Nexus, Various locations, Tidings of Change

Mar 15, 2010 01:14

Nemesis:  *has walked out to the warehouse to offer Tarantulus a can of fancy sweet high grade*

Tarantulus: *appears to be absent*

Showtime: *attention going to Nemesis, small smile, still has that blindfold on over her optics* Hey, Nemesis.

Nemesis:  *walks over*  Where's tall dark and furry?

Showtime: On the other side of the building, I think... Unless that signal dampener he got is a lot better than we were expecting.

Nemesis:  *scans for him as she offers Showtime the can*

Tarantulus: *barely detectable, unless he moves, which gives away his position in an instant*

Showtime: *moves to sit on the floor once she's got the can held securely*

Nemesis:  There he is.  Careful, that stuff's strong.

Tarantulus: *slight frown as he moves to join Showtime and Nemesis*

Nemesis:  *tilts her head at him*  This place looks good.

Tarantulus: *small nod* After the first couple of would-be thieves ran off screaming, we had time to make sure everything's organized and easier for you to locate...

Nemesis:  *rotten chuckle*

Showtime: *grinning* I don't know if it was Tarantulus or me they were more terrified by.

Nemesis:  Femmes are always scarier.  *smirk*

Tarantulus: *makes a face*

Showtime: *soft chuckle*

Nemesis:  Bottoms up and let him have a taste.

Showtime: *small nod, has a taste of the energon, before she's passing the can to Tarantulus* Wooow... you weren't kidding about it being strong...

Nemesis:  *grin*  But good.

Showtime: *nods in agreement*

Tarantulus: *soft chuckle before he's having a taste of the energon*

Nemesis:  So you guys want to come to the bar for awhile?

Tarantulus: *considering* Would the warehouse be safe?

Nemesis:  Probably.  Those two you ran off were the only ones stupid enough to come in here besides the rats and slaargs.

Showtime: *nods, moving to get up*

Tarantulus: .... I suppose we could, for a little while...

Nemesis:  *chuckles and turns to lead the way out*

Showtime: *Following Nemesis, with Tarantulus bringing up the rear*

Tarantulus: *Quietly, as he follows his boss* By the way, Nemeis, where did you find that blend of energon? I don't remember ever having anything nearly as good.

Nemesis:  *her grin is clear in her voice as they come into the Black Dog*  From my still.

Tarantulus: ... *soft chuckle, nods*

Showtime: *Slows down a bit and simply listens to the noise and bustle of the bar, using it to get her bearings*

Nemesis:  Huh, there's your friend.  *glances toward a table by Archiva's bonsai stand, where the young Optimus is sitting with a small, dove grey femme of curious construction*

Pooka:  *bounces over and licks Showtime's foot*

Showtime: *smiles as she moves to crouch* Hello, Pooka.

Tarantulus: *Attention going to the table, blink blink*

Pooka:  *gently puts one big puppy paw on Showtime's knee*  Hi!  I wanted to come see you.  But Mom said you needed time to settle in.

yOp:  *smiling and talking to the femme, looks very happy.  Also looks relieved about something*

Showtime: *offers gentle ear scritches* I just needed a little bit of time to get used to the different sounds, is all...

Tarantulus: *moving to approach the table, curious*

Pooka:  ^_^  Do you want to come sit with me at the bar?

Showtime: *Nods* Sure. *smiles* Lead the way.

Pooka:  Okay.  *does so, using his shoulder to gently guide her*

Showtime: *Will go where guided*

yOp:  *looks up as his masked alt comes over*  *grins*  Hi, Tarantulus.  Where's Showtime?

Tarantulus: *quick glance over his shoulder, quiet chuckle* Pooka's herding her towards the bar...

yOp:  *looks and grins at the chatty puppy*  He's a good seater.

Tarantulus: *nods* Showtime's still insisting on wearing that blindfold... I'm not quite sure why though...

yOp:  Sometimes you just have to wait till you're ready.  *said this quietly, with knowledge*

Tarantulus: ... *slight frown as he nods*

yOp:  Oh, Tarantulus, I'd like you to meet Columba, my newest quadmate.

Tarantulus: *small, polite nod* It's nice to meet you, Columba.

Columba:  *shy, sweet smile*  Hello.

yOp:  Tarantulus is one of my alts.

