mbv and the Nexus, NEST HQ and the Black Dog, Lunch

Mar 13, 2010 22:20

Tracks: *wandering through the lodge shortly before lunchtime, a frown on his face as he thinks of the information Patrick just shared with the Autobots about the mirrors around the sun.  And then he perks as he hears familiar footsteps approaching from a side hall*

Denver: *is a bit distracted by the reports in her hand, nearly runs into Tracks*

Tracks:  *arms around her and laughs softly*

Denver: *Sheepish, apologizes as she leans against him*

Tracks:  *leans back a little so that he can look at her face*  WakeJumper and Raoul are busy.  Would you care to eat out for lunch, darling?

Denver: *small smile* Sure...

Tracks:  Do you mind horribly if I only bring you to this quaint pub type spot that Raoul and I know in the Nexus?

Denver: 'F y'u don' mahnd waitin' f'r me t' not be dizzeh aftah we get th're....

Tracks:  Russell thinks that if you hold your breath when we jump, it might help to cut down on that.  *slight frown of concern*

Denver: *small nod* Can't 'urt t' trah...

Tracks:  *has his small smile again, his icy blue eyes now dancing with anticipation.*  Do you need to get ready?

Denver: *small smile* Ah sh'ld prolleh change t' s'meth'n' a bit moah suitable th'n mah fatigues...

Tracks:  *softly*  Alright.  *then pauses and looks down at his own sweater and slacks, wondering*

Denver: Y'u look jes' fahn, Tracks...*fondness in her eyes as she says that, before she's moving to head back to change clothes*

Tracks:  *will walk beside her to wait outside the room as she gets ready*  Do I?  *smiles his own small smile*  Then maybe I'm finally getting the hang of human clothes.

Denver: *moves to kiss Tracks' cheek* Ah'll onleh be a few minutes... *ducks into the room*

Tracks:  *leans against the wall and listens to the sounds of the building, his spark humming softly with contentment despite the alarming news he just heard*

Denver: *emerges from the room a few minutes later, dressed in black slacks and a modestly cut blouse. Her normal boots are firmly on her feet as she gives Tracks a small smile*

Tracks:  *smiles back and offers his arm and a compliment*  You look lovely.

Denver: *ducking her head and blushing a bit as she moves to put a hand on Tracks' arm*

Tracks:  *kisses her gently on the hair and then puts his finger to the button on his watch*  Ready?

Denver: *nods, taking a deep breath and holding it*

Tracks:  *presses the button and brings them under the bench on the Black Dog's porch*

Denver: *lets the breath out slowly* Ah still don' lahk teleportin'...

Tracks: *leans over to kiss her again, his hand patting hers on his arm comfortingly*

Denver: *looking around without seeming to, and suddenly feeling very, very small due to the big feet that are going back and forth*

Tracks:  *senses a slight change in her heart rate*  Darling?

Denver: *quietly* 'R we safe 'ere?

Tracks:  Perfectly.  Nemesis doesn't allow any fighting in her bar.

Denver: *lips thin for a moment, before she nods* Okay...

Tracks:  *gentle hand to her cheek*  We can look for another place, if you'd rather not eat here.

Pooka:  *peeks under the bench in his puppy form*  Hi, guys.  Are you going to come in?  *wagga tail*

Denver: *blinkblinks at Pooka, okay, that's cute* *small nod, leans on Tracks a bit, trusting him*

Tracks:  *will put his arms around her even as he smiles at the massive puppy*  Give us a moment, Pooka.

Pooka:  Okay!  *bounces back inside*

Tracks:  *rests his cheek against Denver's hair, one hand gently rubbing her shoulder as he feels the deep contentment that comes from holding her*

Denver: *taking deep breaths and trying to relax. After a little while, she nods*

Tracks:  *smiles*  *softly*  Good girl.  *steps back and offers his hand*

Denver: *takes Tracks' hand and gives it a squeeze*

Tracks:  *leads her inside, noting that Blackout is holding court at the bar, and that Pooka is now having a giggly wrestling match with the big femme's little pink and grey Minicon follower*  Let us sit over under the plant stand in the corner, Archiva darling.

