Dreadverse, Dreadnought's home, Sleepover!

Jun 04, 2009 22:13

Kriti: *clicking a bit as she holds onto Dolly and makes the toy wave "bye-bye" to Kia and Perceptor from where she's sitting on Dreadnought's arm* Bye-bye...

Perceptor: *speaking quickly as he gives Dreadnought last minute instructions that are already written on the datapad in Kriti's suitcase*

Kia: *waving to her daughter and dragging her mate away*

Dreadnought: *watching with a slight smirk of amusement and wondering how Perceptor's going to handle the separation anxiety*

bittyBee: *sitting beside Kriti with her thumb in her mouth* 0_0

Kriti: *quiet clicks as she watches Kia and Perceptor go, before her attention goes to Dolly and making sure Dolly isn't sad*

bittyBee: *patpats Kriti with her free hand, trying to figure out how the heck she got so big*

Kriti: *Chirrs and clicks a bit to bittyBee*

Dreadnought: *watches Perceptor and Kia transform and drive away, then looks down at the two tiny femmes he's holding* You alright, Kriti?

bittyBee: *points to her and clicks, thumb still in mouth* 0_0

Dreadnought: Yeah, I know, runt. She upgraded while you weren't lookin'.

Kriti: *nod nod* 'm okay...*cuddling Dolly again and looking around with curiosity*

Dreadnought: You wanna come see the ol' man?

bittyBee: *bites thumb and squeaks with surprise*

Kriti: *headtilt* Ol' man? *attention goes to bittyBee and then she's quietly fussing and trying to see if her friend is hurt*

Dreadnought: Yeah. My creator. Jazz.

bittyBee: *dosen't wanna give up thumb to see if it's hurt*

Kriti: *chirrs, worriedly* Bumble...*clicking*

Dreadnought: *turning and walking toward his home, and giving Two a playful bootshop upside the skidplate* Don't worry, she's alright.

Kriti: *Chirrs again, snuggaBumble*

bittyBee: *forgets about bitten thumb. Uses free hand to curiously poke the dolly. Doesn't even look up as the mountainside opens and Dreadnought walks into his front door*

Dolly: *is soft and squishy, and continues to smile even as she's poked*

Kriti: *Biiiiig optics*

bittyBee: *WTS, dolly? Frowns at her and sucks thumb*

Dreadnought: 'Sup, Kriti?

Kriti: *Clicking and chirping, hasn't seen anything like this back home!*

Dreadnought: *chuckles as he steps through the inner door and into his living room* Welcome ta Casa Dreadnought.

Kriti: *Chirrs* Is big...

Dreadnought: So'm I. *walks over to where Jazz's bed rests against the one wall* Hey, ol' man. Look what I got.

Jazz: *turns his head from where he'd been arranging his action figure collection on the tray over his berth with his good hand and chuckles* Who's bitty ya steal this time, kid?

Kriti: *Perks when she spots Jazz* PapaJazz!

Jazz: *blinks at her as he pushes the tray aside* You know me, lil lady?

bittyBee: *waving to him*

Kriti: *headtilt* Know PapaJazz...Know Rap?

Jazz: *understanding* Ohhhh. No, baby, I ain't that Jazz. I'm Dreadnought's daddy.

Kriti: *chirr* Still a PapaJazz...

Jazz: *chuckles and reaches with the arm that works* You 'n Bumble gonna come say hi?

bittyBee: *dives off Dreadnought's arm and squeaks as he catches her and sets her down carefully*

Kriti: *nod nod, moves to tie Dolly's arms around her neck so she can begin climbing down*

Dreadnought: *gently picks her up and sets her on Jazz's leg, then points a finger at bittyBee, who points one right back and clicks cheekily*

Kriti: *happy clicks, followed by a confused sound as she watches Dreadnought and bittyBee, before looking at Jazz with a "bhuh?" expression*

Jazz: *has found a cookie under his pillow and is offering it to her* Don't mind them, baby girl. They just tellin' each other off.

