, Ramjet, Reflector, and Ravage clamboring over him now*

bittyBee:  *getting louder, and starting to static from the strain*

Jazz:  *finds what he was looking for and flashes a bit of shiny chrome at Bumblebee*

bittyBee:  *Screeeee.....ohhhhh*

Jazz:  0_o

kv Bumblebee: *peeking out of the rec room, and going :0 at Jazz*

Kriti: *'wings up* *happy squeal* 'Bee!!!! *moves to tackleglomp the yellow 'bot who is nearly the same size she is*

Jazz:  Dang... my audios're ringin'.  *this from the guy who's busted windows with his happy music*

kv Jazz: *blinking at Jazz* Ya mean ya never thought t' turn your audios down?

kv Bumblebee: *acks and laughs as he's knocked over by Kriti*

Jazz:  .>_<.  Never had 'er yell in a small space like this before.

bittyBee:  *nomming chrome and hugging her dolly as she happily dangles*

kv Jazz: *reaches and patpats Jazz's shoulder with the non-Seeklet-occupied hand*

Thrust: Ooo? *clicks to Bumble. You has treat?*

bittyBee:  *ignores him like a little cat*

Kriti: *clicking and chirping away in the rec room now*

Skywarp: *clicks and nudges some of the other Seeklets, before he's warping away, with the intention of finding Megs and Shocky and Sounders*

Jazz:  *rueful grin, and then he's looking down and clicking at all the little bits standing around his feet*  Hey, guys.  That was some mixup, huh?

Dead End: *Headtilt, chirps with a grin*

Jazz:  *frowns at his little one*  I think she's gonna be good now.  *cautiously sets her on the floor*

bittyBee:  *sits there and hugs her dolly, the chrome continuing to move as she chews on it without holding it in her hand*

Ramjet: *jumping from Silverbolt to kv Jazz, latches on and clings with hands and feets*

kv Jazz: *lets Thrust go, offers cuddles to the little conehead Seeklet*

Thrust: *not interested in cuddles, would like a treat! Beeps hopefully at Jazz*

bittyBee:  *razzes Thrust without losing her chrome*

Jazz:  *warning*  Bumble....

Reflector: *Curious clicks to Bumble, is perched on Silverbolt's shoulder*

Blitzwing: *gnawing on Silverbolt's head, making tiny 'screek' sounds as he does so*

Silverbolt: *is clearly used to being gnawed on* If I had known that the kids would get this excited, I would've suggested that Skywarp get Starscream and Eclipse first...

Jazz:  0.o  Starscream?  Oh wait.  Starscream!  :D  Where is that little cat?

kv Jazz: *Chuckles* Prolly fussing over Eclipse, since she was going through another growth spurt this morning...

Jazz:  *winces with sympathy, remembering what he knows of Kriti's growth spurts, then grabs the container he had stuck to his back and takes out a small, neon pink cube*  Bet this'd make her feel better.

bittyBee:  *sees cube, drops chrome and squeals*  Nommadice!

Thrust: *headtilt, beeps curiously*

Ramjet: Nommadice? *click*

Reflector: Nom?

Kriti: *poking her head out of the rec room* Treat time?

Jazz:  *laughs and starts passing them out, each bitty likely getting a different flavor since he's got Kriti's four favorite types*  Looks like it, bittybit.

Kriti: 'Kay! *ducks back in for a moment, then she's leading/dragging kv Bumblebee out into the hall*

Jazz:  *continues passing out the cubes, his grin widening as he watches the sparklets' reaction to them*

Blitzwing: *gnawing on a hard cube, making pleased bitty purrs*

kv Bumblebee: *amused at being dragged out into the hall* I guess I got added to the snack party... n_n;;

Jazz:  *chuckles and pitches a cube to the little yellow mech, then flips one toward his alternate*

bittyBee:  *making her cube bounce.  Has one of her very favorite gummie ones!*

Skywarp: *Warps back in, landing on you now, Jazz*

Jazz:  *startled yelp*  Whoa!

Skywarp: *snuggle, loves upon* Hi! :D

Kriti: *Clicks at Skywarp*

Jazz:  Hey, little man!  *has recovered and is grinning and playing his happy tune*  Spose you want one'a these, huh?

