Nexus and JOEverse, Random corner with couches and The Pit, Playdates and Surprises

Mar 19, 2010 22:09

Sunstreaker: *is trying to get Sideburn to not eat whatever it was he found in between the couch cushions in the Nexus. X-Brawn is clinging to his back while Showtime is feeding Hot Shot*

Jazz:   *laughing as he PINs into the Nexus with his lady at his side and his babies all in his arms*

Bumblebee:  *grinning.  Is glad the joke she learned from Breaker is so well appreciated*

Rap:  *yap!*

X-Brawn: *looks over Daddy's shoulder, optics wide* ???

Sunstreaker: *also looking* ... Oy!

Bumblebee:  *startles and looks over toward the exclamation*

Jazz:  *also looks, and then grins*  Streakerman!  Hey, how's tricks?

Showtime: *small smile as she recognizes this Jazz, and guesses about the Bumblebee with him*

Sunstreaker: *Stinkeyes Jazz* You jinxed us!

Jazz:  ...Whaaaatchoo on, man?

Sunstreaker: *gets Sideburn out from the cushions, and nods toward the sparklet Showtime is feeding*

X-Brawn: *Chirrups* ?

Jazz:  0.o

Bumblebee:  *quietly, in her alto/tenor*  Are they your babies?

Sunstreaker: *nods* They're triplets... all boys...

Sideburn: *Clicks, can see other littles!*

Jazz:  Three?  Sweeet!  Looks like Bee 'n I ain't so weird after all :D

Rap:  *yap!*

Waltz:  *looking at the skinny little babies* 0.o

X-Brawn: *balances on Daddy's shoulder and waves to the other littles*

Jazz:  *gives a baby to Bee so he's got a hand free, then walks over and offers said hand to the little acrobat* Hey, my man, whasnoo wichoo?

X-Brawn: Sideburn couch dove... *small giggle as he grabs Jazz's hand*

Sideburn: Yup! :D

Jazz:  Heyyyy.  You can talk.  How old're you?

Rap:  *yap!*  :D

Sideburn: *answering for X-Brawn* Bouta month! *looks to Sunstreaker* Right?

Sunstreaker: *nods*

Jazz:  0.o  Whoa....

Bumblebee:  :o

Showtime: *Bringing Hot Shot over to trade bebehs with Sunstreaker, catches that* It's not that unusual where we're from.

Sunstreaker: *does a Sideburn for Hot Shot exchange*

Jazz:  Huh.  Ours can't do so much yet.  *looks down at his wriggly son and quiet daughter*

Waltz:  *looks back with her big blue optics*

Scatcat:  *now sitting on Mama's shoulder, clicking a bit as he looks down on his siblings*

Hot Shot: *Clicks to the other clicker, and the yappy one*

Scatcat:  *head tilt.  Beep?*

Rap:  *wriggle chat chat chat yap!*  :D   :D

Hot Shot: *wiggles in Daddy's arms, wants to go visit!*

X-Brawn: *clicks to Scatcat*

Bumblebee:  *getting some couch cushions and laying them on the floor, then setting her rolly little green son down and hunkering next to him*

Scatcat:  *feets up, hands on toes, looking at X-Brawn with his bright blue optic band*

Rap:  *Oh oh oh!  Wants down too!*

Jazz:  *chuckles and sets the blue baby by the green*

X-Brawn: *Clicks to Daddy, and gets set down with Hot Shot next to the blue and green babies*

Hot Shot: *Glee!!! Will scoot over and talk to Rap, telling the other blue sparklet about his lunch*

Rap:  *rolls over on his belly and pushes himself up with his arms, his mouth a little o as he listens to Hot Shot*

Jazz:  *chuckling proudly as he cuddles shy little Waltz, the little pale yellow femme snuggled against him as she sucks on a fist and watches the boys*

Sideburn: *Distracted from eating by the other littles*

Waltz:  *asks for Mama*

Bumblebee:  *clicks softly and takes the baby, then hooks her onto her feeding port*

Waltz:  *happy squeak*

Sunstreaker: *soft 'heh', before he's getting patpatted by Sideburn, who has decided he'd rather visit the other littles than eat*

Showtime: *transfers the little mech to Sunstreaker before closing her tank and moving to sit down on the couch*

Sideburn: *pointing and clicking up a storm as Sunstreaker sets him next to his brothers*

Rap:  *happily clicks and squeaks back as he continues to do baby pushups*

Scatcat:  *still has his toes, is interested and for once not objecting to a lot of noise*

Hot Shot: *wiggles and scoots closer, will gently poke at Scatcat, curious about the bigger little*

X-Brawn: *clicking and telling his brother to play nice*

Scatcat:  *raises his brow ridges*  *thrrpt pop pop!*

Jazz:  *grins, then looks around*  I better go get that.  You gonna be alright here, ladylove?