Columba:  *nod*  I can sense that.

Tarantulus: *very slight, almost unnoticeable smirk as he makes note of yOp's behavior* I see....

yOp:  We're going to the Green Dancer after we've finished our drinks.  Would you and Showtime like to come with us?

Tarantulus: Green Dancer?

yOp:  It's my mentors' club.  The cook does incredible things with energon and minerals.  *slight grin*  I'm bringing Columba to show her... and there's plenty of room for more.

Tarantulus: I'll see if Showtime would like to go... *moves to head for the bar*

yOp:  Alright.  *turns back to Columba, unaware that his expression has softened*

Pooka:  *chattering away as he lays on the bar next to where Showtime's sitting on a bar stool*

Nemesis:  *flipping a male Sunstreaker upside the head with her bar towel for flirting where flirting isn't wanted*

Tarantulus: *Soft snerk, before he's moving to gently touch Showtime's shoulder* Hey... A friend of mine wants to know if you would like to come with us to a club...

Showtime: *Slight frown as she considers*

Pooka:  *sits up*  Ohhhhh.  Is big Oppy going to take you to the Green Dancer?  My daddy brought Mom and me there!  The food is... wow!

Nemesis:  *in the background*  Lumen, put that back.

hsvLumen: Aww, c'mon, Nem! It's not like I don't live in the same reality as Flashpoint...

Nemesis:  You still can't mooch my energon sticks.  *flips her towel at him too*

Tarantulus: *Ignoring that now, nods to Pooka* That's the place...

Pooka:  Oh boy!  Showtime, you have to go!  Your tank will cry if you don't!

Showtime: Well.. I suppose it would be nice to visit someplace new...

Pooka:  And it's out in space, and there are all kinds of interesting people there.  Including Deborah and Naomi!

Showtime: *doorwings up in confusion*

Tarantulus: Er... Who are they?

Pooka:  They're the cook and the manager's kids. *yes, little nosy butt wound up in the back parts of the complex*

Tarantulus: *quiet chuckle as he moves to help Showtime to her feet*

Pooka:  Bye bye, Showtime!  *touches her with the tip of his tongue in a bye bye kiss*

Showtime: See you later, Pooka. *doorwings up as she smiles*

Pooka:  *transforms*  I'm waving now!

Showtime: *chuckles and waves as she's lead over to yOp and Columba's table*

yOp and Columba:  *are just finishing up their drinks, and Columba is exclaiming very softly with wonder as she eats the energon olives that were in hers*

Tarantulus: *remembers his drink, shares the rest with Showtime*

yOp:  *smiling at Columba's wonder as he turns and looks curiously at the can the two are passing back and forth*  What's that?

Showtime: *as Tarantulus is having another draw from the can* Home brew from Nemesis' still.

yOp:  o.0  How is it?

Tarantulus: *offers the can* Very good.

yOp:  *take.  Taste.  >_o*  But strong.  *likes it anyway*

Tarantulus: *Didn't snicker, and you cannot prove it*

yOp:  *looks in the can and offers it back*  I bet Swindle would like this, it's really smooth and sweet.

Nemesis:  *calls over*  Tough.  It's mine.  *chuckle*

Tarantulus: *snerks*

yOp:  *chuckle*  He'd give you a fair price.

Nemesis:  *snorts and wipes the bar*

Showtime: *leans against Tarantulus a bit, taking comfort in his presence*

yOp:  *picks up his own drink and finishes it, then smiles as Columba indicates that she's done.  Looks at Tarantulus and Showtime to see if they're ready*

Tarantulus: *nods to yOp*

yOp:  Have you guys PINpointed before?  *gets to his feet and then moves to help Columba with her chair*

Showtime: PINpointed? *That'd be a no*

yOp:  Er... have you ever teleported?

Tarantulus: ... *blink*

yOp:  ...Space bridge?

Tarantulus: Once... just before we arrived in the Nexus...

yOp:  Alright.  Well, we won't be using a Space Bridge, so this shouldn't be too uncomfortable.