Kriti: *OOOO Cookie! Happy noises as she reaches for, and grabs the cookie* Thank you ^^ *NOM*

Dreadnought: *stops and looks toward the door, frowning, then rumbles with displeasure* Kriti, you think you can take care'a the ol' man for me? I gotta go stop somebody from bein' stupid.

Jazz: *looks up quizzically, then nods as his creation comms him the particulars*

Kriti: *nod nod, untying Dolly's arms so she can offer Dolly to Jazz*

Jazz: *absently takes the dolly and holds her nicely as he watches Dreadnought chase bittyBee down and haul her out screeching and kicking. Then he looks down at Kriti* Dready says 'bye'. He jes' hadta get Bumble outta here while she was makin' all that noise so it couldn' mess me up.

Kriti: *soft chirr* Noisy Bumble...is not good for PapaJazz? *headtilt*

Jazz: *smiles, but only half his mouth really moves* Not really, baby girl. I'm so old 'n broken that loud noises kin make my circuits do funky things.

Kriti: *chirr, moves to gently touch Jazz's face* PapaJazz hurt?

Jazz: *brown optics study her little face as he hesitates, not wanting to worry her*A lil' bit. *he says finally* But I'm gettin' better.

Kriti: *nods, before moving to gently snuggle Jazz*

Jazz: D'aww. *puts the hand holding Dolly on her back and leans down to kiss her on the helm*

Kriti: *soft sound, followed by* Don't like friends hurtin'...wanna help...

Jazz: *gently makes Dolly 'kiss' her on the cheek* You are helpin', baby girl. You're here keepin' ol' Jazz company. *looks toward her suitcase, which is now on the other tray by his bed* Whoa... you stayin' overnight?

Kriti: *Soft chirr* Just stayin' 'til Perceptor 'n Kia get back...dunno how long...

Jazz: *optics widen a little* Ya mean Percy didn' tell ya?

Kriti: Was helpin' Dolly pack...*points to the little cloth bag tied to Dolly's wrist*

Jazz: Ahhh. Should we set that down by yours?

Kriti: *nods and reaches for Dolly's hand so she can untie the bag*

Jazz: *tilts head slightly and neatly holds Dolly so she's sitting in easy reach of her little mama*

Kriti: *makes quick work of untying the bag, gives Dolly a gentle snuggle while clicking to the doll as she moves to put Dolly's "suitcase" by her own*

Jazz: *makes sure the tray's in reach by telling it to move closer and shift position a little*

Kriti: *Surprised noise*

Jazz: MC did it like this 'cause my other arm don't work and I didn' always wanna have 'em runnin' out ta help me. Handy, huh?

Kriti: *confused* MC?

Jazz: Yo, MC, you there?

MC: *from the other side of the wall the berth is sitting against* Comin', J-man!

MC: *and out runs a Mini-Constructicon, his little single optic aimed upward as he pauses by the berth* Whaddya need, yo? MC go get... hey, whozzat?

Jazz: *chuckles* This' Kriti. She's keepin' me company while Dready goes 'n slaps a $%#@$#@.

Kriti: *Chirrs*

MC: *scrambles up the ladder on the tray that holds the suitcases and then walks over to get a closer look at the little femme, who's just a bit taller than he is* Heyya, Kriti. You sure are little.

Kriti: Was little'r before...

MC: Really? *settles down on his skidplate* What happen?

Kriti: upgraded...*flutters 'wings a little bit*

Jazz: Kriti's from someplace else, man. Where she from they start out little 'n wind up big.

MC: Ohhhhh! That gig!

Kriti: *nod nod, before a sad look crosses her face* Not big like Desinex....

Jazz: Desi? Ah, you'll get there, baby.

Kriti: *Shakes head* Showtime was little too...