Skywarp: Yup! :D

Ramjet: *Squeaking and talking at the cube he got, which has pop rocks*

kv Jazz: *Chuckling and squishing the cube he was flipped*

Jazz:  *tilts his head, and then offers Skywarp one of the sweet fudgie cubes* How'sat?

Skywarp: Ooooo! *Loves you, Jazz!!!* *Happy beeping and chirping*

Jazz:  *chuckles and grins, then looks around*  We got everybody now?

Kriti: *points to Silverbolt* 'Bolt.

Jazz:  Oh yeah.  *tosses one to the tall flier*

Silverbolt: *Nods as he catches it* Thank you.

Jazz:  *grins*  S'what we brought 'em for, man.  Now where's Starscream 'n Eclipse?  They need some too.  'N those two lil' orange guys.

kv Jazz: *pinging Prowl's comm, asking how Eclipse is feeling, and telling the other black and white mech about the cubes*

Silverbolt: Ariel and Orion Pax took WakeJumper and Wheelie to one of the museums in town. They'll be back in about an hour...

Kriti: *nomming her cube and snuggling kv Bumblebee at the same time*

Prowl:  *quietly* I'm right here, Jazz.  *has a hand under Eclipse's arm as he helps the unsteady new adult down the hall toward the rec room door.  Starscream is on his back going 0.o with anxiety*

Eclipse: Hey! It's the Jazz that Kriti lives with! :D

Kriti: *looks up, headtilt. Something's different about 'Clipsie now... but what?*

Jazz:  *looks up and gives a massive grin as he wolf whistles at Eclipse*  Look at you, all grown up 'n fine!  Oooo ooo.

Prowl:  *stern look*

Eclipse: *Faint blush tints her earlights pink*

Kriti: *gigglefit* PapaJazz!!!

kv Jazz: *chuckles* Easy Prowlie. He's a married man.

Jazz:  *looks in the container, and then chooses a lovely big fudge cube to offer to Eclipse along with a playful wink*

Starscream:  *looking at the cube with wide-eyed curiosity*

Eclipse: *more blush as she reaches for the cube* Thanks...

Kriti: *Clicks to Starscream. Come share snacks with us?*

Starscream:  *looks at Kriti and wibbles.  Does NOT wanna let go of Prowl.  ...Unless Prowl gets too far from Eclipse*

Skywarp: *Beeps at Starscream quietly*

Kriti: *Gets up after patpatting kv Bumblebee's shoulder gently, will go to Jazz and get a cube for Starscream*

kv Bumblebee: *small smile, shares a knowing look with kv Jazz*

Starscream:  *softly in his shrill little voice*  Thank you, Kriti.  *pause and look at the cube, his expression changing to 0.o as he examines it*

Kriti: *Very gentle patpat* ^_^

Starscream:  *little fingers smooshing the gummi cube*  ...What is this?

Kriti: Is a squishy energon goodie.

bittyBee:  *slapping away a curious little bot who wants to compare treats*

Ramjet: *Just wanted to show bittyBee the poppy cube he has*

Jazz:  *down on one knee and putting a hand out toward the little Conehead*  Easy, little guy.  Bumble ain't that friendly.

Ramjet: *will show you the poppy then*

Jazz:  *grins*  Yeah, ain't that somethin'?

Starscream:  *nibbles goodie and then nearly falls off Prowl's back in his surprise at the wonderful flavor*

Prowl:  *catches his ward and cradles the little Seeker in the crook of his arm.  Is still supporting Eclipse with the other arm*

Eclipse: Oh! *fussing over you now, Starscream!*

Kriti: *gentle fussings*

Prowl:  *looks around the hall*  This isn't very safe.  We should all move into the rec room.

Silverbolt: *nods, moving to pick up sparklets*

kv Bumblebee: *nods* Someone brought a copy of 'Legend of the Mystical Ninja' the other day... Anyone wanna watch it with me?

Jazz:  *suddenly standing up*  Oh!  Me!

Kriti: *headtilt* ?

Jazz:  That's that chibi thing, right?  *grinning, the goodie box forgotten in his hands*

kv Bumblebee: *nods, grinning* I think Carly got it for Daniel....