Bumblebee:  *uncertain look toward Sunstreaker.  She knows his femme alt as a strong protector, if slightly vicious and high strung*

Sunstreaker: *moving to cuddle Showtime, though he is keeping sensors focused on the area*

Showtime: *leaning against mate, doorwings moving idly*

Bumblebee:  *turns back to her husband*  We'll be alright.  Go ahead.

Jazz:  *steals a gentle kiss and walks over to the nearest terminal*

Sideburn: *reaching to gently beep Rap's nose*

Rap:  *squeaky!  And try to taste the finger!*

Scatcat:  *actually just laughed out loud at something one of the other boys said.  He's got his daddy's laugh*

Sideburn: *is used to being nommed, thanks to Ridgeback and Orion Pax, will click and beep at Rap now* ^_^

Hot Shot: *clicking and talking. Has no clue what he's babbling on about, but he's sure talking about it!*

Showtime: *happy 'wing perk*

Rap:  *starts right up, and gives Hot Shot a run for his money.  Boy oh boy can this little guy talk!*

Hot Shot: *oooh, it's on now, other bitty! Will up his talking with squeaks and chirps!*

Bumblebee:  *also softly talking to Hot Shot and Rap as she crouches protectively beside the baby nest*

Scatcat: *trying to crawl. It doesn't work so well*

X-Brawn: *clicking and gently patpatting Scatpat's hand*

Scatcat:  *tries to roll back onto his back since the crawling didn't work.  Is totally ignoring the massive amount of noise coming from the other side of the bed*

X-Brawn: *Will try and help, though Scatcat's bigger than he is*

Showtime: *D'awws softly, will move from the couch to sit by the baby nest*

Bumblebee:  *gentle hand of help as well, clicking and squeaking to the babies, then looks at the other femme and smiles shyly*

Sky:  *stops short, blinking at that mess of tiny bots.  Has one of hers around the middle in each arm*  What the...?

Firebreak:  Babies!  Wanna go to other babies!

Ember: *rapid-fire clickstorm!*

Hotspot: Oooo!!!

Showtime: *attention going to Sky, raised brow ridge and doorwings at the readings*

Sunstreaker: *Sitting a bit straighter now*

Sideburn: *Clicks at the other clicker*

Sky:  *uncertain as she looks at the big Autobots*

Firebreak:  MAMA!

Bumblebee:  *puzzled by the sounds the seeming human woman's three tiny companions are making*

Showtime: *Gently* There's plenty of room, and we can get more couch cushions...

Sunstreaker: There's an AVF here, so you're safe. *not that he's not keeping a close optic on things, regardless*

Sky:  ....  Do you guys know a bot named Skywarp?

Bumblebee:  *perk*  He's Sunstreaker's husband.

Sky:  *blink*  Really?

Sunstreaker: In their reality... *indicates Bumblebee and the three rolly-poly babies* In Show's and mine, he's Nightwish's mate.

Sky:  *stops short*  ...Streaker?  Are you another Sunstreaker?

Sunstreaker: *nods, a slight smirk coming to his face* Yup.

Sky:  *carefully sets Firebreak and Ember down, then disengages Hotspot from her back and sets him down too*

Showtime: He's my mate. *doorwings fluttering a bit as she scans the area for potential danger again*

Bumblebee:  *watching silently*

Hotspot: *crawling over to the other babies, is curious*

Ember: *clickclickclickclick*

Firebreak:  *transforms to Seeklet and heads for the other sparklets*

Bumblebee:  *startles and beeps at the little femme's transformation*

Sky:  *watches her triplets*  Your mate?  What's your name?