Archiva:  Alright.  *grins and offers them a datapad with the menu on it, since they'll be too far from the bar and at the wrong angle to read the blackboards there*

Tracks:  *thanks her, and leads Denver over to a nice little cave under the plant habitat, which looks like a small artistic mountain dotted with beautifully trained bonsai trees*

*Near the door, there's a bit of a commotion as an unlucky Ultra Magnus gets ushered into the bar, courtesy of a foot to the skidplate*

Denver: *attention going that way for a moment, before she's being lead to the cave*

Nemesis:  *calls from her place behind the bar*  No fighting!

hsvLumen: *peeks in, giving Nemesis his most charming grin* It's Magnus' turn to get cookies and he was trying to dodge duty!

Nemesis:  I don't care.  There's no fighting in here.

red bayformer femme at the bar: *facepalming and muttering under her breath* Ah'mma weld th't punk t' th' slaggin' wall.

Nemesis:  Not in here.  *polishes the bar*

Tracks:  *ignoring all this as he pulls Denver's chair out for her*

Denver: *Quietly thanks Tracks as she moves to sit in the chair, lifting her feet so she can be scooted closer to the table*

Tracks:  *slides her gently into place, and then takes his seat across from her.  He's left the menu in front of her*

Denver: *quietly, as she reaches for the menu* Ah bet th't dark blue gah's 'opin' th't th' otha 'un'll get combat-kissed.

Tracks:  Oh, he already has been.  *nods toward the massive black Transformer at the bar, who is surrounded by bots of similar colour and make*  That's Blackout.

Denver: *Quick glance over her shoulder, quiet 'meep', before she's returning her attention to the menu*

red femme at the bar: *patpats the Ultra Magnus on the shoulder when he approaches the bar warily*

Denver: *Brows up, and then she's chuckling quietly*

Tracks:  *looks at her*  What is it?

Denver: Javan'd be 'n 'eaven 'f 'e saw th' menu 'ere....

Tracks:  *soft chuckle*  Where do you think Skylar and Petra got that ham they weren't sharing with him the other day?

Denver: *soft 'heh', before she's trying to decide what she wants to eat*

Tracks:  They'll give you samples, if you're not sure what you'd like.  *already knows what he'd like to eat*

Denver: *slight frown as she tries to sound out the one word she's not familiar with*

Tracks:  *leans over to look where she's looking*  *quietly*  It's pronounced 'peu'-tin', darling.

Denver: Ah th'nk Ah'll give 't a trah th'n... Ah've gotta pretteh good ahdeah wh't th' rest 'f th' menu tastes lahk... *quiet chuckle*

Tracks:  Are you sure?  It's nothing special; only french fries with cheese curd and gravy.

Denver: Ah ain't evah 'ad anehth'n' lahk th't, Tracks... Ah'm sure.

Tracks:  Alright.  *turns his head and pings Archiva*

Archiva:  *comes and hunkers down to look at them*  You know what you'd like?

Tracks:  *nods and orders himself a drink first... a nice clear mid-grade mixture*

Denver: *blinks a bit, wondering if she should order a drink or not*

Tracks and Archiva:  *both look at her*

Denver: *slight start* Er....

Archiva:  Do you need more time?

Denver: Er... Ah know wh't Ah'd lahk t' eat... Ah'd lahk an ordah 'f poutine, please.

Archiva:  *makes a note on her datapad*

Tracks:  Wouldn't you like a drink?

Denver: *nods* *a bit sheepishly* Ah w'sn't sure wh't th're 's t' drink though....

Archiva:  *simply*  Everything.

Denver: ...

Tracks:  She's not joking.  Nemesis is rather proud of her ability with organic drinks.

Denver: *Brows up* Well... Glass 'f sweet tea, 'f 't isn't too much trouble?

Archiva:  No problem at all.  *smile*  Would you like a tall glass, or a hiball?

Denver: Tall glass, please.