Jazz:  Nah, she just sayin' that.  *chuckles as he scoops up bittyBee and heads into the rec room*

Starscream:  *snuggling and smooshing his cube as he savors the bite he took.  Is totally engrossed in scanning and studying the treat*

Silverbolt: *quiet snerk as he brings the bitties he's got*

kv Jazz: *scoops Ramjet up and cuddles the little conehead, before following his alternate into the rec room*

Kriti: *Clicking and chirruping quietly*

Jazz:  *happily hogging a couch.  Has bittyBee sitting on his side as he fishes around in the goodie box for one with pop rocks in it*

Prowl:  *lifts the silver Jazz's feet and stations Eclipse on the end of the couch*

Kriti: *clambers onto the couch, will perch on the back of it now*

kv Bumblebee: *getting the DVD going as everyone gets settled in some way, shape, or form. Knows that most of the kids will be asleep before the disk needs to be changed to the next one*

Prowl:  *on the arm of the couch beside Eclipse, Starscream contentedly cuddled against him as the little Seeker continues to analyze his gummi cube*

Silverbolt: *stretching out on one of the other couches, has bitties laying all over him, though Blitzwing is currently moving to curl up in his cockpit*

Jazz:  Anybody wanna 'nother cube?  Bitty had me bring plenty.

Kriti: *Chirps*

Ramjet: *beeps*

Jazz:  *starts tossing the cubes around, at a speed that will be easy for little bots to catch*  This' Eclipse's sweet sixteen.

Eclipse: *chuckles a very Wheeljack-ish chuckle*

Starscream:  *looks up*  She's not sixteen, though.

kv Jazz: It's jes' an expression... He means she's all grown up, 'n a lady now. *grins*

Jazz:  *grins too*  Yeah, what the white guy said.

kv Jazz: *Snerks*

Prowl:  *shaking his head and wondering just how he's going to sit through inane childrens' programming, and TWO Jazzes*

Silverbolt: *Wondering the same thing himself, and silently thanking anyone who is listening upstairs that the Dinobots are out on a training mission*

Jazz:  *little snuggling motion on the couch and munches cubes like popcorn.  ...Also databursts a history documentary to Prowl and anyone who's looking a bit unhappy with the situation*

Kriti: *attention on the TV once kvBumblebee gets the DVD going*

Jazz:  *grinning widely as he reclines*  Somebody at work was talkin' 'bout this the other day. They said it was real cute.

kv Bumblebee: I heard the target audience is young kids, so that's probably why... :)

Kriti: *headtilt, clicks*

Prowl:  *busy opening up the history documentary and half grinning as he reads the table of contents*

Jazz:  Yeah.  *searches for another pop rock cube*

Silverbolt: *zoning out as he opens the history documentary, one hand absently going to his cockpit*

bittyBee:  *drops her cube*  Frag slagging $#@$@!

Jazz:  0_0

Skywarp: *Points and giggles*

Starscream:  *looking up from his goodie with an :o*

Prowl:  *shocked*

Ramjet: *points and beeps!*

kv Bumblebee: :0

Jazz:  *throat clearing sound as he returns the dropped treat*  Ah... yeah.  Percy says she spent too much time around Kup.  *embarrassed mech is embarrassed*

bittyBee:  *nom nom nom*

Silverbolt: ... Sounds like it, and that she's been spending time around Ironhide... >.>;;

Jazz:  ...I don't think so.  Ironhide's over on the other side 'a the country with Optimus.  *giving his bitty a reproving look, which she ignores*

Eclipse: *quiet giggling*

Silverbolt: Yours might be...

Jazz:  Yeah, well, she's never met yours either, man.

Eclipse: *more giggles*

Reflector: *clicks at the older 'bots*

Prowl:  *calmly*  Were we watching a video?

kv Bumblebee: Oh! yeah! *gets the video going*

Jazz:  *still eyeing bittyBee, but she's happily stuffing small bits of cube into her doll's mouth*

Near the end of the first disk....

Ramjet: *asleep, using Eclipse's lap as a pillow*

Reflector: *doing likewise to kv Jazz*

Thrust: *snuggling Ramjet*

Eclipse: *cuddling Starscream now*

Starscream:  *curled against his sister and making little sparklet purrs*

Prowl:  *forgot to keep his optics on, has them dark as he watches the engrossing history video*

kv Jazz: *rubbing bitty backs*

Kriti: *trying to drape herself over Jazz's shoulders*

Jazz:  *trying to move to help Kriti get into position*

bittyBee:  *moonwalking under the coffee table.  She's had way too many cubes*

Skywarp: *is doing bitty strafing runs at Sunstreaker, who is laughing and trying to catch the little mech*

Jazz:  *settles down with a sigh and looks around*  ...Two still standin'?

kv Jazz: Looks like it.