Jazz: *chuckles* Yeah, Show's a runt. *perks and reaches for his hand held multiversal com unit and keys in Showtime's code to see if she's available*

MC: *is offering Kriti a broken bit of Cybertron Sunrise*

hsShow: *Startled noise* //Showtime here...what's up?//

Jazz: //Hey, Show, this Dready's dad. You busy, sweet thing?//

hsShow: *Yelps slightly* //Getting gnawed on by Sunhalo...but other than that, no...why?//

Jazz: //Ask lil' Halo if she wants ta come ta Dready's place 'n visit. He ain't here right now, but there's another lil' bit here who might like ta play with 'er.//

hsShow: *quietly talking to lil'Halo and asking the Seeklet if she wants to visit Dreadnought's reality*

Jazz: *chuckles as he watches MC opening Kriti's suitcase and talking to her about it*

hsShow: //Do you have the coordinates? I'd bug WakeJumper for his PINpoint, but he's kinda busy right now...//

Jazz: //Don't tell me he's gotta 'nother kid on the way.// *gives coordinates for a space near his berth*

hsShow: //Not his kid...I'll explain when I'm there...//

Jazz: //Alright, lady. I'll see ya soon.//

*A few moments later, hsShow is there, with lil'Halo*

Sunhalo: 0_0 *cling!*

MC: *clicks and offers the little newcomer a bit of Sunrise*

Sunhalo: *just keeps on clinging*

Jazz: Woo, there's my girlfriend. *winks at Show*

hsShow: *clicking to Sunhalo as well, before chuckling and rolling her optics at Jazz*

Kriti: o_o *clinging to Dolly now, kthx*

Jazz: *puts a gentle hand on Kriti* Show, this's Kriti. Kriti bitty, this's Showtime. She's Sunhalo's aunty where she's from.

Kriti: *chirrs and headtilts, giving hsShow a wary look*

hsShow: Awww...She's the same kinda tech as the Sideswipe and Red Alert Sunny, Sides and I met in the dressing room nexus! *clicking to Kriti*

Jazz: *perks at the prospect of a story* Yeah?

MC: *running to get the chair for Showtime to sit in*

Sunhalo: *frowning at Kriti now and wondering why she looks so scared*

Kriti: *not looking at hsShow, kthx...will cuddle Dolly instead and click to lil'Halo*

MC: *pushes chair over on its casters* Here ya go, lady Show!

Show: *Smile* Thanks *sits and is now moving to get lil'Halo onto her lap* Yeah...we were hanging out there since Denver was still recharging and she's been a bit of a handful since she got LOL'd...and my Sunstreaker was trying to goad Sideswipe into drinking some of that blue high grade in the fuel room over in the dressing room nexus...

Jazz: *offering to cuddle Kriti against his chest as he lays back against his reclined backrest* Sheesh... he tryin' ta do him in or somethin'? *headshake*

Kriti: *soft chirr, snuggles closer to Jazz, and tries to hide her face against his chest*

Sunhalo: *snugga Aunty and watch the other sparklet*

Show: *chuckles* It was just general trash-talking...I hope...anyways, we got approached by a yellow sparklet named Cometchaser...sweet little mech, if you ever meet him...he was adopted by his reality's Sideswipe and Red Alert...apparently, some other Sunstreaker said some pretty mean stuff to that Sideswipe...really hurt her feelings...

Jazz: *perks again* Another lady Swiper. *then frowns* What'd he go 'n do that for?

Show: *shrugs* Dunno...guess he was just a jerk.

Jazz: Where was their Streaker?

Show: *'wings droop, and she sighs a little* in the Well...their Red was bonded to her, and got pulled into their sibling bond...by choice, mind you...and when that Sunstreaker passed...

Jazz: *hand pauses in rubbing Kriti's back as his optics widen in sympathy* She managed ta somehow get Swiper in the hole she left in his spark.

Show: *nods, quietly rubbing Sunhalo's back* That...happened with me...

