Got an honest-to God Biblical figure in the family...

Feb 13, 2017 14:37

Drum roll, please...

I am related to Saint Luke the Evangelist! Awesome. Bow down, mortals.

I got the results of my DNA analysis back. I'm also related to Napoleon, Marie Antoinette and Queen Victoria and her direct descendants. I am disappointingly 100% European - I was hoping for something a bit more exotic. More specifically, 63.8% British and Irish, 10.1% French and German, and 3.3% Scandinavian, 21.8% 'broadly' Northwestern European (i.e. mongrel!). So a typical modern Brit, I guess - mostly Briton with a bit of Norman, Saxon etc thrown in. There is 0.1% of my DNA from Southern European - maybe a stray Roman?

I also have none of the genetic markers for Parkinson's or the most common strains of breast cancer, which is nice to know. I do have two or the three Alzheimer's variants, so a higher risk of developing that, but that's not a shock since my paternal grandmother had Alzheimer's. But everything else is typical genetically. I also discovered that with my DNA a low fat diet may lead to increased waist circumference but a diet high in monounsaturated fat protects against increased waist circumference and may lead to reductions in BMI! Who knew?

This stuff is fascinating. It tells me my potential resistance to various drugs (I metabolise PPIs rapidly, which may impact their effectiveness!), my genetic risk factors for various conditions, genetic traits - all sorts! I could spend hours poring over this...

real life

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