Scattersverse, Cybertron, Air Raid's Surprise!

Jun 05, 2009 23:46

Silverbolt, Skydive, and Fireflight: *waiting right in front of the door, looking expectant and totally ignoring Optimus and Ratchet's presence in the room behind them*

Optimus: *Watching with a puzzled expression* Something's going on...

Ratchet: No, ya think? *frowning and also watching the door*

Fireflight: *very softly, as she looks at Silverbolt with shining optics* Brother!

Silverbolt: *nod nod* Air Raid-brother!

First Aid: Do you want to come and watch the hollofeed with us? *gentle hand on Skydive's arm*

Skydive: *oblivious to her as he watches the door*

Silverbolt: *Focused on the door, almost bouncing in place*

Optimus: *small frown as he contacts the hospital to check on the two Aerialbots still in the staff's care*

First Aid: *looks over at the couch where the others are sitting* Stiletto, will you show them your little robot pet?

Stiletto: *nods and gets up, bringing the little robot over with her* Hey you three, look at what I got...

Fireflight: *not even a glance at the little thing she's usually crawling all over the floor after*

Skydive: *glances politely, but then quickly looks at the door again*

Silverbolt: *doesn't even make the glance all the way before she's focusing on the door again*

Stiletto: ...Okay, this is DEFINITELY high on my "Weird" scale...*going back over to the couch and giving the three Aerialbots a O_o;; look*

First Aid: *very confused. Tilts her head and listens* It's not like there are ice cream trucks here....

Bulkhead: *doesn't look away from hollofeed* We don't eat ice cream anyway.

Optimus: WHAT?!

Ratchet: ...What now? *attention on Optimus now*

Bulkhead: Well we don't.

Optimus: *yelling at some of the hospital staff* What do you mean 'Air Raid is missing'?!?!?!

First Aid: *mouth falls open with shock* Oh no!

Fireflight: *happy little laugh as she senses her brother coming closer*

Ratchet: *Facepalming and muttering impolite things*

Silverbolt: *Perks* Brother!

Skydive: *yanks the door open*

Silverbolt: *Happy noise*

Bulkhead: *watching, mouth open slightly*

Fireflight: *launches self through door with squee!*

Silverbolt: *Does like Fireflight, gleefully shouting "Brother here!", and accidentally knocking the wide-opticed Aerialbot to the floor*

Air Raid: Brother! Sisters!

Fireflight: *gleeful!* No trouble!

First Aid: Oh.... *turns to look at the mechs on the couch*

Stiletto: *small smile, before she returns her attention to her cousin, dad, and uncle*

Optimus: ...*relieved, lets the hospital staff know that Air Raid is safe, and no, it won't be necessary to come get him*

Ace: *watching the bot pile by the door with his mouth open slightly*

Sunny: ...*snort*

Air Raid: *grinning* Brother! Sisters! *Happy snuggles*

Silverbolt: Air Raid-Brother okay! No trouble!

Bulkhead: Okay, but you guys need to get outta the door. *heaving himself off the couch to come and help them with that. Pauses and looks outside* And pay the cabby.

Optimus: *moving to help get the bot pile sort itself out* Bulkhead's right...


Fireflight: *giggle fit*

Skydive: *tries to pull siblings out of way*

Bulkhead: *rummages for credit chit*

Silverbolt: *ooo, new sound! is going to try to make the same sound now*

Stiletto: *getting up from the couch and putting her little pet on Ace's head* I'll take the payment down to the cabby.

Bulkhead: *finds chit and offers it to the young femme* Alright. Don't forget the tip.

Fireflight: *protesting as Skydive picks her up* No! No! No!

First Aid: *gentle coaxing*

Stiletto: *nods and carefully dodges the pile-up at the door*

Silverbolt: *razzes and clings to Air Raid* Nonononono!!! *Squeaks as Optimus picks her up*

Skydive: *walks over and gives sister to Ratchet*

Fireflight: *flails and cries*

Ratchet: Easy Fireflight...*clicks to the flailing femme*

Silverbolt: *Squealing and being very difficult to keep ahold of*

Fireflight: *accidentally decks Sunstreaker*

Sunny: Ow! Hey!

Bulkhead: *tries to help with Silverbolt*

Skydive: *grabs Air Raid's hand and pulls* Come. Brother. Come sit.

Air Raid: *frightened clicking, sisters are scared* Sisters!

Skydive: *nods, he feels it too* Come sit with sisters. And Ratchet.