Jazz:  *chuckles and has another cube*

Wheelie: *sneak sneak, pounces on Jazz's foot!*

Jazz:  *blink blink look*  *quietly*  Wheelie!  Hey, man!  You jes' git back?

Wheelie: *nodnod* *Quietly* Wake's sleepin'...

WakeJumper: *is indeed sleeping as he's carried into the rec room by Orion Pax, with Ariel nowhere in sight*

Jazz:  *offers Wheelie a handful of cubes*  You wanna bring those over so he kin get 'em when he wakes up?

Wheelie: *nodnod, will carry the cubes to his brother now*

Jazz:  *grins, then looks at the TV*

kv Bumblebee: *Changing disks when the first one finishes*

Jazz:  *glances at Kriti and says something in one of the voices he uses on the 'Nightwind' cartoon*

Kriti: *Grins and clicks, snuggling close*

kv Jazz: *headtilt* What was that?

Jazz:  That was Major Flint.  *grinning and leaning back against Kriti slightly*

Kriti: *happy sounds*

kv Jazz: *blink blink* Whozzat?

Jazz:  *glances at the TV to see how ready Bumblebee is with that disk, then points at the coffee table and runs the opening to the cartoon show he VAs on*

kv Jazz: *snerks* We don' got anythin' like that....

Jazz:  *grinning*  That's because I'm one'a the guys that makes it good.

Kriti: PapaJazz is also Captain Disaster. :3

Prowl:  ...Aren't most Jazzes?  *totally absent, doesn't realize he said it out loud*

Jazz:  0_0  *snerk*

kv Jazz: *Cracking up, and then apologizing to the bitties he accidentally woke up*

Kriti: *blink blink, headshake* Meant on show.

Prowl:  *blink blinks and looks at the hologram*  I see.

Jazz:  Bittygirl, you wanna tell about it?  *turns his head and grins at her, knowing he's looking at one of his biggest fans*

Kriti: *little 'wings up and then she's happily talking about the show*

Prowl:  *admits to himself as he listens that the program actually sounds interesting*

Starscream:  *fussing softly as he snuggles and reaches for his interrupted nap*

Eclipse: *soothing sounds, offers snuggle and warm*

Starscream:  *a few more quiet squeaks and clicks, and then he falls still with a sigh of contentment*

Jazz: *d'awwwing softly*

bittyBee:  *rushes out to see who HER Jazz is cooing over*

Kriti: *clicks to Bumble for a little bit, then resumes telling about the show*

bittyBee:  *found a cube on the floor.  Plunks down to eat it all up, then squeaks madly and runs around the room as Kriti tells about the show*

Ariel: *is back, with blankets!*

Orion Pax: *blink blink, will try and catch the chibi without letting go of the sleeping youngling he's holding*

Jazz:  *notices this*  Careful, man.  She bites kneecaps.

Orion: So does Megatron.

Jazz:  ....  *snerk*  I bet.

bittyBee:  *eeeeeeeeee!  She's everywhere!*

Ariel: *gives Orion a blanket, and distributes blankets to all the adults with littles, before hunkering down closer to bittyBee's level, and clicking quietly while offering a nice, soft blanket to cuddle with*

bittyBee:  *swings her wall-eyed baby doll by the legs and runs away*

Ariel: *well-versed in bitty-wrangling, gives careful chase*

Prowl:  *likes what he hears about the detective and crime fighting cartoon, however he looks at Jazz about one thing Kriti says*  You play the romantic interest for the main character?

Jazz:  :D

Kriti: *NODNOD* Captain Disaster is Nightwind's crush!!! *Giggles*

Prowl:  Do you really need to put ideas like that in impressive young minds?

Jazz:  Hey, they don't do nothin' stupid.  Both of 'em're straight walkers.

Kriti: *nodnod* Nightwish kicks butt.

Orion: *now has a Wheelie Backpack*

Jazz:  *shows a picture of the lady in question in all her CGI glory.  Black croptop, black pyjama pants, black mask with glowing red eyes, and huge bat wings*

Prowl:  ...You're joking.  That doesn't look like a modern fictional heroine.

