A bit of OOC info on my characters in the Mansion

Jun 04, 2009 20:33

Desinex's main issue is that she's regretting not seeing what Showtime was trying to tell her, and refusing to believe in her friend's sincerity. She's still in the mindset that "I cannot trust anybody, because they will betray me in the end." She's starting to get past that, but it's not going to be an easy road, despite how she seems to be adapting.

She survived for years by hiding any feelings she might have had for anyone, more as a defense mechanism, and now that she doesn't have to do that, she's a bit uncertain about how she should go about interacting, and as such, has fallen back on the one emotion that she feels she has power over: Anger. She's been using it as a shield to keep others back so she doesn't get hurt, but that shield is starting to crumble. She's already had one breakdown, which did a lot of good for her, but she's still not ready for the peace and rest of the Well of All Sparks.

Desinex's lesson to be learned while she's at the Mansion: It's okay to let go of the fear that's been holding her back for so long.

Update: Desinex has spent a few days contemplating many things, including her choices in the past. She's spent some time in various parts of the mansion, and the grounds around it, just walking around and taking in her surroundings. This has done a lot for easing her fears.

She's started to let go of her anger towards the situations she was in during life, and towards those involved in the situations. She's finally started to trust other mechs and femmes again, though the ones she does trust are a very limited few, and include Optimus, Vector Prime, and Lumen. Chromia will do, she supposes, and the others are tolerable, but she won't trust them unless she absolutely has to.

WakeJumper has a hard time letting go of the past, as evidenced by the fact that he's still bothered by the loss of Showtime when he was working on her. He blamed himself every day for not being able to do more before Showtime's spark went out. This guilt also ties in with the fact that he was unable to return home to see Eclipse before her sparklet was due to be born. In life, he was a mech who tried his hardest to keep his word, and the fact that he was killed in the process of trying to do that for Eclipse has shaken his confidence and his faith in his own abilities.

Having a version of his son to talk(and possibly knock) some sense into him is helping with the lingering feelings of guilt over his death. He'll still continue to blame himself for not being able to help Showtime, but over time, he will be able to see that he did indeed do all he could for her.

WakeJumper's lesson while he is at the Mansion: Learn to let go of the past, and live in the Now.

Perceptor...is in a stage of denial. He is manifesting this denial in being very Obsessive-Compulsive. He has already gone without recharging due to his insistance on organizing and categorizing all the posessions he's found in the drawers on his side of the room he and Chromia share. He's going to get more OCD as time goes on, unless he's forced to confront the fact that yes, he has passed on, but it's okay; he's done his part, and it's okay for him to focus his energies elsewhere.

Perceptor's lesson while he is at the Mansion: RELAX!!!

Chromia's actually the one who got the best deal. She's accepted that she's no longer alive, despite not being ready to join the Well of All Sparks. She's really the most well-adjusted one out of the group of four that I play. She's just sticking around to keep an optic on Perceptor and the others, and to kick the occasional skidplate that needs a good solid kicking. Granted, she misses her sparkmate, but she knows she'll see him again when the time is right.

Chromia's lesson while she is at the Mansion: Let the good times roll!

Eclipse, when she arrives, will be quite withdrawn and quiet, preferring to keep to herself rather than interact with the rest of the beings at the Mansion. This is a carry-over from when she was alive. She spent her life barely staying on the living side of the Veil, more for the sake of the sparklet that she and WakeJumper created than anything else. In the time it took for him to grow up and be put into an adult shell, she was pining for WakeJumper, as a partial bond had formed between them. When she knew for certain that the young mech would be able to survive without her, she passed quietly during a recharge cycle.

In time, once she realizes that the WakeJumper at the Mansion is indeed the mech she was missing, she will begin to recover, and eventually, will be quite talkative, friendly, and bubbly.

Eclipse's lesson while she is at the Mansion: You have never walked alone. Those that you care about and who care about you are always with you.

Mira's arrival, which will be literally moments after Desinex's departure, will be on the heels of her greatest haul as a bounty hunter. She will be upset at first that she will not be able to retire and help Sunhalo take care of the twins. In life, she was someone who understood that all things must pass... She just never really liked admitting that.

Mira's lesson while she is at the Mansion: Chill. Things are going to be okay.
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