Showtime: My designation is Showtime. *small smile, slight nod to something Sunstreaker says over their bond* You wouldn't happen to know a young human named Raoul who is living with a mech named Tracks, would you?

Sky:  *grin*  Yeah, I know 'em.  *hesitate*  I'm Skywarp.

Sunstreaker: *Snerks* Maan, the one back home'll never believe us when we tell him that he's got an alternate whose alt-mode is that of a lady.

Showtime: *Facepalm*

Sky:  ...Lady?  I've been called an Amazon ball breaker and a clueless hippy, but never a lady. *she has nooooooo clue what that first bit means*

Showtime: Sunny means because your alt-mode is a human female.

Sky:  Oh.  *transforms and looks down at them instead of up*

Bumblebee:  *just fell on her butt, but is assuring Jazz that everything's AOK* 0_0

Firebreak:  *gently kissing the other sparklets*

Rap:  *trying to kiss back*  :D

Showtime: ... Figures you're taller than me. *though her voice does hold amusement as she says that*

Hotspot: *transforming to seeklet, will try and nom Hot Shot's fist now*

Hot Shot: *Squeaks and tries to take his fist back, kthx*

Ember: *poking at Scatcat and X-Brawn, curious bebeh is curious*

Sideburn: *Clicking and pointing at Hot Shot*

Bumblebee:  *recovers and sets Waltz down so she can play too*  Wow, our 'Warp won't take a human alt.

Skywarp:  Sucks to be him. *coming over  to join the other mothers, her mouth turning up in a half grin half  smirk*

Waltz:  *leaning against Mama's hand and watching the other babies in silence*

Showtime: *chuckles and moves to try and gently separate Hot Shot and Hotspot*

X-Brawn: *Clicking a greeting to Waltz*

Ember: *pokepokepoke*

Hotspot: *Clinging like only a seeklet can cling, does not want to let go*

Waltz:  *shy squeaks back to X-Brawn, her little hands closing over her toesies as she turns her head slightly to the side*

Skywarp:  Hotspot, chew on your own fist.

Bumblebee:  *quietly*  We should introduce everyone.

Hotspot: *clinging, clicks at Mama*

Hot Shot: *Squirrrrm*

Skywarp:  *stern mama*  I mean it.  You've got two fists.

Hotspot: *small huff, noms own fist*

Skywarp:  [Good boy.]  *looks at Bumblebee*  Huh?

Bumblebee:  *repeats herself shyly*  We should introduce the babies.

Showtime: *indicates her own sparklets* The one that got his fist nommed earlier is Hot Shot... The one sitting quietly and trying to steal a snuggle is X-Brawn, and, don't you dare poke him in the optic, Sideburn. *going to grab said sparklet before he can jam his fingers into his sibling's optic*

Skywarp:  The fist eater is Hotspot, the quiet guy's Ember, and the little femme is Firebreak.

Firebreak:  *looks up*  What, Mama?

Sideburn: *Squeals as Mama picks him up*

X-Brawn: *Scolding clicks for sibling*

Skywarp:  Sundog's at home with his dad, making a giant paper doll.

Showtime: *very slight doorwing droop, gets patpatpatted by Sideburn*

Sunstreaker: *Quietly* We would have four ourselves... but our eldest... Mira... *quiet sigh* She passed on...

Skywarp:  *frowwn*  That sucks.  I'm sorry.

Bumblebee:  *wibble*

Showtime: We only get to see her when we're here in the Nexus...

Skywarp:  Huh?  *lets Hotspot go*

Bumblebee:  *absently picks up Waltz and X-Brawn and cuddles them as she listens*

Showtime: She's a freespark...

X-Brawn: *gentle snuggles for Waltz*

Skywarp:  What's that mean?

Sunstreaker: Freesparks are like ghosts...

Skywarp:  ...She didn't go to the Allspark?

Showtime: She did... but she's able to come here and visit...

X-Brawn: Sissy lives with Primus.

Skywarp:  ...They weren't $#@#@$@#in' when they said people from everywhere.  *realizes what she said*  >_>  Whoops.

Showtime: *ducking her head a bit, trying to hide the soft snerk that she just let out*

Sunstreaker: ...Wow. You cuss like a 'Con. *amused*

Skywarp:  *lifts a brow*  No, that was a human cuss.