Tarantulus: *Arm around Showtime's waist without realizing it*

yOp:  *unconsciously puts a protective arm around Columba.  There's a slight sparkle of red and blue....* *and just like that, they're standing in the hallway of a space station, facing an elegantly polished mech who's standing behind a desk in a doorway that's framed with large leaved plants*

Tarantulus: *startles just slightly*

Showtime: *doorwings up*

Tarantulus: *moving to pull Showtime closer, is trying to hide how nervous he is*

Columba:  *comforting small hand on his arm as yOp grins and talks to the maitre D*

Loanshark:  For four?

yOp:  Yup.  Lunch menu?

Loanshark:  No problem.  And the big booth is empty, too.  Just let me get Dynamo over here and I'll seat you myself.

Tarantulus: *quick glance to Columba, is a bit unsure now*

yOp:  *turns his head as he picks up on this*  Tarantulus?  Is something wrong?

Tarantulus: *quietly* Are you sure this place is safe?

yOp:  *nod*  It's totally safe.

Loanshark:  You see that lovely lady right there?  *points to a tall, muscular creature who looks like trouble waiting to happen*  She won't let anyone disturb the peace.  *grins as he says it*

Showtime: *Giving Tarantulus a look that, if she were to remove her blindfold, would be dang near close to a wibble*

Tarantulus: ... *cycles air, before nodding to yOp*

yOp:  *smiles, and there's a very very faint projection of reassurance that's echoed by Columba's soft purring*  *turns back to Loanshark as a slightly smaller and more slender bot comes to man the desk, then steps forward with his arm around Columba to follow the green, grey, and white bot toward the large circular booth that sits in the center of the room under a massive and intricate cut crystal chandelier*

Tarantulus: *moves to guide Showtime after yOp and Columba*

clientele:  *has more organics than the Black Dog usually contains, though none of the ones here are human.  There are several large, cheerful reptilian people, several smaller green ones, some blue ones and orange ones, and one table that holds tiny frail hovering things who are happily sipping from delicate tall flute glasses with long blue tongues*

Showtime: *'wings fluttering a bit as she tries to make sense of what she's hearing around her*

JD couple:  *look of very genuine concern for the young femme as she's lead past their table*

Tarantulus: *protective of Showtime, and just a tidge nervous still*

yOp:  *seats Columba in the big wrap around booth, which has two entrances, then turns to offer his alt assistance if it's needed*

Loanshark:  *hovers unobtrusively in the background, though he smiles as the big homely bouncer looks at him*

Tarantulus: *slight headshake, will carefully help Showtime sit down before moving to sit beside her*

yOp:  *slips in beside Columba*  Could you bring us some clear energon spritzers, a few pearls, and some wrapped bottail sausages while we look at the menu?

Loanshark:  No problem.  *grins and goes*

yOp:  *makes sure Tarantulus has a menu*  I'll explain anything you don't know.  But the salads are usually really strange and really good.

Tarantulus: ... *raised brow ridge is hidden by his mask, but he is doing it as he reads the menu*

menu:  *offers a nice clear soup, a complex salad, a dish of stuffed pasta in a smooth blue sauce, a slab of specially prepared gummi roast with the trimmings, and several kinds of appetizers*

Tarantulus: *quietly begins describing what the menu items are to Showtime*

Showtime: *headtilted as she listens*

Columba:  *optics wide with wonder as she studies the menu, looks up and smiles at yOp as she catches his desire for the roast and some salad*

Showtime: *headtilt the other way as she considers, before deciding on the pasta dish*

Loanshark:  *brings the drinks and appetizers himself.  And the pearls, with their hint of Seekersalt, smell wonderfully inviting*  Here you are.  Do you know what you'd like to eat?

Tarantulus: Er.... *nope*

Showtime: *nods* I'd like the pasta, please.

yOp:  I'll have the roast and the medley salad.

Columba:  Soup and medley salad, please.  *shy, sweet smile*

Tarantulus: ... I'll have what he's having. *nods to yOp*

Loanshark:  *slight chuckle*  Would you like the extra pickles, too?

yOp:  *blush*

Tarantulus: Please.

Loanshark:  *writes, then bows slightly and excuses himself to go to the kitchen*

yOp:  *offers the plate of goodies to Showtime and Tarantulus*

Showtime: *'wings up as Tarantulus offers her one of the bottail sausages*

yOp:  *grinning*  Try a pearl.