Jazz: *blinks* Swiper's alright, ain't he?

Sunhalo: *patpat's Aunty, and then ditches her to go see if she can't snuggle with the other sparklet*

Show: *nods* He's even pranking everyone on base like he used to...*glances over at Sunhalo and Kriti, before smiling a little* Sometimes, the more elaborate pranks are a team effort...

Kriti: *startled sound, gives Sunhalo a o.o look, before snuggling with the other sparklet*

Jazz: *looks down and clicks at the two tiny femmes before he chuckles and gives Showtime a look* But then what'd ya mean... that happened t' you?

Show: *blushes slightly* Well...Sunstreaker and I...we were partners for awhile before Sideswipe...got sideswiped...by a semi and nearly died...The moment it happened...*'wings drop to nearly horizontal* I was trying to keep Sunstreaker calm...and the next thing I knew...*cycling air* It felt like I had been offlined as well...

Jazz: Ahh. Ya probably had a natural bond startin'. *nodding*

Show: *puzzled blink, before she notices the high angle of Kriti's 'wings* Is she okay?

Jazz: *looks down* Kriti? Baby girl, what's wrong?

Sunhalo: *gives him a sleepy look and snugs the other little one*

Kriti: *quiet click* Too much like home Show..

Show: *Concerned*

Jazz: *softly* Whaddya mean, baby? Ol' Jazz don't get it.

Kriti: *quiet* Too much like Show from home...too much like Kriti's Show-half...

Jazz: Your... Show-half?

Kriti: *small nod* Kriti is Show-half and Desi-half...squished together...

Show: ...Squished together?

Jazz: *rubbing the little blue sparklet's back again as he waits to see if she wants to answer*

Kriti: *trying to hide against Jazz again* 'Cause 'a Megatron-fragger...

Jazz: *puts his arm around she and Sunhalo, who is also hugging her* He lettin' Shockwave do experiments again?

Show: *frowning, and talking to her bondmate, asking him to see if he can't find more information about this*

Sunhalo: *sudden scowl* Shockwave good!

Kriti: *headshake* Shot...shot....Show protected Desi...squished together....no more Show...no more Desi...only Kriti...

Jazz: *soft, shaky sigh* I'm sorry, baby girl.

Show: *looking a bit ill at the idea* Poor thing...

Kriti: *quiet click* Kriti...is Kriti...

Jazz: But this Show's a different lady. Like an aunty. Everybody needs aunties, right? *blinks at what Kriti said* Uh. Of course ya are.

Kriti: Is still close...*snuggles Jazz as she makes like she wants to nap*

Jazz: You want her ta go away?

Sunhalo: I don't wanna go. I want to stay and play and sleep. *hugs Kriti tighter*

Kriti: *headshake*

Show: *clicking quietly, and informs her mate she'll be awhile still*

Jazz: *looks at Showtime* You wanna press that blue button on that thing there? *nods to a little device on the wall by his bed*

Show: *nods and goes to press the blue button*

Jazz: *sighs after she does so and relaxes* Thanks, sweet thing. *rests and circulates air for a moment, and then softly sings a song to the sparklets he's holding*

Sunhalo: *clicks, and then starts trying to hum along, but is soon too sleepy to do anything more than hug Kriti and snuggle*

Show: *goes back to settle in her chair, watching the sparklets with a sad look on her face*

Kriti: *snuggling against Jazz and Sunhalo, and fluttering her 'wings a little as Jazz sings*

Jazz: *croons to her and Sunhalo, his deep voice full of love as he smiles his crooked smile down at them*

Sunhalo: *softly tells him he's a fragger and then passes out*

Show: *facepalms a little* Sorry about that...

Jazz: *is not laughing because that would probably hurt right now* I git it alla time from Bumble.

Kriti: *soft clicks as she curls up for a nap*

Jazz: *softly* But I know Kriti loves me. Percy'd never teach a little bit ta swear.