Archiva:  Alright.  *smiles and stands to go get the drinks*

Tracks:  *puts his hand over Denver's, those icy eyes shining*

Denver: *very faint blush as she moves to gently squeeze Tracks' hand*

Tracks:  *saying 'I love you' without words as he looks at her*

Denver: *small smile, gives Tracks' hand another gentle squeeze*

Archiva: *back with the drinks, and a small bowl of candy coated almonds, which is a food that most organic fuel enabled Transformers can stand because it resembles energon fuels*

Tracks:  *thanks her with a smile and orders gummi roast and energon mashes*

Archiva:  *nods and goes to get their meals*

Denver: *having a few of the candy coated almonds, idly tapping the toe of her boot against the floor*

Tracks:  *nibbles an almond himself.  He's very curious about how the sweetmeat is constructed, and his wonder at it is nearly child like*

Denver: *watching Tracks, a slow smile coming to her face*

Tracks:  *blinks as the almond breaks in half, and then studies the inside of the nut before delicately tasting it separately from the pink candy coating*

Denver: *Quiet chuckle, has a few more of the almonds*

Tracks:  *looks up at the chuckle, his brows lifting quizzically*

Denver: *small smile* Y'u look adorable lahk th't...

Tracks: *mouth quirks up at one corner*  Like what?

Denver: Wh'n y'u're trahin' s'meth'n' new 'n it shows on y'ur face... 'T's cute... *and she's blushing a bit now*

Tracks: *blushes too*  Oh.  Well....  *looks down at the candy dish as he tries to think of what to say*

Denver: *ducking her head slightly, before her attention goes to a large bayformer femme telling another bayformer off* ....

Tracks:  *looks toward the sound, and then notices that two of the bots at the table outside their little cave have feet like Joe's*

Denver: ... Ah th'nk Ah mahght be 'earin' th'ngs....

Tracks:  *turns back to her*  Why's that, darling?

Denver: Ah c'ld'a sworn Ah jes' 'eard mah own voice tellin' s'me'un off f'r s'meth'n'...

Tracks:  *chuckle*  That's hardly surprising here.  Look over at that table near the back.

Denver: *looks that way and sees a G1 Tracks sitting and arguing with a Gears* ... *eyes wide*

Tracks:  Now look over at that booth....  And now look who just came in the door.  *two more Trackses.  One of which is TFA style*

Denver: ...Oh good gravy... *slight frown as she glances in the direction she's sure she heard her voice come from, boggles slightly when she catches sight of the red bayformer femme slapping an even larger silver and teal bayformer mech on the back*

Tracks:  *quietly*  Skylar met her awhile ago.  And Raoul met her brother when he came here on that last cookie run.

Denver: ... Who 's she?

Tracks:  Denver Annette MacKenzie.

Denver: ....

Tracks:  They're called alternates, darling.  *hand on hers in a comforting manner*

Denver: ... 'N she's Cybertronian.... *looks a bit brain-broken now*

Tracks:  *gently*  Her LOL didn't fade away.

Denver: *biting her lip a bit*

Tracks:  *concerned look*  Darling?

Denver: *quietly* Poor th'ng must've been terrifahed...

Tracks:  *concern deepens*  Were you?

Denver: *quietly, as she turns her gaze downward to Tracks' hand on her own* A li'l, 't first...

Tracks:  *softly* I'm sorry.

Denver: *attention back on Tracks' face now* *earnestly* Part'a wh't made th' change easiah t' cope wit' w's knowin' th't y'u 'ave mah back.

Tracks:  Even though I was damaged at the time and couldn't remember who you were?

Denver: *nods*

Tracks:  *lowers his head and kisses her hand*  Well, I'm glad about that, anyway.

Denver: *blushing a bit now, wasn't expecting Tracks to kiss her hand* *Tracks, you're not the only one who is new to the whole 'being with someone' thing*

Tracks:  *looks up and lets go her hand to touch her cheek*  *softly*  I embarrassed you....

Denver: N-no... Ah... *blushing more* *Quietly* Th's 's all new t' me... Ah ain't sure 'alf th' tahm wh't t' say 'r do....

Tracks:  *quietly*  Then we're in the same escape pod.