Tarantulus: *going to do that now.... and marvel over the flavor of the goodie*

yOp:  *grin widens.  He's proud of those things even though he didn't invent them*

Columba:  *shyly reaches to take one for herself, optics widen as it pops and melts in her mouth, and then she makes a soft pleased sound*

Tarantulus: *giving a pearl to Showtime now, so she can experience the flavor herself*

yOp:  *watches the blue femme's reaction as he has a pearl himself*

Showtime: *doorwings UP, and she's making pleased sounds as well*

yOp:  *grin*  Is this the first time you've had something with Seekersalt in it?

Showtime: Seekersalt? *would be blinking if not for that blindfold*

yOp:  That's the main flavor in the pearls.  It's one of the multiverse's rarest and most delicious minerals.

Showtime: *Small smile* It's very good.

yOp:  Yeah.  I like these too.  *eats one of the little wrapped sausages, savoring the flavor of gummi roast and silibacon*

Showtime: *headtilts, until Tarantulus offers her the wrapped sausage again, then it clicks that this is what yOp is talking about*

yOp:  ^_^; Sorry.

Showtime: *absent handwave, is enjoying the sausage*

yOp:  Alright.  *looks at Tarantulus*  So you're working for Nemesis?

Tarantulus: *nods, reaching for one of the sausages as well* Guarding her warehouse.

yOp:  How's the pay?  *has a drink from his glass*

Tarantulus: Fair... *nommasausage*

yOp:  Fair?  *has another sausage himself*

Tarantulus: For what guarding the warehouse entails, it's fair. *meaning that he's happy with what he's getting paid*

Showtime: *Carefully searching for her drink*

yOp:  Alright.  *grin*  Is she giving you board, too?

Columba: *pats Showtime's hand gently and guides it toward the glass, laying on the table to reach her*

Showtime: *small smile, thanks Columba as she takes hold of the glass*

Tarantulus: *nods* There's an apartment in the warehouse.

yOp:  Good.  *looks at the last sausage*

Tarantulus: *having a sip of his drink now. The drink is light, sweet, and sparkling.*

yOp:  Do you want this?

Tarantulus: *headshake, is enjoying his drink*

yOp:  *offers it to Showtime, telling her what he's doing*

Showtime: No thank you... *smiles sweetly*

yOp:  *smiles back*  Alright.  *eats the sausage and then orders some miniature spiced softboils*

waiter:  *brings the beautifully arranged plate and sets it on the table, then bows his head and withdraws*

Columba:  *takes a mud pie and a little softboil and eats them together*  Ohhhhhh.

yOp:  *smiling at her wonder and delight as he feels it too*

Showtime: *'wings up with curiosity, slight headtilt*

Columba:  *will carefully press a delicately spicy little softboil in its Seekersalt flavored shell onto the salty calcien cracker and tap Showtime's hand with it now*

Showtime: *thanks Columba as she accepts the cracker and softboil, before moving to take a bite*

Tarantulus: *watching Showtime's reaction without seeming to*

Showtime: *'wings up* Ooooooo!

Columba:  They're so good, aren't they?

Showtime: *nods* Very.

Columba:  Do you want another?

Showtime: *nods* Please.

Columba:  *scoots around the booth to fix it for her, then puts it into her hand*

yOp:  *watching the little grey femme proudly*

Tarantulus: *very slight smile on his face as he watches the pair of femmes*

yOp:  *glances at Tarantulus, his expression saying 'isn't she wonderful?'*

Tarantulus: *small nod*

Showtime: *happy 'wing perk as she eats*

Loanshark:  *here he comes with a tray and a waiter with another tray!*

Tarantulus: *attention going to Loanshark now*

Loanshark:  *sets a plate of roast and sauce and gummi veg in front of him, then follows it with a plate of what looks like assorted colours and shapes of leaves and gummifruits.  Gives Showtime hers next, and then Columba and yOp*

yOp:  *looks at his salad, which is roughly based on those fancy salad green mixes, with things resembling almonds, tangy cheese, and figs arranged artfully on top of and around it*  This stuff is great.  Thanks, Loanshark.