Showtime: *About to reply, acks as she's lovebombed by an unseen being*

Rap:  *pauses in mid noise to point at the sparklet he can see*

Scatcat and Firebreak:  *also watching the newcomer*

Mira: *big grin, darting ahead of another Showtime and a little red and blue mech*

Sideburn: *Grin* Sissy!!!

Hot Shot: *gleewiggles*

Hotspot: *headtilt* Who that?

Ember: *blinkblinkblink, headtilt*

X-Brawn: *to Hotspot* Is Mira-sissy.

Rap:  *going a mile a minute now as he kicks and wriggles*

Bumblebee:  *trying to see what all the babies are looking at, she's forgotten to introduce her own children*

Showtime: *gently nudges Bumblebee as she moves to sit back down*

Bumblebee:  *blinks at her and makes a quizzical sound*

Sideburn: *Waving both hands and clicking to Mira and Oppy now*

Showtime: You're up for kid introduction. *small smile*

Bumblebee:  Ohhh.  *faceplates heat*  Well, I'm Bumblebee.  And yeah, I'm a woman.  And these two guys are Rap, and Scatcat.  And this is their sister Waltz.

Waltz:  *cuddling X-Brawn and feeling happy*

Skywarp:  *looks at the chunky little femme even as she absently clicks a greeting to the newcomers*  They don't build femmes and mechs differently where you come from?

Bumblebee:  *ducks her head*  They're just now finding out that Cybertronian women still exist. Other than the brave ones like Chromia and Elita.

gShow: *vanishing from sight slightly as she converses with Primus about this*

Mira: *Sadface is a go, will offer snuggles to the green Bumblebee*

Oppy: *moving to snuggle as well*

Bumblebee:  *soft surprised sound, but then puts her free arm around these extra babies*  The Warlord before Megatron decided that females were redundant and ordered them killed on sight.

Mira: *makes a face* He sounds like a meanie.

Skywarp:  'Cons are meanies.  *sitting on her butt with her legs crossed now as she guards babies and scans for danger*

Oppy: *blinkblink, small shrug* Aunty Galvy's notta meanie... 'Cept when she hides from Cyclonus...

Mira: And tries to scare bots to death by shooting at them, and hitches a ride to try and steal someone's drunk, and thumbs her nose at Primus and runs away again....

gShow: *tunes back in to add* She's not trying to kill things anymore, at least... *Small, fond smile* She's just a nutbar force of nature.

Bumblebee:  0.o

Rap:  *chat chat chat fritz giggle chat!*

Mira: *Waves to Rap*

Rap:  *flirt flirt grin coo chirp chat!*

Mira: *grins and moves to cuddle Rap*

Rap:  *is the glee.  Did you ever think this much noise could come from someone this small?*

Bumblebee:  I don't think we have a Galvatron in our reality.  The new Warlord's Megatron.

gShow: *Small nod* That's what Primus said... *and boy, doesn't it seem weird to have two identical Showtimes here?*

Skywarp:  ...So you're dead too?

gShow: *nods* I passed on awhile ago in my reality of origin. I'm an Allspark ferryman now.

Bumblebee:  *looking at the two Showtimes*  She's a female, but we still hide.  Because now the 'Cons will steal us instead of killing us.  *blinking at gShow's last words*

Sky:  You ever meet a guy named Nullfire?

gShow: *small nod, doorwings dropping a bit*

Skywarp:  Because his body hasn't laid down and stopped running yet.

gShow: ... *conversing with Primus about this now, and about the other mech from that reality that she guided to the Well*

Skywarp:  And there's an Autobot in the same boat.  *remembering Hound* Except he got messed with by some sick humans.

gShow: *Fading from sight almost entirely as she focuses on listening to what Primus has to say about the situation*

Showtime: ... *slight frown*

Skywarp:  I'm not joking.  They took three Autobots and droned them.

Sunstreaker: ... *quietly* Can we not talk about this while the kids are here?

Skywarp:  *blinks and looks down at the little ones*

Sideburn: *Sucking on his fist and blinkblinking at Skywarp*

Skywarp:  Um... sorry.

sparklets/babies:  *don't really understand or care, but the adults are uncomfortable*

Bumblebee:  *very uncomfortable*  *slightly strained voice*  Somebody take the babies.