Kriti: *Soft razz for Prowl*

Jazz:  I ain't jokin', man.  That's Nightwind.  She ain't no busty beauty, but she's popular with the fans!

Kriti: Lotta cosplayers. *nodnod*

Jazz:  'N a lotta girls workin' out ta tryin' get her lean muscle look.  *grin*

Kriti: *nodnod, beeeeg yawn*

Jazz:  *then does the rough, gravelly voice of Nightwind's mentor, the big guy who acts slightly catlike.  He's seeing if he can make Kriti laugh*

Kriti: *razzes Jazz, before snuggling closer*

Jazz:  *sings to her softly, and then snerks as he hears bittyBee fall over in mid run*

bittyBee:  *asleep before she hits the floor*

Ariel: *gently picks up the chibi and wraps her in a blanket, before bringing the little one over to Jazz*

Jazz:  *offers her the goodie box in trade, then takes his tiny charge and cuddles her close to his chest where she can hear his spark*

Ariel: *Small smile as she takes the goodie box over to Orion*

Jazz:  Give 'im one'a the dark pink ones first.  *wants to see what the former Prime thinks of pop rocks*

Ariel: *Chuckles and offers her mate one of the suggested cubes, will also have one*

Jazz:  *watches them and the TV at the same time*

Orion: *amused by the pop rocks, will offer a bite to WakeJumper when the youngster pats his cheek quietly*

Jazz:  *grins and turns his attention to his bitties and the TV*

Kriti: *making quiet purrs*

Jazz:  *gently pulls her down by bittyBee and then cuddles both little femmes, though the one's not really little compared to him anymore*

Kriti: *happy purrs*

kv Jazz: *D'awws softly*

Jazz:  *grins, and then gives Kriti's helm a gentle kiss as he plays a soft song from a daddy to his little girl*

Kriti: *content. She's warm, her tank is full, and there's lots of snuggling going on.*

bittyBee:  *wriggles a bit in her blankie wrap and makes contented little clicks*

Blaster: *quiet as he sneaks Megatron and Soundwave in to join the cuddling littles*

Jazz:  *looks at the red mech quizzically, wondering why that sneaky pose is stirring up memories that he can't quite get to focus*

Blaster: *Silent as he tips his head towards some of the sleeping littles, indicating that he doesn't want to wake them up*

Soundwave: *Tugging on Megatron's hand, wants to snuggle with the others*

Jazz:  *blinks and shakes his head, then grins at the two little mechs*

Megatron:  *wants to stand and stare at the TV, his optics slightly wide as he watches the cute little people running around*

Jazz:  *softly*  You guys wanna come up 'n cuddle with Bitty 'n Bumble?

Soundwave: *Clicks and nods, giving Megatron's hand another tug*

Megatron:  *frowns at his brother, but then sees the offer of blankie and cuddles and lets himself be pulled over*

Soundwave: *trying to climb onto the couch without letting go of his brother's hand*

Jazz:  *reaches over the girls, grabs a scruff bar, and lifts*

Soundwave: *Surprised squeak*

Jazz:  Sorry, lil man.  It's all I can reach.  *sets him down and then helps Megatron scramble the rest of the way up*

Megatron:  *leans back against the other littles in the blanket and turns back to the TV.  Can see it better from up here*  :D

Soundwave: *Patpat, clicks and snuggles*

Kriti: *has her thumb in her mouth, is quite close to being asleep now*

Jazz:  *reaches for another blanket, since the ones he's got are wrapped around Kriti and Bumblebee*

Eclipse: *looks like she's close to nodding off as well*

Starscream:  *just peaceful little purrs*

Silverbolt: *passes Jazz a blanket, since Blitzwing is tucked into the blanket nest in the older mech's cockpit and has no need for an extra blanket*

Jazz:  *grins*  Thanks, man.  *offers it to Soundwave*

Soundwave: *Gives the impression of ^_^ as he moves to wrap the blankie around Megatron and himself*

Megatron:  *moving his head a bit so his line of sight doesn't get blocked, one small hand absently patting his brother as he gets wrapped*

Blaster: *snapping pictures of the sleeping littles*

Jazz:  *helps Soundwave a bit, then settles down to softly play music and watch the show*  ^_^

*And so the afternoon passes, with the occasional break as Bumblebee changes disks*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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