Ratchet: *Trying to calm Fireflight down*

Silverbolt: *Flailing, clicking rapidly, and reaching for Air Raid*

Skydive: *calm feelings* Silverbolt come sit with Ratchet. *sets Air Raid on top of a Lambo*

Sides: Gah! Hey! I'm not a chair!

Air Raid: *Clicking a bit, ooo, new person!*

Silverbolt: *Clicks* Brothers! *reaching for Air Raid and Skydive*

Fireflight: *leans over Ace to love love brothers!*

Optimus: *Moving to set Silverbolt on her feet* I think we can let her go now...

Bulkhead: *watches her tackle everyone on the couch and winces*

Silverbolt: *Can has siblings, happy happy happy!!!*

Ace: *yelp!* Owwww!

Fireflight: Ow?

Skydive: Careful. *snugging siblings and Ratchet*

Air Raid: *headtilt* Careful?

Silverbolt: *Sheepish, clicks to Ace, gentle patpat*

Ace: *makes sure Stiletto's pet is alright* It's okay. You just got excited.

Skydive: *shows him careful*

Air Raid: Oooh...careful..*nod nod, gentle snuggles for Ratchet and Sideswipe* :3

Ratchet: *trying to get comfortable, as he doubts he'll be getting up any time soon*

Fireflight: Optimus! 'Aid! *gimme hand*

Ace: *looking sideways at uncle and dad*

little robot pet: *chirps, wiggles away from the pile and onto the couch arm*

Sideswipe: ...I can't see the show.

Sunny: *scowls, is gingerly touching where Fireflight clobbered him*

Air Raid: ...*Razzes Sideswipe* X3

Ace: This'll be on the other channel in two hours. *leans back and winces at his dents and scrapes*

Fireflight: *sleepy*

Skydive: Sleepy? Bed!

Silverbolt: *SnuggaFireflight* Bed! Blankies and bed!

Fireflight: *excited wriggle* Optimus? Bed? Sleeps?

Skydive: *gets up* We should drink first.

Air Raid: *perks* Blankies! *gets his out from where he tucked it in between his wings and back*

Silverbolt: Drink! :3

Sideswipe: ...It's cute when Shia and Sunhalo do it....

Optimus: *amused chuckle as he goes to get containers of fuel for the Aerialbots*

Skydive: *standing and grinning*

Sunny: *Scowl, in a foul mood now*

Stiletto: *returning* ...What'd I miss?

lrp: *CHIRP, Friend is back!*

Ace: It was kinda like stuff a bug, only without the bug.

Silverbolt: *Getting up and trying to tug Air Raid and Fireflight to their feet as well* Drink!

Sari: *standing in the doorway of Bumblebee's room and looking amused*

Stiletto: *Raised brow ridge* They all piled on at once, didn't they?

Ace: Well, Fireflight hit first.

Fireflight: *trying to go with Silverbolt without letting go of Ratchet*

Air Raid: *Clicking and clinging to Fireflight*

Silverbolt: *Startled sound as she loses her grip on Fireflight and Air Raid, and lands on the floor, skidplate first* !!!

Fireflight: *grip on Ratchet slips and she faceplants* Owwww!

Skydive: Ohhh poor sisters. *kneels and clicking to them*

Air Raid: *Alarmed trill, will pounce on Skydive and click worriedly*

Silverbolt: *Clicking and moving to get to her feet again*

Skydive: *butt meet floor* Oomph. *pat pats brother* Shhhh, it's okay. We're just tired.

Silverbolt: *Clicks and fusses* Brothers! Fireflight-Sister!

Skydive: *looses an arm for Silverbolt*

Fireflight: *loving Ratchet's foot*

Optimus: *returning, and sighing a bit before sitting down to give the Aerialbots their fuel* Maybe it'd be better for now if they weren't standing up...

Fireflight: *drops Ratchet's foot and crawls over to get her supper*

Skydive: *quietly* I'm careful.

Silverbolt: *gleesqueal, loves Skydive-brother, ooo, drink!*

Ratchet: Your brother and sisters are still a bit unsteady, Skydive...

Skydive: *nods even as he flails a bit*

Hound: *at the entrance to the hall, watching the rodeo with his usual quiet amazement*

Fireflight: *face in can....*

Ace: Ewww. Flight, no.