Show: That doesn't make it right...I honestly thought Desi was trying to teach her not to do that...

Jazz: *gives her a gentle, and slightly sheepish smile* You know who taught it ta Bumble?

Show: *headtilt, inviting Jazz to continue*

MC: Fragger? Oh, that was you, J-Man.

Show: *covers her mouth to hide the snicker that escapes*

Jazz: *smirk gets away from him, though it's still sheepish* We're a rough bunch around here. 'N it ain't always easy fer me ta remember what's a cuss 'n what ain't anymore. But at least I didn' teach her some 'a the worse stuff.

MC: No... that was Kup.

Kriti: *makes a soft noise, is having trouble getting to sleep, gently patpats Jazz as she looks for Dolly*

Show: *quiet chuckle* We're a pretty rough bunch too...and if the sparklets haven't picked up swearwords from Desinex...they've picked 'em up from Ironhide, Ratchet, or WakeJumper...or even worse, Denver...

Jazz: *surprised as he looks down, because he thought she had her baby* Hey... 'Halo, give that back.

Jazz: You wanna get the dolly back where it goes? *looks up* Your Ratch sounds like a holy horror.

Show: *quiet chuckle* He's a bit rough around the edges...but he means well...and he's one of the best medics on Earth...He's put up with Desinex being a holy terror against us...and now he's dealt with her as an Autobot... *Sad expression as she thinks of her friend*

Kriti: *decides that she's too tired to try to grab Dolly, will snuggle Dolly and Sunhalo instead*

Sunhalo: *Clicks and hugs the other sparklet, Dolly winding up between them*

Kriti: *happy click, snuggaDolly and Sunhalo*

Jazz: *quiet concern as he looks at Showtime's face* Somethin' wrong with Desi?

Show: She and Hound are bonded...but we nearly lost Hound right before they bonded...and that's all I know, because Ratchet is only letting Foxtrot, Trailbreaker, and First Aid into the isolation ward to see them for now...*trying not to wibble*

Jazz: *quietly* Like what kinda more?

Show: *Quietly* Desi's carrying a newspark...but I also...feel like I got put low on the "Need to Know" list, because of Ratchet's girlfriend...

Jazz: Girlfriend?

Show: *nods* A femme named Clarion...That's all I know about her though...

Jazz: *optics go wide* Clarion! *then his optics are shuttered and he's shaking* Nnnnnnn.

MC: Oh pit! Hit the button, Show! Quick!

Show: *up and over pressing the button before she realizes it*

MC: Give 'im three!

Kriti: *awake now, worried clicking*

Sunhalo: *frowwwwwns at what she hears from Jazz's engine and spark*

Show: *nods and presses the button the requested number of times*

Jazz: *falls into doze, his arm around the sparklets protectively*

*door opens behind Showtime, and a gruff voice demands softly* What happened?

Show: *cycling air, 'wings near vertical* I-I don't know...I just...*starting to fritz a little as she panics*

Kriti: *clicking up a storm*

Kup: *walks in and puts a gentle hand on her shoulder, then looks at MC*

MC: She mentioned a chick named Clarion.

Kup: ...Slag... yeah, that'd do it. *pats Showtime, and then steps around her to gently pick up the sparklets and talk to them comfortingly*

Show: *cycling air and trying to fight the fritzing*

Kriti: *worried expression*

Kup: *holding the two little ones and the dolly close as he puts his other hand on Showtime's shoulder* Come on over to the couch, Miss. MC, you keep an eye on Jazz.

MC: Sir, yes, sir!

Show: *still fighting the fritzing, makes it to the couch successfully*

Kup: *goes and grabs her a nice drink that might be a grade stronger than she should have, but he doesn't realize that* Here, drink. It'll help you settle down.