Denver: *reaches for Tracks' hand, intends to give it a gentle squeeze*

Tracks:  *takes her hand, then starts and looks up as Archiva kneels to look inside the cave*

Denver: *also starts, blinking a bit*

Archiva:  *gently passing in their food*

Tracks:  *takes the plates and sets them on the table*  Thank you, darling.

Denver: *chuckles quietly*

Archiva:  *smiles and asks if there's anything else they need*

Denver: *headshake, looks to Tracks*

Tracks:  I think we're fine, thank you.

Archiva:  *nods and withdraws*

Tracks:  *turns back to Denver*  Sorry, darling.  Where were we?

Denver: *blink* Er.... Ah don' remember... *sheepish grin*

Tracks:  *soft hand pat and then a gentle squeeze*  That's alright.

Denver: *squeezes Tracks' hand in return* Le's eat...

Denver: *nearly inaudiable murmur of "Bless this meal, Amen." before she picks up her fork*

hsvDenver: *looking at the slightly smaller, dark blue mech that just sat down next to her*

hsvLumen: *Cheery grin, seems oblivious to the fact that he's getting a deathglare from the red femme he's seated next to*

Tracks:  *slight smirk and turns his attention to his meal and his companion*

Denver: *offering Tracks a bite of poutine*

Tracks:  *hesitates*  But I won't be able to trade.

Denver: Th't's alrahght...

Tracks:  *looks uncertainly at the forkful of organic food, but then leans forward and eats it, his brows drawing together in effort not to make one of his surprised grimaces at the flavor*

Denver: *quiet chuckle*

Tracks:  *one brow raised and an expression of open assessment on his face*  ...Well, it's not as bad as some of the things they've tried telling me are fuel.  It's even nearly pleasant.

Denver: *more chuckling, before she moves to have another bite herself*

Tracks:  *watching her, his hands absently poised to cut into his own meal*

Denver: *being careful not to get gravy on her shirt as she eats*

Tracks:  *eyes tracing the curve of her jaw and the quirk of her brow, taking in the subtle hint in her hair of where the bed head always hits the worst*

Denver: *pausing in her eating to have a sip of her tea*

Tracks: *quickly looks down at his food, wondering why he's blushing again and feeling like he was doing something he shouldn't be caught at*

Denver: *studying Tracks' features without seeming to, or so she thinks*

Tracks:  *blinks and looks up quizzically, not realizing she's doing what he'd just been doing*

Denver: *Faint blush, ducks her head and goes back to eating*

Tracks:  *blink*  ...So how's your team doing?  Has the new member come yet?

Denver: Jean's still sulkin' 'bout... 'n Ah ain't met th' new member 'f th'y've arrahved....

Tracks:  Well surely you'd know.  So they mustn't be there yet. *eats a bite of gummi roast* Do you know who it is?

Denver: *headshake as she eats another bite of poutine*

Tracks:  *confused and a little indignant*  Don't tell me they're leaving you out of the loop just because you're on leave!

Denver: Ah don' 'ave th' foggiest... *sighs a bit* Ah'll 'ave a word wit' Colonel Franklin latah...

Tracks:  *frowns*  Well that's a fine way to run an organization.

Denver: 'E may not know eitha, Tracks... NEST 's dang neah impossible t' get int'...

Tracks:  But isn't he in charge?  *brows lifting slightly over his frown*

Denver: Yeah... But lahk Ah said... NEST 's th' best'a th' best 'n aneh branch'a th' military... Ah got dang luckeh wh'n Ah made th' requirements 's a Private.

Tracks:  *understands*  You're getting a new recruit.

Denver: *Raised brow* ... *then she's snerking and focusing on her meal*

Tracks:  Huh?

Denver: Eithah way, new recruit 'r seasoned soldiah, ain't no way Maria 'r aneh 'f th' othahs'll make 't easeh 'n 'em.

Tracks:  *sighs*  I'm so confused.

Denver: *reaches and patpats his hand*

Tracks:  *tries again as he smiles slightly at the pat*  Is there anyone you're hoping it will be?

Denver: Most'a th' people Ah'd considah f'r th's 're alreadeh part'a NEST... 'n Beau's too young t' be officially part'a NEST...