Silverbolt: *happy to take small sips and click her delight to Optimus in between sips*

Air Raid: *Trying to work out how to drink, winds up with fuel escaping out the sides of his mouth*

Skydive: *gets a hand free and gets his oil, drinks carefully and tries to share a bit with his brother to help him keep from leaking*

Fireflight: *yup... she's doing like a puppy again*

First Aid: *trying to help Fireflight*

Silverbolt: *Also trying to show Air Raid what to do, through inside talk*

Fireflight: *sitting up now, intent as she drinks from a feeding tube*

Air Raid: *Clicking a bit as he tries imitating Silverbolt and Skydive, and is met with success, though he's still getting fuel all over himself every now and then*

Ace: *looks sideways at Ratchet*

Ratchet: *Amused headshake, will get up to check on Sharpshot*

Skydive: *pauses in his drinking to look toward Bumblebee's room. Quick inside talk with Fireflight and Silverbolt, and then he turns and reaches for Ratchet* Sari needs help.

Ratchet: *small frown, nods and heads for Bumblebee's room*

Silverbolt: *quiet click* Bumblebee-Brother....

Bumblebee: *coughing softly as the medic enters, his face creased with pain*

Sari: *kneeling next to him and trying to help him calm down*

Ratchet: *concerned frown, scans the yellow speedster, even as he moves closer*

Bumblebee: *slight electrical glitch is causing his intakes to hitch slightly, which makes him cough to try and clear something that isn't really there*

Sari: Can bots get pneumonia? *looks up at Ratchet worriedly*

Ratchet: I don't know...but this is just a glitch...and a minor one at that.

Sari: *relief* Fix him?

Bumblebee: *small sound of pain*

Ratchet: *nods, and sets to work correcting the glitch*

Bumblebee: *face relaxes as the misfire stops*

Ratchet: *finishes the repair, and checks Bumblebee's systems while he's thinking of it*

Bumblebee: *running about at about his current regular, though a bit stressed and tired from the coughing* *quietly* Thanks, Doc-bot.

Ratchet: *Gently pats Bumblebee's hand* Not a problem, Bumblebee...get some rest...

Bumblebee: Alright. *wan smile, and then turns his face down toward Sari as she snuggles against him, his systems calming further at her proximity*

Ratchet: *Small smile as he leaves the stasis room*

Fireflight: *sound asleep in the living room with her head on Optimus' leg*

Skydive: *weebling slightly as he gathers up the empty fuel cans*

Silverbolt: *Snuggling Air Raid, who is blinking and fighting sleep*

Bulkhead: *getting up to help Optimus haul his kids to bed*

First Aid: *gently rubbing Fireflight's back and speaking to her*

Ratchet: *quiet chuckle as he heads down the hall to check on Sharpshot and Hound*

Hound: *leaning in his doorway, quietly talking to Blurr. Looks around as Ratchet comes up* Hey, Doc.

Ratchet: *Quietly* How is she doing?

Blurr: *is cradling Shia, while Showtime holds Sunhalo*

Sharpshot: *Curled up on her side, deeply in stasis*

Hound: *looks into the room at his mate, wishing now that they had a spark bond for him to feel her feelings with* Tired.

Sunhalo: *sucking her thumb and leaning back against Aunty*

Ratchet: *small nod* She's been taking in fuel though, right?

Shia: *halfway asleep, watching Hound through half-shuttered optics*

Hound: Yes, sir. I've made sure. Those cookie things seem to settle her tank.

Ratchet: *small chuckle* Well, that's one thing they're good for besides placating the youngbots...

Hound: That little black femme bounced one off someone's head today. *quiet amusement as he remembers the look on the reporter's face plates*

Ratchet: *Raised brow* You mean Stiletto? *small headshake*

Hound: The one that hangs out with the green fellow.

Ratchet: *nods* That'd be Stiletto...if the green fellow was about this tall *holds hand at where the top of Ace's head is*, that's her cousin, Ace...the bigger one is Bulkhead...

Hound: Right. Forgot there were that many of us around. *small chuckle*

Ratchet: *gently pats Hound's shoulder* WakeJumper's spending the night with Deluge, and in the morning, they're both heading to Earth...

Blurr: *Quiet*As will Showtime, Shia, and myself. The councilmechs are still debating about that issue, but now it's looking like they'll have to contact one of the Treaty writers in order to resolve it...We've done our part, it seems...

Hound: *nods, but then looks at Blurr and presses his lip plates together* They're determined to drag Viisaus away from Tau.

Blurr: *small frown, conversing with Showtime over their bond, before he nods, transferring Shia to his mother* Not if I have any say in the matter...Hopefully, I will be back in time to accompany you to Earth, but in case I'm not, Showtime is more than capable of keeping watch over Sharpshot and Sunhalo...

