I'm in the kittyhouse...

Feb 13, 2017 11:11

I had to take Bandit to the vet hospital this morning, poor furbaby. He's been having problems peeing for a couple of weeks - he is prone to bouts of cystitis, but I've been to the vet three times in that period and he's had painkillers, anti-inflammatories, antibiotics - nothing's having any effect. And he's periodically got blood in what little ( Read more... )

animals: pets

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Comments 6

howlin_wolf_66 February 13 2017, 12:27:44 UTC
Hope things go as well as they can do for poor Bandit and family. :-) *hugs*


beloved4always February 13 2017, 12:35:46 UTC
So sorry to hear this :(. I shudder to think of the Cone of Shame.


brunettepet February 13 2017, 14:03:39 UTC
Poor Bandit and poor you. I hope he's back to normal soon.


desdemonaspace February 14 2017, 02:55:47 UTC
Oh, poor kitty, and poor YOU. My Max had struvite crystals, but luckily it was treatable without surgery and is controlled by diet. NOT cheap, though.


enigmaticblues February 14 2017, 08:27:38 UTC
The first time I had to take Quincey to the vet, it was because she had a touch of colitis, and needed her anal glands expressed. HOO BOY. I got her home, and she proceeded to aggressively ignore me for the next three or four hours. The one time she had to walk past me to get to her food dish, she looked at me and gave this pissed off little mew that I'm sure was the equivalent of, "BITCH." She did forgive me eventually, but I was rather amused, to be honest.


denorios February 14 2017, 08:39:05 UTC
Bandit's not ignoring me, but he's definitely not happy with me. He didn't sleep on my bed last night, and he always does, without fail. But periodically he'd jump up onto the bed, pounce on me to wake me up and then stalk away again. So definitely not happy with me.


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