Loanshark:  *replacing their drinks with a fuller bodied red energon that will compliment the meals*  Don't thank me.  I'm just the delivery bot.  ;)

Showtime: *carefully searching for a utensil*

Columba: *picks up her fork and gently taps her hand with it*

Showtime: *slightly sheepish grin as she thanks Columba again*

Columba: *squeezes her hand*  I don't mind.  I was built to help.

yOp:  *bows his head to give thanks again, and then digs into his salad*  ^_^

Tarantulus: *ducks his head a bit, before having a bite of his own salad*

Showtime: *another smile, and then she's working on carefully eating. Even without using her optics, she's a careful and neat diner*

Columba:  *moves Showtime's glass slightly, tapping it so that the blue femme can tell it's where the other one had been*

Showtime: *small nod as she eats*

yOp:  *soft snerk as Loanshark walks past the bouncer on the way back to his desk and gets his butt patted*

Tarantulus: *making pleased sounds as he eats, having pushed his mask up slightly so the fangs don't get in his way*

yOp:  *has more salad, then pulls the plate of roast closer and starts on it*  Do you know what you want to do in the long run?

Tarantulus: *slight headshake* Not yet, I don't... Well, besides giving Sentinel a surprise he won't soon forget...

yOp:  You're still set on that, huh?  :\

Tarantulus: I'm still set on wanting to punch him.... But I think it'd be more of a surprise if I showed up when the Council was having a meeting.

yOp:  With that badge on?  *worried frown*

Tarantulus: *headshake* I may be a lot of things... *quietly* But suicidal is not one of them.

yOp:  Isn't it burned on?

Tarantulus: *another headshake with a slight smirk* It's painted on.

yOp:  How'd you get that past Megatron?

Tarantulus: I'm not sure, to be honest...

yOp:  You were serving on his ship?

Tarantulus: *nods* Mostly grunt work, carrying things... I kept quiet, and did what I was ordered to do without raising a fuss...

yOp:  Huh.  *eats thoughtfully*

Showtime: *silent now, meal forgotten*

Columba:  *softly*  Showtime?

Showtime: *quietly, to Tarantulus* You're a Decepticon?

yOp:  *looks up with shock, he hadn't realized she didn't know*

Tarantulus: *quietly* In name only...

Columba:  *hand over her mouth, other hand unconsciously covering the purple badge on one of her wings*

Showtime: ... *silent, is working this over in her processor, as evidenced by how her 'wings are moving* ... *slight frown* I don't get why you'd take orders from a jerk like Megatron.

yOp:  *quietly*  When you've been betrayed by a jerk in the red badge... being told what to do by a jerk in the purple one doesn't seem as hard.  *optics on his alternate as he speaks*

Tarantulus: *lips thin as he nods* *quietly* I never enjoyed taking orders from him though....

Showtime: ... *frowning more*

yOp:  *looks at Tarantulus*  -May I show her what happened to you?  Some of it.-

Tarantulus: *lips thin even more, before he nods again*

yOp:  Showtime, may I show you?

Showtime: *nods, still frowning*

yOp:  *gently*  You're going to have to wish for it.

Showtime: *quiet murmur* I wish to be shown...

yOp:  What do you wish to be shown?

Showtime: I wish to be shown what Tarantulus is comfortable letting be known of his past.

yOp:  *his hands under the table sparkle in red and blue, and a series of images and feelings move through the blue femme's processor.  They are from a first hand perspective, but muted, as though watched distantly, or in a dream*

Showtime: *'wings falling as she watches, till she flinches slightly and draws a sharp rush of air through her intakes*

yOp:  *sends comfort even as Columba puts a hand over Showtime's.  Continues the showing till the end*

Showtime: *cycling air quietly and shivering just a bit*

yOp:  *quietly*  That's all of it.

Tarantulus: *Silent, waiting for Showtime's reaction*

Showtime: *still for a few moments, before she's searching for Tarantulus' hand with the intention of giving it a squeeze*

yOp:  *sends a mental image of where Tarantulus' hand is in relation to her own*

Showtime: *can has Tarantulus hand now*

Columba:  *scoots around to lean against yOp as he puts a comforting and protective arm around her*

yOp:  *gets their meals to take home, then sets a PINpoint where Tarantulus can see it, leaves a note telling the use of it, pays the bill, and brings his quad mate away, leaving his alt and Showtime alone with one another*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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