Show: *hands shaking a bit as she drinks, before cycling air a bit*

Kriti: *clicking quietly, talking to Dolly*

Kup: *cusses softly as he manages to get his old frame up onto the tall couch without making the sparklets uncomfortable*

Sunhalo: *resting her head on Kriti's shoulder and holding onto Kup with her feets*

Show: *blinking a bit as the drink begins to affect her systems*

Kriti: *clicks to Kup, snuggaKup*

Kup: *gets onto couch, and then looks down at Kriti and chuckles softly* You okay, sweetspark?

Kriti: *nod, glances over at Jazz, worried look on her face* PapaJazz okay?

Kup: Yeah, he just gave his system a little shock. But he'll sleep it off and be alright.

Show: *guilty look*

Kup: *gives her a stern look* And you didn't know. So knock it off.

Show: *flutters 'wings a little* 'm sorry...*starting to look a bit wobbly*

Kup: *frowns and takes the rest of her cube away* Let me guess, you're a lightweight.

Show: *small, sheepish smile* 'n my bondmate 'n brother 're afts...they've got high grade tooo...

Kriti: *Click click click*

Kup: ...Who's that?

Sunhalo: Streaker 'n Swiper. Fancy-aft fraggers.

Kup: .... *face palm and mutter something in a language long dead*

Show: *Razzes Sunhalo* They're less'a fraggers than Desi.

Sunhalo: Thrrrpt.

Show: *snickering a bit* Whaaaat? Desi's a fragger sometimes...

Kup: I don't know any Desi. But I know a Sideswipe and Sunstreaker. And I'm glad they decided to take their kid and Red and go to Washington.

Kriti: *quiet click as she pulls up a memory file* Sunny'n Sides were friends with Desi-half...

Kup: *looks down* Yeah? What were hers like?

Kriti: *Small smile* Fraggers.

Show: *Shaking with silent laughter*

Kriti: 'n her sparrin' partners...*nod nod*

Kup: Must be a Multiversal thing. *smiles, then goes to one knee so he can lean around the back of the couch and check on Jazz*

MC: *gives him a thumbs up*

Kup: *settles down again and pulls a couple silicon bits out of his storage, offering one to each sparklet* *to Show* //I don't know what your Clarion is like, Showtime. But ours was the best and bravest of Cybertron's Autobot fleet. Sure she had a stick where it shouldn't be a lot of the time, but she got her work done.// *looks down at the littles* //Till a 'Con crew took her ship. We never found her. But then we never found all of the rest of her crew either... and the ones we did....// *drinks the rest of Showtime's cube*

Show: *small frown* //Umm....I dunno much 'bout ours...just that she's with our docbot...'n she's really jumpy...//

Kriti: *quietly thanks Kup and nibbles on her silicon bit*

Kup: *slight smile as he tells Kriti she's welcome and then nods in response to Sunhalo's serious one* With Ratchet. Who would'a thought. How long?

Show: *small shrug* Prolly since right before Lumen grew into a...*pauses and scowls as she gets a description of the younger mech from Sunstreaker* Well...Sunny's description of 'im isn't polite in any company...

Kup: Lumen grew? *blink*

Sunhalo: *quietly intense vitriolic on the subject*

Show: Got put into his full protoform...*clicks a bit to Sunhalo* 'Halo isn't too thrilled 'bout that, as you c'n tell...

Kup: I can just imagine what the Dinobots'll say about it.

Show: *snerk* Prolly not gonna be too thrilled either...

Show: at least...not till they get t' sit on 'is head...

Kup: *chuckles* That makes everything better?

Sunhalo: No

Show: *Snerk* 'e's taller th'n me 'n 'Clipsie...

Show: I thiiiiink...he's taller th'n Solar too...could be wrong...

Kup: *headshake* That's not sayin' much.

Show: ...*Snerk* I'm a shrimp!

Kup: *quietly* So's Elita One. 'N there are 'Cons that still flinch when they hear her name.

Show: Ours 's taller th'n me...'n so is everyone else...

Kup: Ours is around nine foot tall. She rides on Optimus' shoulder.