Shia: *Snuggling against Momma and Sunhalo*

Sunhalo: *leans against her little friend, optic shutters drooping contentedly*

Hound: Alright. *still a bit grumped at that councilmech who's causing things to drag out*

Blurr: *pats Hound's shoulder, and heads out to speak to the Council again*

Hound: *turns back to Ratchet as the sounds of Aerialbots being brought to bed in one of the rooms that open off the living room comes from down the hall*

Ace: *looks at cousin* You should go to bed, too.

Stiletto: *Small frown* Why? I'm not that tired...*is getting better at lying, or so she thinks*

Ace: *gives her the look that sees right through her*

Stiletto: *Sulk* Fine...but you need to rest too.

Ace: Yeah. *good natured grin* Want the top bunk?

Stiletto: Only if you're on the bottom bunk...

Ace: *lifts brows with mild surprise that she'd even ask*

Stiletto: *snuggles cousin*

Ace: *gentle pat pat* Dad, you coming? You were up most of the last cycle.

Sides: *nods* Yeah...C'mon Sunshine...*RUNS from Sunny*

Sunny: *DOOM upon sibling*

Ace: *laughs. And then laughs harder as Skydive steps between the brothers*

Skydive: *with perfect Ratchet infliction* Save it, you slaggin' delinquents. There are people trying to recover here!

Lambo Twins: *BHUH?!* ... *Cracking up as they head for bed*

Silverbolt: *sleepily* No say slag...

Skydive: Ratchet says.... *frowning now*

Hound: *from his place against the door frame* *looks at Ratchet with a small smile*

Ratchet: *Facepalming*

Silverbolt: Arcee-Mentor says is bad word...*yawns, snuggleclings Air Raid*

Skydive: *looks at the two of them where they're laying on the blanket pile on the floor of their stasis room by First Aid, who is rubbing Fireflight's back* *then walks over and looks down at Ratchet* Ratchet mentor too.

Ratchet: *Grumbling a bit, sighs, knows he can't win this round* I'll try to stop saying it...

Skydive:  *blinks and looks around, then goes over to the room where dOmega is curled up with his twin younger brothers*  Good night, Omega.  Good night, Arcee.  Good night, Gobaith and Go'el.

dOmega:  *blinks*  Good night, Skydive.  Good dreams.

dGobaith: *clicks to Skydive* Night!

dGo'el: *sleepy wave, snuggles against dOmega*

Arcee: Goodnight, Skydive, pleasant dreams.

Skydive:  *smiles at them, and then frowns*  Where are Scatters and Mistfire and Wheelie and Rumrunner?

dOmega:  They've gone back to Earth.

Skydive:  Earth?

Arcee: *nods* It's where Sari is from.

Skydive:  Did they take a transport?  Is it far away?

Arcee: Earth is very far away...but we'll all be going there soon...

Skydive:  All of us?  *blinks and goes to lay by his siblings and talk inside about this.  Slingshot needs to wake up!*

Silverbolt: *snuggles Skydive, agrees with her brother and adds her opinion. Slingshot-sister needs to wake up so she can have cookies too*

Fireflight: *sound asleep and attached to Optimus*

Skydive: *have to figure out how to wake Slingshot sister up*

Optimus: *Gently rubbing Fireflight's back, being mindful of the femme's wings*

Skydive: *yawwwn* *but they have to sleep first*

Air Raid: *sleepy nod, snuggles First Aid as he drifts off to sleep*

First Aid: *soft croon as she holds the younger bot, then looks up at Optimus with shining optics*

Silverbolt: *yaaawwwwnnn, snuggle sister and brothers* *Can figure out how to wake Slingshot-sister after sleep*

Skydive: *Oppy-mentor pillow, happy sleepy*

Optimus: *small smile, as he leans to gently nuzzle First Aid's helm*

First Aid: *this is where she's happiest, and it shows as she closes her optics for the nuzzle and then gently kisses Optimus on the cheek* *softly* Good night, Optimus.

Optimus: *is glad for the moment of peace, and it shows in his relaxed posture as he responds in like* *softly* Good night, First Aid.

First Aid: *gives him a loving look, and then puts her head down on Air Raid and shutters her optics*

Optimus: *quiet, happy rumble as he gets comfortable and shutters his optics*

Ratchet: *checks on the snugglepile and dims the lights before going to check on Bumblebee and Sari one last time*

((co-written with random_xtras))
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