Sunstreaker: *getting up to do so*

Showtime: *helping mate*

Bumblebee:  *hands Waltz and X-Brawn over, and then falls backward in a dead faint*

Skywarp:  *acks and catches her*

X-Brawn: *Clicks and fusses*

Waltz:  *scared by the fussing and by being with a stranger*

Skywarp:  ...What do I do?

Sunstreaker: *to Jazz* Oy! Jazz! Get over here and take care of your girl!

Showtime: *Soothing sounds*

Jazz:  *hurrying over, stuffing a thick sheaf of paper into a storage compartment as he comes*  What happened?  Bee?  Baby, talk ta me.  *down on his knees and gently taking his wife from Skywarp as he clicks and fusses something fierce*

Skywarp:  *scowling and feeling guilty*

Sunstreaker: She had a bit of a scare.

Jazz:  A scare?  *gives them all a slightly frantic and accusing look*

gShow: *becoming solid again* *to Skywarp* He's unhappy in the Well... I've asked Primus about what should be done...

Skywarp:  *blink blink*  ...Which one?

gShow: Nullfire.

Skywarp:  *frowwwwn*  So what usually gets done?

Jazz:  *fritzing*

gShow: *Soothing sounds for Jazz, before she answers Skywarp's question* What usually gets done... is that the spark in question is brought back, and if their shell is available, they can posess it again, or if another body is available, they can posess that until their unfinished business is completed.

Skywarp:  ...Like Brawn got.  *circulating air and feeling prickles in her circuits at the thought of the dumb as a post but famous for his intense loyalty Seeker being restored*

Bumblebee:  *making small sounds and starting to move*

Jazz:  *goes from needing comfort to offering it.  Soft kisses for Bee's helm as he talks and clicks to her*

gShow: *nods* Though Primus mentioned something about Brawn not coming back to the Well for a good long while... *chuckles* He seemed quite amused at that.

Skywarp:  Good.  Bumblebee wants to keep him.

Bumblebee:  *lifts her head and goes 0_0*

Sunstreaker: You mean the 'Bee from your reality, right?

gShow: *nods, doorwings up as she grins*

Showtime: *offering Waltz back to her mother*

Bumblebee:  *takes baby, but is looking at her husband with 0_0 still*

Jazz:  Hey, you tried fer Wheeljack.

Bumblebee:  ...Thrrpt.

Skywarp:  *doubled over with her head on her knees as she laughs now*

Sunstreaker: *joining you in laughing one's self silly, Skywarp*

Showtime: *trying not to giggle*

Bumblebee:  I was a little stupid after Starscream messed with my spark, okay?

Skywarp:  *sobers and sits up*

Sunstreaker: *Attention sharpens now* ....

Jazz:  *checks on his boys and then cuddles his wife and daughter*

Hot Shot: *Trying to teach Rap and Scatcat how to tussle with one's sibling, by using Sideburn as an example*

Sideburn: *Giggly squeakings as he tussles*

Mira: *tickling siblings now*

Rap: *talking about it!  He's on his side and wiggling now*

Scatcat:  *feet in the air as he holds his toes and watches the other babies*

Jazz:  *notices the looks focused on Bumblebee*  *quietly*  What?

Sunstreaker: *Scowling darkly*

Showtime: *Quietly* That Starscream... is a mech? *doorwings lowered*

Jazz:  *nods and holds Bumblebee and Waltz close*  Yeah.  He was tryin' ta git himself an army quick.

Bumblebee:  *face lowered as she rubs her daughter's back*

Skywarp:  *scowling too as she listens*

Sunstreaker: *gets up and heads off*

Showtime: *lip components thin as she nods* The one from our reality was on the same track... then things happened, and he was taken out of the picture...

Skywarp:  *scowl deepens as she puts a hand on Hotspot, who is moving to join the wrestlers*

Jazz:  ...He hurt your Bumblebee?