Tracks:  I see.  We weren't quite on the same page.  When I said new recruit I meant someone new to NEST.

Denver: ...Oh...

Tracks:  *small chuckle*

Denver: *gonna have another drink of tea now, thanks*

Tracks:  *reaches over and gently uses a napkin to wipe a spot of gravy off her mouth once she's done that*

Denver: *Faint blush, flinches when the red bayformer femme knocks the dark blue mech upside the head for something he said*

Tracks:  *frowning that way as he watches Nemesis warn them that one more stunt like that will get their skidplates thrown out of the bar*

hsvDenver: *slight scowl, tells Lumen to quit bothering her, moves to go sit elsewhere*

Tracks:  *quietly, as he watches*  It's obvious that I'm not the only one who isn't afraid of you, darling.

Denver: *blink blink*

hsvLumen: *chuckles and moves to grab one of the energon sticks that hsvDenver left behind*

Nemesis:  *flips him in the head with her bar towel and takes it back*

hsvLumen: Aww, c'mon, Nem! It's not like I don't live in the same reality as Flashpoint...

Nemesis:  You still can't mooch my energon sticks.  *flips her towel at him again*

Denver: ... *quiet chuckle*

Tracks: *rolls his eyes at the young mech and eats*

Denver: *resumes eating*

Tracks:  *quietly*  You weren't at the meeting just before we left, were you?

Denver: *headshake* Ah w's goin' ovah reports fr'm las' month...

Tracks:  Ah.  Well.  *cuts roast and eats*  They've found out why it's so deuced cold.

Denver: ... *raised brow*

Tracks:  It seems Megatron's got some sort of energy collecting mirrors set around the sun.

Denver: .... *sharp rush of breath*

Tracks:  *nods, lips pressed together*  Both Alpha Squadron and that little neutral femme have seen it. And Alpha Squadron's leader has had a peek at the plans.

Denver: ... Slaggin' pit.... *yes, she's picked up some of Ironhide's favorite swearwords*

Tracks:  That's one way to put it.  Wander thinks she might have steered her ship into one of them when she sent it into the sun.

Denver: *frowns, unspoken emotions dancing in her eyes*

Tracks:  *quietly*  Optimus will think of something.  *doesn't express the 'I hope', though he's feeling just a tiny bit forlorn*

Denver: *Quietly* If Megatron ever sets foot on Earth and I'm nearby, he'll wish he wasn't.

Tracks:  No.

Denver: *narrows her eyes, anger dancing in them*

Tracks:  We don't have any way of repairing you.  And Raoul and WakeJumper need you.

Denver: *aaand there's that stubborn set in her jaw that she gets sometimes*

Tracks:  *expression in his eyes suddenly haunted*  Denver, please promise me that you won't try fighting Megatron.  Please?

Denver: ... *quietly* I promise... But if he threatens the safety of my family, I will not hesitate to protect them.

Tracks:  I'll be right there with you if that happens.

Denver: *reaches for Tracks' hand again*

Tracks:  *takes her hand and holds it firmly, his eyes holding resolve and also old old sadness and pain*

Denver: *Squeezes Tracks' hand, determination and desire to protect clear in her eyes*

Tracks:  *quietly*  Raoul and WakeJumper need you.  And so do I.

Denver: *another gentle squeeze* *quietly, in the only bit of Cybertronian she can manage* [I love you.]

Tracks:  *lowers his head, squares his jaw, and fights tears*

Denver: *moves her chair closer to Tracks' and moves to hug him*

Tracks:  No.  Not here....  *because he knows he'll break down, and he hates the thought of doing that in public*

Denver: *Quietly* Le's go 'ome...

Tracks:  *nods and takes out his credit card, pinging Archiva as he does so*

Archiva: *comes and processes the payment*  Would you like some takeaway boxes?

Denver: *small headshake, gently squeezes Tracks' hand*

Tracks: *quietly*  Raoul and WakeJumper would love this stuff.

