I'm in the kittyhouse...

Feb 13, 2017 11:11

I had to take Bandit to the vet hospital this morning, poor furbaby. He's been having problems peeing for a couple of weeks - he is prone to bouts of cystitis, but I've been to the vet three times in that period and he's had painkillers, anti-inflammatories, antibiotics - nothing's having any effect. And he's periodically got blood in what little urine he's producing, so they think he may have bladder stones. So off he went to the hospital this morning for an ultrasound to check.

And oh, he is not happy with me. He wasn't allowed any food this morning, he wasn't allowed out - and even though I'd brought the cat carrier out last night rather than this morning, he knew what was coming. I had to cat-handle him out from under the bed this morning, which just stresses both of us out. And I was dreading the car trip since the majority of the time he's in the car for any longer than five minutes he shits himself. Thankfully, I think this time a combination of no food since last night and liberal spraying of Feliway all over the carrier and the car meant no shit.

My poor furbaby. If they do find stones they'll have to operate to remove them, since a urine test already found crystals of a type that can't be dissolved by a special diet. And surgery means...the Cone of Shame. Won't that be fun for all of us?

animals: pets

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