Show: *Blink* Kinda like a shoulder angel...*Snickering again* An' our Galvy does that...

Kup: *looks up from the littles* Whaaat?

Show: Galvy...Draco's dad....Cho's bondmate...E's 'bout ten feet...spends 'is time not with Cho 'n Draco ridin' Prime's shoulder 'r trash-talkin' 'im when they play video games...

Kriti: *Puzzled, this Showtime is acting weird now*

Kup: *slowly* Galvy... short for Galvatron? *he's heard stories from the kids that visit the Nexus with Dreadnought*

Show: Mmmmyup! ^^ Heeee's a dork....

Kup: ...You guys had a Megatron, right?

Show: *nod nod* 'n now 'e's Galvy...Primus stepped in...*sagely nod*

Kup: 0_0

Sunhalo: *quiet amusment at Kup's expression*

Show: *Wobbling* Eeee's fuuuuunny...*And there she goes, down for the count*

Kriti: *Clicking up a storm*!

Kup: ...Don't worry, Kriti. She's just drunk.

Kriti: ...*Small frown* Lightweight.

Sunhalo: *nibbles silicon and looks at her aunty*

Show: *has a grin on her face, even while she sleeps*

Kup: Yeah, well the twins didn't help her any. *looks down at the little ones* So... now I'm stuck with you two.

Kriti: *clicks, snuggaDolly*

Kup: *gently pokes the toy* What is this thing? A fake human?

Sunhalo: Dork.

Kriti: Is Dolly.

Kup: So what's dolly?

Kriti: *giving Kup a look* Dolly is dolly...

Kup: *frowns at the look and just looks at the 'net. Very quickly learns the horrific folly of googling 'doll'* 0_o

Kriti: *SnuggaDolly*

Kup: *intakes deeply and then gently sets the littles down to step outside for a moment*

Sunhalo: *watches him go* No safesearch.

Kriti: *confused blink blink*

Sunhalo: I think he surfed the 'net for doll.

Kriti: oooh...

Kriti: needs safesearch next time?

Sunhalo: Ima never do that.

Kriti: *Chirr* How come?

Sunhalo: I think there's bad stuff. *looks around and frownies* Wanna go sleep on Jazz?

Kriti: *nod nod* Let's go

Sunhalo: *stands* Gimme your hand. Hold Dolly.

Kriti: Hang on...*ties Dolly's arms around her neck, and then grabs Sunhalo's hand* 'Kay, 'm ready

Sunhalo: *lifts off and flies as fast as she can toward Jazz's berth*

MC: *yelps and holds out his arms to catch them, is bowled over but pads their landing*

Kriti: *Biiig optics, clinging to whoever's closest*

MC: Owwwwww. *whimper* You guys okay?

Sunhalo: Okay. *looks at Kriti*

Kriti: *clicking, a little startled, and her wings are buzzing quietly, but other than that, she's alright*

MC: Good. Uh... do ya think you could get off me? I'm bent kinda funny....

Kriti: *clicks a few times, before moving with shaking limbs, and looking around for Dolly*

Sunhalo: *moves too, tries helping the MC up as she looks at Kriti* Dolly's on your back.

MC: *up and wincing*

Kriti: *relieved, moving Dolly around to the front so she can cling to the ragdoll*

Sunhalo: *reaches out one little clawed hand to take the other sparklet's* C'mon. Sleeping with Jazz will make it better. He's warm.

Kriti: *hesitantly grabs Sunhalo's hand*

Sunhalo: *leads her friend over to Jazz's chest and then lays down and curls up* See? Nice.

Kriti: *Clicking a bit as she settles against Jazz's chest and Sunhalo, nods*

Sunhalo: *snuggaKriti and shutter optics* *purr*

Kriti: *snuggles, clicks quietly to Dolly before she, too, shutters her optics*

Kup: *watches them for a moment, and then goes to sit on the end of the couch and play cards with MC*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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