Denver: ... *nods*

Archiva: *takes out two containers and sets them on the table, then rises to her feet and glides away noiselessly*

Tracks:  *kisses Denver's hand, then straightens and starts putting the energon fuel away first*

Denver: *Scoots back over to her plate and reaches for the empty takeaway box*

Tracks:  *makes sure she can reach it.  Also puts the wrapped energon candy into his pocket*

Denver: *carefully putting what's left of her poutine in the container, will pocket the wrapped mint*

Tracks: *fuel packaged, he slips it into subspace and then gets to his feet to come around the table and pull Denver's chair back*

Denver: *gets up once she's clear of the table, box in hand*

Tracks:  Do you want me to carry that?  *hand on her back as he guides her away from the table*

Denver: 'F y'u want to... *will offer the box*

Tracks:  *takes it and puts it into subspace as well, then drops his hand so that his fingers are just touching Denver's hand*

Denver: *moves to entwine her fingers with Tracks'*

Tracks:  *smiles very slightly at that*  Brace yourself.

Denver: *Takes a deep breath*

Tracks:  *PINs them home*

Denver: *lets out the breath, and makes a face* Ah don' care 'ow c'nvenient th't 's... Ah still don' lahk it...

Tracks:  *pulls her close and puts an arm around her, braced slightly for a moment before he looks over her shoulder and sees that they have the room to themselves and that no youngbot is going to tackleglomp him*

room: *is silent aside from the sounds of the heater*

Tracks:  *turns away from Denver to put the organic fuel into Raoul's bar fridge, then sets the other container on top of it*

Denver: *moves to sit down so she can take her boots off*

Tracks:  *goes to the window and looks out, his eyes going automatically to the sun*

Denver: *Quietly* 'T least 't aint Th' Fallen stealin' energy fr'm th' sun...

Tracks:  *turns and looks at her with a sharply quizzical frown*

Denver: Th' first tahm Ah wound up 'n th' Nexus on accident, Ah met a gal bah th' name'a Archahva, 'n not th' 'un 't th' pub.... She mentioned s'me'un bah th' name'a Th' Fallen doin' s'meth'n' with s'me machine....

Tracks:  Do you mean in another reality?

Denver: *nod*

Tracks:  *sighs and looks back out the window*  No, instead it's Megatron and 'some machine'.

Denver: *quietly* I don't want to frighten the boys... But at the same time... It wouldn't be right to not tell them...

Tracks:  Bert was there at the meeting.  He and Autumn will probably be telling the older sparklets.

Denver: *Small nod, moves to flop on the bed with a sigh*

Tracks: *leans against the wall by the bed, his expression a moody frown as his thoughts go back to the meeting and what Stormsong and the little Neutral reported*

Denver: *silent for a few minutes* .... SON OF A $*#@&$^#!!!! *punches a pillow

Tracks: *lifts his head, startled*  Denver?

Denver: *shoulders shaking with the force of her anger* 'T ain't fair! Y'u 'n th' rest'a th' Autobots've been through Hell 'n back jes' trahin' t' live in peace 'n now th't $#&*%@$ 'as t' go 'n ruin th't!!!

Tracks:  *slightly bewildered*  He hasn't ruined it yet.  *though Tracks has given up thinking there will ever be peace for him*

Denver: *moving to sit up, eyes flickering with anger* 'S long 's th't slagger's anehwh're neah Earth, 'e's a threat t' ev'ry'un.

Tracks:  *sighs and comes to sit beside her*  Darling, he's gone back to Cybertron.  He just left his little project behind.

Denver: *scowling a bit*

Tracks:  *droops his shoulders and looks down*  ...For us to clean up.  Like we've been cleaning up after him for eleven million years.

Denver: *quietly* Not alone this time....

Tracks:  *quietly*  It would have been better if you never got dragged into this.

Denver: *seriously* 'f Ah 'adn't, Ah nevah w'ld'a met y'u.

Tracks:  You would have been safer in the long run.

Denver: ... *quiet snerk*

Tracks:  *turns his head slightly sideways to look at her*

Denver: Tracks... Bein' safe's all well 'n good f'r most people... But Ah nevah 'ad th' 'tention 'f bein' a beautiful corpse. Wh'n Ah go, 't's gonna be 'cause Ah went 'n did s'meth'n' bat&$#%@ insane 'n reckless, 'n got mahself blown t' hahgh 'eaven. Wh'n Ah go, Ah want people t' say "She really lived."