Showtime: *blink blink* Oh, no... he tried... *lip components thinning again as she remembers that there are little ones present*

Jazz:  Com me.  *says his frequency*

Showtime: *nods, comming Jazz* //That Starscream... tried ripping sparks from three humans who were born with spark fragments within their bodies... he nearly killed one human and the resulting sparklet in the process...//

Jazz:  *look, optic visors can go 0_0 too*

Skywarp:  I want to hear too.  *gives her frequency, her expression very dark now*

Showtime: *doorwings nearly parallel with the ground as she repeats what she told Jazz*

Skywarp:  ....  //You're sure that was Starscream?//

Showtime: *nods* //The one hailing from my mate's and my reality... That Starscream is dead.//

Skywarp:  *quietly*  Good.  Because I'd have killed the fragger for dragging my Wing Commander's name through the slag.

Jazz:  *gives her a wide-opticked look*

Skywarp:  The Starscream I know is a bot of honor.  He took the ugliest little coward of a femme for his mate and he loves her.  And he calls my sparklets his own.

Firebreak:  Uncle Skylar!  :D

Showtime: The Starscream that lives in Sunny's and my reality now is an Autobot... She's Air Commander for Skyfire, Jetfire, and Powerglide, though Fireflight also works with her on occasion....

Skywarp:  *relaxing a bit, her scowl fading*

Firebreak:  Fragger!  *sits up and looks around at all the other little people*

Jazz:  *humorous quirk to his mouth*  She?

Showtime: *nods*

Hot Shot: *repeating the cuss*

Showtime: *Facepalming*

Skywarp:  ...What?

Jazz:  *soft whistle*  Wow, ain't nobody any set flavor in this Multiverse, are they?

gShow: That's due to the different paths realities often take... *quiet chuckle* I know of a reality where an alternate of myself was a Decepticon....

Jazz:  'N the Show I know's a guy.  Desinex's kitty toy.

Showtime: *nod* I remember you said something about that the last time we met....

gShow: *nods, chuckling a bit, though her optics are a bit sad as she thinks of her own Desinex. Then she's perking up a bit*

Jazz:  *notices the perk*  What's up, messenger lady?

gShow: I've been summoned... *clicks to Mira and Oppy, getting pouts and "Awww, do we hafta go?" from the two young freesparks*

Jazz:  Was nice meetin' ya.  *looks at his family*  I oughta be gettin' back too.

Bumblebee:  *sits up and hands him Waltz, then tries to extract the boys from the baby pile*

Sideburn: *huggles Rap and Scatcat*

Bumblebee:  *softly*  I need to bring those guys home now, Sideburn.  Can I have them back?

Sideburn: Just wanted t' say bye...

Bumblebee: *smiles and rubs his little back*  I think they're saying 'bye back.

Rap:  *really saying a whole lot of happy happy nothing, but he'd agree with his Mama if he fully understood her*

Scatcat:  *is the one that doesn't want to let go*

Hot Shot: *licks Scatcat*

Ember: *Clickclickclick, lovesuponX-Brawn*

Scatcat:  0.o  *chuckle and wriggle*

Firebreak:  *cuddling somebody*

Hotspot: *nommafist*

Bumblebee:  *passes Rap to Jazz and gently works Scatcat free of Hot Shot*

X-Brawn: *Cuddling Ember*

Oppy and Mira: *going with gShow, since the older freespark has confirmed that they have to go for now*

Scatcat:  *decides he may as well be hungry then.  Fusses*

Bumblebee:  *turns his back to her and plugs him in*

Jazz:  *waving to the little free sparks after tucking Waltz into his carrying hold and Rap into the crook of his arm*

Showtime: *Scooping up Sideburn as he decides he's ready to eat again*

Sunstreaker: *Pauses as he returns, headtilting as he watches Bumblebee and Scatcat* What're you doing?

Bumblebee:  *looks up as Jazz gets to his feet after clicking to all the other babies*  Doing?  Oh.  I'm feeding him.

Scatcat:  *contented and droopy as his systems draw energy from his mama's*

Showtime: *looks over* Huh... *focuses on feeding Sideburn*

Bumblebee:  We haven't had energon in a really long time.  All of us recharge on electricity or oil and gas now.

Jazz:  *helping her to her feet and putting an arm around her waist*

Sunstreaker: .... Yanno, cookies at the Black Dog aren't too expensive....

Hotspot and Ember: *look up at that. Someone said cookies?*

Jazz:  *slight headshake*  We've had a few 'a those.  But I think it's better we don't get dependant on outside sources, ya know what I mean?

Sunstreaker: *Slight frown that's mirrored in the angle of Showtime's doorwings*

Jazz:  *quietly*  We gotta adapt ta what we have.