Tracks: *staring at her, his brows drawn together*

Denver: Ah refuse t' believe th't n'th'n' 'appens f'r no reason... But Ah also believe 'n takin' mattahs int' mah own 'ands wh'n th' situation calls f'r 't. Ah refuse t' be 'elpless. *serious Marine is Serious*

Tracks:  *sucks in air, and then turns away as his face crumples*

Denver: 'N 's long 's Ah live, Ah 'ave no 'ntention'a lettin' th' feah th't Ah c'ld dah t'morrrah get t' me. Ah will nevah let mah feah g't th' bettah 'f me 'n keep me fr'm livin' lahf t' th' fullest, wit' no regrets.

Tracks: *crying silently and trying not to*

Denver: *moves to put her arms around Tracks' shoulders*

Tracks:  *dam breaks and he's weeping despite himself*  I am so sick of death.

Denver: *holds Tracks close, so he can hear her heartbeat* *Quietly begins singing an old song from the Highlands, the foreign words coming easily*

Tracks:  Sick of seeing it.  Sick of dealing it....  *shoulders shaking as he listens to her*

Denver: *gently smooths his hair as she continues to sing*

Tracks:  *cries hard, but then tries to pull away, his hand going to his eyes*

Denver: *soothing sounds, still holding Tracks close. She'll let him go if he insists*

Tracks:  *won't fight.  Sighs and leans his head on her shoulder*  I'm sorry.

Denver: *smooths his hair again* *quietly* Y'u don' need t' 'pologahze f'r 'ow y'u feel, 'r needin' t' get 't out 'fore 't teahs y'u 'part.

Tracks:  *shudders slightly, his spark making an unhappy tone*  You didn't need to see that.  I'm supposed to be protecting you.

Denver: 'N Ah'm s'posed t' be protectin' y'u 'n th' boys.

Tracks:  But....

Denver: 'N neitha 'f us 's perfect, but th't's wh't makes lahf interestin' 'n fun. *gently kisses the top of his head*

Tracks:  *lifts his head to frown at her, his eyes searching as he senses that trying to explain that Cybertronians are stronger than humans and need to protect them... isn't going to work.  Especially since it's been the humans giving his people safe shelter for the past couple months*

Denver: *there's that protective streak in her eyes again, mixed in with the love she feels for you, Tracks*

Tracks:  *hands going to gently frame her face as he looks at that look and reads the strength there.  He thinks of all the vorns he's been online, and of the endless mess his race has made of things.  And he wonders if perhaps their time isn't up.  Compared to these resolute, frail organics, he feels so tired and out dated*

Denver: *puts her hands over Tracks', studying his face*

Tracks: *quietly*  I won't run anymore.  This world will be my home, till my spark goes back to where it came from and my shell is broken down to its component parts.  If you can stand and fight, knowing how frail and short your life is, then so can I.

Denver: *small ghost of a smile* And I will stand by your side each and every step of the way.

Tracks:  ....  *squares his jaw*  Not every step, Denver.

Denver: ... Fahn... Ev'ry step th't we ain't gonna argue 'bout.

Tracks:  *softly*  Every step that you have.  *hands move from her face as he pulls her close and rests his cheek against her hair*

Denver: *tips her head slightly, intending to kiss Tracks on the cheek*

Tracks:  *knows better than to turn his head, though part of him wants to.  This isn't the time and it isn't the place.  Especially since he's just become aware of two heads peeking around the corner by the hall door*

Denver: *attention going to the two peekers* .... *BLUSH, hides face against Tracks' chest now*

Tracks:  *frowns at the boys*  Do you need something, Raoul, Beau?

Raoul:  *grinning from ear to ear*

Beau: *also grinning* We came t' get our coats... Warrent Officer Caine's got babeh gerbils ovah 'n th' barraks, 'n th' creche's goin' t' see 'em.

Tracks:  *quick look of inquiry to Raoul*

Raoul:  Little mousy guys.  They're cute.

Beau: *nods, moving to go grab his coat, pausing to remind WakeJumper to grab a coat as well*

Tracks:  Make sure you have enough layers on.  And Raoul and Beau, I want your hands and faces covered too.

Beau: *as he goes to grab his coat* Yessir.

Tracks:  *gently rubs Denver's back as he watches the boys, judging from her lack of tension at the mention of the small creatures, he makes a decision*  If Warrant Officer Caine wants to find homes for them you can have one when they're old enough.

WakeJumper: *pokes his head out of the bathroom where he'd been making faces at himself in the mirror to click to Tracks*

Tracks:  *clicks back and smiles*  Get your coat.

WakeJumper: *nods and goes to get it*

Tracks:  *watches the boys till they leave, speaking a little sharply to Raoul to remind him to tie his boots.  Then he looks down at Denver once they've trooped out*

Denver: *Mumbles* 'F all th' tahms f'r th'm t' walk 'n 'n us... *is still blushing*

Tracks:  *smooths her back soothingly*  We weren't doing anything to be ashamed of by the time they came in.

Denver: But still... *quiet sigh, snuggles close*

Tracks:  *purrs his soft purr, his arms tightening slightly*

Denver: *turns her head slightly, listening to Tracks purr, and taking comfort in the sound*

Tracks:  *rocks slightly, feeling all his protective programming come to the fore*  Shhh, darling.  I have you.

Denver: *murmurs something quietly*

Tracks:  Hmmmm?  *makes a slight snuggling motion with his cheek on her hair*

Denver: *repeats herself* [I love you.]

Tracks:  *squeezes his eyes shut, but then frowns and lifts his head as he hears footsteps nearing the door*

Seamus: *knocking on the door*

Tracks:  *frown deepens as he gently lets Denver go and gets up to go and answer it*  Yes, Seamus?  Have the leaders reached a decision already?

Seamus: *headshake* Naw... Sky sent me to ask you and Major MacKenzie if you wanted to come watch a movie with us in the rec room?

Tracks:  A movie?  *frowns at him*  Now?

Seamus: Ask Sky about it. It was her idea.

Tracks:  *nearly shuts the door in his face, but instead steps back to where he can see Denver*  Do you want to watch a movie with Skywarp and her family, darling?

Denver: *blink blink* Er... Wh't movie?

Tracks:  *turns back to Seamus and lifts a brow, knowing that the other mech will have heard the question*

Seamus: *asking Sky this now* 'The Princess Bride'.

Tracks:  *doesn't know that one, turns back to Denver*  Have you heard of 'The Princess Bride'?

Denver: *nods, a slight grin coming to her face* 'T's a good movie...

Tracks:  Is it?  Do you want to go, then?  //You'll have to put up with Sideswipe and Sunstreaker.//

Denver: *nods, moving to get up off of the bed* *quitely, in Scottish* [Sky can keep them in line.]

Tracks:  *brows draw together, but he's not sure he should admit that he's not familiar with that human dialect*

Seamus: ... *mutters as he turns to go* [You would have a girl who can speak more than one language.]

Tracks:  [She can understand ours, too, Sideswipe.  And it's not very fair to expect her to only know one when you know several yourself.]

Seamus: ... *giving Tracks a "Bhuh?!" look now*

Denver: *moving to put her arm around Tracks' waist*

Tracks:  *looks at Denver with just a touch of surprised wonder, and then visibly tries to figure out the right way to respond*

Denver: *Quietly* Le's go... Th' sooner we get th're, th' longah Skah c'n keep 'em quiet...

Tracks:  *actually showing embarrassment and confusion, finally tries putting his own arm around her the way she's got hers on him*  //Remember she's got the other Seekers to contend with, too.//  *leads her out and shuts the door behind them*

Seamus: *scooting down the hall now, kthx*

Denver: Ah trust Skah... 'N 'sahdes, 'The Princess Bride' 's a realleh good movie...

Tracks:  Alright.  *gentle kiss to the forehead as they follow Seamus at a more sedate pace*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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