Bumblebee:  We can afford the good stuff, though.  We get the same salary as the human JOEs.

Skywarp:  *playing with the sparklets still on the cushions now*

Sunstreaker: *more frown, is looking up info now*

Jazz:  But it was nice meetin' you guys.  Maybe we'll see ya again.  *looks at the three brothers and chuckles softly, then starts to turn so he can lead his family away*

Showtime: *surprised snerk at something Sunstreaker tells her*

Jazz:  *glances at them, but leads Bumblebee over a ways before PINpointing home.  To the medbay.  Where he hands the thick sheaf of paper to Cat Scan*

Cat Scan: *Blinks as she accepts the sheaf of paper* What's this?

Jazz:  *grins as he snugs Bumblebee close*  Have a look see.

Cat Scan: *headtilt, will examine... and then squeal loudly*

Ratchet: *looks up from what he was working on* Do I dare ask?

Jazz:  Well, I was lookin' up information on Optimus.  'N I found....

Cat Scan: It's a ginormous paper model of a bot that looks like the big guy and a Gundam at the same time!!!

Ratchet: ... *facepalming as Cat Scan squeals again and darts off to start working on it* We won't see her for awhile...

First Aid:  *soberly leaning out of her office to watch her smaller colleague go, then looks at her husband and lifts a brow ridge*

Ratchet: Blame Jazz. He got Cat Scan a paper model that resembles a Gundam...

Jazz:  You look so disaprovin', Ratch.  *grins more*

Ratchet: *giving Jazz a mildly amused look* Well I wonder why?

Jazz:  *holds out another packet of paper, sealed neatly along one edge and with a serious looking black and white cover*  Issue 32, right?

Ratchet: ... *long, drawn-out sigh, trying not to grin, though there is hints of one tugging at the corners of his mouth*

Jazz:  *waggles the rare magazine enticingly, his grin going truly enormous*

Bumblebee:  *is also grinning up at the medic*

Ratchet: *holding out his hand* You. Are a horrible influence, Jazz.

Jazz:  *just smirks as he gives it over*  I already sent away fer the goodie ya wanted from it, too.

Ratchet: *pleased sound*

Jazz:  *chuckles that rollicking, rogue chuckle, and then struts out with his arm around Bumblebee, who is grinning from audio to audio*

First Aid:  *comes over to see the book her husband's holding*

Ratchet: *Shows First Aid the book, grinning*

First Aid:  And it's the official web version that they cancelled here.  *looks at it, then smiles up at him*  That's wonderful!

Cat Scan: *is back! Is getting glue!*

First Aid:  Cat Scan, look what Jazz got for Ratchet.  *still smiling*

Cat Scan: *blink* Hm?

Ratchet: *Shows her*

Cat Scan: Huh... That's the one you've been looking for, right?

Ratchet: *nods* I don't know where Jazz found it though...

First Aid:  Don't you?  *small laugh*

Ratchet: *attention goes to First Aid* Hm?

First Aid:  Jazz says he was looking up information on Optimus.  And in the process he found a paper model that looks something like him, but is a different tech. And he also found the book that was never released in this reality.

Cat Scan: Oooh, he and 'Bee went to that Nexus place then! *grabs glue and goes back to work*

First Aid:  *nodding*

Ratchet: *chuckles*

First Aid:  *smiles at him*  Do you know where you'll hang your stainless steel stethoscope?

Ratchet: I was thinking along that one wall in my office....

First Aid:  *soft chuckle*  With the baby pictures?

Ratchet: *grin*

First Aid:  *leans against him affectionately, aware of Lifeline's soft baby purring from his carrying hold*

Ratchet: *moves to put his free arm around his wife's waist, all but radiating contentment*

First Aid:  *glances toward the pair on the far table, then softly, as she puts her arms around him*  I think it will be alright to sit in your office and have a small break.

Ratchet: *small nod as he also glances to the far table*

First Aid:  And maybe have a sip of that nice bio-diesel Wheeljack and WakeJumper made.

Ratchet: *Soft chuckle as he nods and moves to guide First Aid towards his office*

First Aid:  *will go with her husband, sample the sweet mild fuel, and chat quietly till their shift ends or something comes up*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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